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小说: jherbert.sepulchre 字数: 每页4000字

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ng; at last some sensibility returning to her gaze。
  'Do you see him; Monk?' Kline's voice was all the more insidious for its guttural roughness。 'He did this to you; made you nothing。 How you'd like to kill him。 But no; my friend; that's impossible for you now。 But I have a use for you。' Fear replaced the hate in the bodyguard's eyes as they darted towards Kline。
  'Another injection; Asil;' Kline told the Arab。 'I don't want the pain to kill him。 The cutting will do that。' The Arab ghosted away。
  'The correct dosage is important;' said Kline; touching his skinless hands to Monk's body。 'Enough so that he doesn't feel the shock of the blade; but not enough to allow dreams to take him from us。 Fortunately Asil has bee something of a specialist over the years。' Anger surged in Halloran; but he held it in check; biding his time。 'You turned Cora into an addict;' he said。
  'Oh no; not an addict; not in the true sense。 Not yet。 She'd be useless to me if she were。 I told you; Asil is expert in such matters。 Cora is dependent on me; not on any drug。' The Arab had returned to Kline's side; in his hand a syringe filled with liquid。 He smoothed away hair on Monk's arm and pierced a vein with the needle。 He emptied half of the liquid into the bodyguard。
  Within moments; the bodyguard's eyes took on a dull glaze and the corners of his mouth flickered。
  'What are you going to do with him?' Halloran asked sharply。
  Kline drew in a long; gravelly breath and gripped the stone to support himself。 Still he managed to grin at Halloran; his peeled lips blood red against the yellow decay of his teeth。 'I'm going to feed off him;' he replied simply。
  In a night of gross horrors; when nightmares were living; Halloran was further repulsed。
  Although delighted with the obvious disfort his words had caused the operative; Kline shook his head。 'Not his flesh; Palusinski can fill himself with that afterwards。 I need something more; Halloran; something that has no substance; no materiality。 The part of him that will be set free at his moment of death。' A luminescence glittered in the darkness of Kline's eyes。 'The ethereal energy that's the source of our existence。 The psyche; Halloran; the soul。 Can you understand that?' Again Halloran felt a loosening of the pressure around his neck。 Daoud's concentration was wavering。 'If I understood; I'd be crazy like you;' the operative replied。
  Kline straightened; his look fixed on the operative。 The bodyguard lying on the stone between them moaned; either with pleasure or trepidation; the emotion was not clear。
  'You're still a mystery to me;' Kline said to the operative。 'My psychic faculties are dimmed where you're concerned。 Why is that; Halloran? What is it about you 。 。 。 ?〃 'I'm just a hired bodyguard; nothing more than that。' Kline's stare did not shift。 'But you're a danger to me。'
  'No; I'm here to prevent any harm ing to you。' Halloran tensed the muscles of his arms; preparing himself to strike; concentrating his strength。 'Tell me; Kline; tell me what this is all about。'
  'I've already explained。'
  'I'd like to know more。 How can you 。 。 。 ?' He couldn't find the words; it felt too ridiculous to try。
  'Tap into someone's soul?' the psychic finished for him。 'Absorb its vitality?' He laughed; a choking in his throat。 'The secret was left for me。' His eyes closed; the lids hideously raw; but his smile was rapturous。 'I learned from the ancient cuneiform writings of the Master himself。 They were hidden away with his remains; spread around him to give sustenance during his long wait。 He drew me to them; so many years ago。 a time of Ignorance for me; when I was a shell waiting to be filled。 I found his works in a chamber; a sepulchre beneath the Royal Cemetery of Ur; and piece by piece I smuggled them out; and piece by piece I had them deciphered so that no one else would understand their full message。 Only then did I assemble them once more; when I knew the power contained within their symbols。 They told of how potent were the powers of the mind; how they could be developed; channelled 。 。 。 how they could create!' He swayed; his eyes remaining closed。 Khayed reached out as if to steady him; but seemed afraid to touch。
  Kline's voice became deeper in tone。 'They taught the delights of perversity; the superiority that es from corruption。 I learned; you see; learned well; became an avid student。 They instructed me in the ways of terror; they showed me how to seek out the evil in others and use it for my own ends。 They revealed how I could escape the degenerating process; the wearing away of flesh and muscle; the shrivelling of body and mind; how the decay could be transposed to others。 They spoke of the secret link between the mind and the earth's own energy; how they could be coupled; and used together。 And I feasted upon the knowledge!' Kline's eyes sprung open; and the blackness in them almost filled the sockets。
  'The price of it all was easy to pay;' he whispered。 'Dissension; wherever it could be spread。 Atrocity; wherever it could be encouraged。 Malevolence; wherever it could be nurtured。 I learned to disperse my disruption; took it to many countries and let it fester。 Because that was his way; and I am his disciple!' Kline's hands were raised to his chests palms upwards; fingers curled into claws。 He shuddered; a movement that threatened his collapse。 But he righted himself; his mouth open in an agitated grin。
  'There was another part to this bargain。' Now he was stooping; twisting into himself。 'An alliance between us。 I was to keep Bel…Marduk forever with me; to sustain his bodily self; to keep it living。' A shiver ran through Halloran。 There was nothing here of the Kline that he knew。 The thing before him was unrecognisable in voice and body。 Halloran felt weakened。
  'You'll see;' said the form opposite。 'You'll understand how we breathe together。' Kline moved away; tottering as if about to fall。 Yet still the Arab by his side was reluctant to take hold of him。 Kline walked awkwardly to an alcove behind the altar; and the others watched; all of them motionless。
  He entered the shadows。
  Halloran heard something being opened。
  Shuffling footsteps。
  Kline returning; carrying something clutched to his chest; into the candle…light 。 。 。
  Away from the bubbling lake they ran; throats roughened by harsh breaths; disarray in their stride。 Two of their panions had been lost to the lightning…seared cauldron; and these remaining three had no intention of joining them; clumsy their flight may have been; pounding rain rendering earth and grass slippery beneath their feet; but their progress was determined; panic lending its own pace。
  Despite himself; a terrible fascination tempted Danny Shay to look back over his shoulder and he uttered a single alarmed cry at what he saw; he stumbled; went down; the man at his heels sprawling over him so that they both rolled in the soaked grass; kicking out at each other。
  Shay sat up; rain streaming into his open mouth; while the other man; Flynn; beat at the earth in pain。 McGuire realised he was alone and stopped; searching behind for the others。
  'Glory God 。 。 。' he moaned when he saw the lake。
  Shay scrambled to his knees and Flynn reached out to grasp his shoulder。 'I've done me ankle; Danny' he shouted over the downpour。 'Give us a hand up!' But Shay stayed motionless; staring into the rain。 Flynn followed his gaze and collapsed back into the grass。
  A shining came from beneath the water's boiling surface; a milky greenness that spread to the shoreline。 A curling mist rose from it; turning in on itself like vapour reaching cooler air。 Geysers popped and spouted; foamy liquid showering down to create ripples; more turmoil。 But something else was disturbing the broad lake's centre。 A great mass; hindered by its own weight; was slowly emerging like some huge sunken wreck pushed to the surface by an eruption on the sea bed。
  This was nothing manmade; though。 It might have been regurgitation of a long…lost island; the waters finally relinquishing their claim。 Except it was a living; pulsating thing。 A mass that swelled and writhed; a gathering in oozing mud of all those nebulous creatures the men had glimpsed earlier beneath the lake's unsettled ceiling; the forms clinging together as if congealed。 Pieces…living things…dropped away as this ill…shaped mountain grew; lake…water drained off to fall with the rain。 Monsters of immense size were among that curling; viscous mass; while leaner shapes wriggled and clung like parasites; the ascending heap never still; constantly bulging and quivering as it rose。
  As the three frightened men watched; a bolt of lightning struck the top; sizzling and charring its uppermost layer as if it were flesh。 Steam rose as the whole mass shrunk in spasm。 It stretched once more; continuing to ascend。 They thought they could hear a shrill wailing beneath the roar of thunder。
  'What is it!' Flynn shrieked close to Shay's ear; the grip on his leader's shoulder tight。
  Shay could only shake his head in a stupefied gesture。
  'Let's leave this heathen place; Danny! There's no good for u

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