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rmal? Halloran had to wonder at the term) excitability subdued。
  'But what good would kidnapping you do?' queried QuinnReece。
  'Maybe the idea's to eliminate me permanently。' Sir Victor and his vice…chairman exchanged astonished glances。
  'I think that would be too extreme; particularly if Consolidated really is involved。 I know the chairman personally and although he's something of a scoundrel; I cannot believe he'd sanction murder。 No; no Felix; that really is beyond the bounds of reason。'
  'Then why do I feel so threatened?' Kline coolly retorted。
  'Uh; perhaps; Felix; perhaps you're overwrought;' Sir Victor suggested cautiously。 'After all; so much reliance on your psychic ability must eventually take its toll。 You know; you haven't had a proper break for quite some time now。' Kline smiled。 And Halloran's eyes narrowed。 Despite everything that had happened over the past few days; he hadn't realised until that moment that there was so much danger in the man。
  'Yes;' the psychic admitted; 'I do feel in need of some rest。 A few more days at Neatly maybe。 And then some travelling。
  Yes; it's time I ventured abroad again。' His smile withered。 'But that doesn't resolve our current crisis。'
  'How often has this other pany managed to beat you to these new locations?' asked Halloran; genuinely interested in Magma's problem。
  Quinn…Reece provided the answer。 'Three times in a period of five months。' Halloran raised his eyebrows。 'That doesn't seem an awful 'I can assure you;' Sir Victor said; 'that in a world of diminishing natural resources; it is。'
  'Couldn't it be coincidence?'
  'We were prepared to accept that on the first two occasions;' replied the chairman。 'But Felix indicated to us only last Thursday that an as yet untapped source of copper could be found in a certain region of Papua New Guinea。 By the time our agent had arranged to see the appropriate authority dealing with land exploration rights; negotiations were already well underway with Consolidated Ores。 These matters are usually dealt with on a first…e; first…served; basis…provided contracts are favourable to the country of origins; naturally。 But no; Mr Halloran; this time we're certain that confidential information is being disclosed outside almost as soon as we; ourselves; learn of new deposits。'
  'Could be they use a psychic of their own。' Sir Victor received the suggestion gravely。 'There is no other person on this earth who can match the sensory ability of Felix Kline。' It was a statement not meant to be argued with; and Halloran saw no point in doing so。
  'How many Magma personnel knew of this recent find?' he asked。
  'Not many;' replied Quinn…Reece; leaning forward and shuffling the papers before him。 'Myself; the chairman; and of course; Felix and Miss Redmile。 At the other end; only the agent whom I contacted。 The news hasn't even been announced to our board of directors; and only one or two of our executives have bee involved since; although we now know that wasn't until after Consolidated made their move。'
  'Don't forget me;' said Halloran。 'It was mentioned to me on the first day I visited Magma。' Sir Victor turned inquiringly to Kline; who nodded。 'As you've only been associated with the Corporation for less than a week; I think we can sensibly discount you as a mole;' the chairman reasoned。
  'Well; your range of suspects is mercifully limited;' said Halloran。 'But before you point a finger at anyone; I suggest you investigate these offices for electronic listening devices and make sure your phones aren't being tapped。 You ought to check that your puter codes haven't been cracked also。 Shield can make a thorough sweep; if you like。'
  'Anti…bugging searches are carried out every week by our own security;' Quinn…Reece assured him。
  'In an irregular pattern? I'd hate to hear; for instance; that you search the offices every Monday morning at nine o'clock。'
  'Our security people aren't that naive; Mr Halloran。'
  'Let's hope they aren't disloyal; either。 And your puter codes?'
  'We've no reason to suspect they've been broken。'
  'Might be an idea to find out if there have been any recorded but unauthorised admissions over the past few months。'
  'That wouldn't have any bearing on our immediate problem;' Sir Victor remarked。
  'No; but locating a hacker might help direct those accusing fingers。' Halloran stared across the room at Kline; who seemed almost dwarfish behind the broad desk; the high; rainspattered window at his back increasing the effect。 'Aside from that;' he said; 'you're the psychic: don't you have an idea who's giving away pany secrets?' Kline returned the Shield man's stare。 'Oh yeah; Halloran;' he said; 'I'm sure I know who's the traitor in our midst。' He looked at each person in the room and his face was expressionless when he spoke。
  'It's Cora;' he told them。
  'If I may say so; m'dear; you don't look at all well。' Cora had taken Shield's Planner to one of Magma's smaller conference rooms on the eighteenth floor; a place used for private meetings with business associates rather than full…scale executive gatherings or board meetings。 Cora had disappeared for a few minutes; returning with tea for them both。 Rather than sit at the room's long table; they had relaxed in easy chairs that were spaced around the walls。 As Cora sipped her tea; Mather noticed a slight tremble in her grip。
  'I sincerely hope this kidnapping business isn't upsetting you too much;' he said soothingly。 'We have you well guarded; you know。 And I promise you; Liam is the best operative we have in this kind of situation。 He has an uncanny instinct for striking before being struck。' He caught her sudden glance at him with the mention of Halloran's name。 Ah; he thought; our man is having an effect on her。
  'I suppose it's made us all nervous;' Cora said。
  But you look as though you haven't slept properly for several weeks; Mather thought to himself。 'Yes; I can appreciate that。 Perhaps the blackguards will be flushed out soon and then we can all get some rest。 Our job isn't only physically to protect the target; we spend a great deal of time searching out those who are the threat。' He deliberately refrained from saying 'or assassins'; unwilling to worry the girl any more than was necessary。 'We've been working on that since we agreed to the assignment。'
  'But without any success。'
  'True; but it's early days。 We'll find out who's causing these problems soon enough; never fear。' He placed the empty teacup in the saucer by his feet。
  'Would you like some more?' she asked。
  'No thank you; one's enough。 Of course; these villains might well have cried off after their unsuccessful attempt the other day。 Nothing like a show of strength to make such thugs turn tail and run。' He smiled; doing his best to reassure her。
  Cora merely stared blankly into her teacup。 Her question was tentative。 'Liam would kill anyone he considered to be a danger; wouldn't he?' Mother was slightly taken aback。 'Why; yes; if that was the only way。 However; he isn't a murderer; Miss Redmile。 He'll only take what measures are necessary to retrieve a situation。 I can assure you that Achilles' Shield is a law…abiding organisation which doesn't employ reckless hit…men。 All right; it must be confessed; we sometimes bend the rules here and there; but our operatives are trained to control a situation rather than be pressured by it。'
  'He 。 。 。' Cora looked up and Mother saw the anxiety there 。 。 。 he frightens me。' Mother's short laugh was meant to be encouraging。 'There's nothing you need fear from Liam;' he told her。
  'What makes such a person deal in violence? He can be so gentle; and yet 。 。 。' Oh dear; mused Mather; it's gone deeper than I'd imagined。 'Liam is essentially employed to deter violence;' he said。
  'You know it's there inside him; a terrible coldness。 Sometimes; when he smiles; you can see it in his eyes。 I could easily believe he has no conscience。'
  'Perhaps you've mistaken that coldness for an immunity against 。 。 。 well; it's difficult to put a word on it; but you might consider it as an immunity against 。 。 。 forgiveness。 Liam is unremitting; relentless even; when he; or others in his charge; are threatened。 I don't believe he's a man who would ever seek vengeance; but nor is he one to turn the other cheek。' Mother tapped his cane against the shoe on his outstretched foot。 'Let me tell you something of his background; then perhaps you'll understand him a little more。' She appeared apprehensive; as though uncertain that she really wanted to know too much about the man。
  'Liam's father; Pat Halloran; was a captain in the British Army; who met Siobhan; his future wife; while on leave in Southern Ireland…apparently he was a keen walker and angler; so what better place to spend his free time? He was also of Irish descent himself; so felt a natural affinity to the country。 He returned some months later; proposed to the girl; was promptly accepted; and both came back to London where they were married。 Within a year; Liam was born。' Mother reached down and retrieved his cup from the floor。 。Perhaps I will have more tea; m'dear。'

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