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 they were knocking on a door。 Then; amazingly; a doorway had opened and they had moved on into a long green…lit corridor; the doorway sealing behind them silently。 He remembered other people … men and gorgeous tall healthy women … ing to meet the men who carried him。 These people wore white uniforms。
 He had been placed on the table and wheeled down a maze of corridors to a white room。 He remembered tubes being stuck into his arms and a kindly old man the others called Dr。 Schecter leaning over him and doing things with instruments that beeped and clicked。 Then there had been the blissful warm darkness。 And when he awoke … the doctor had said; 〃How are you?〃
 The man called Rath had e; questioned him briefly; and told him to rest again。 In response to Danik's own questions they had given him his first sleep…learning tape; the one that told the history of Century City。 He could practically recite it:
 On one fateful fall day in 1989; the skies over America had filled with death。 Death ing in the form of a thousand nuke warheads fired by the Soviet Union; a surprise attack that was to devastate the United States。 A surprise attack that would raise clouds of deadly fallout that would also make much of the world … including the Soviet Union … a radioactive desert。 Madness。 And yet it happened 。 。 。 But that was only the beginning; not the end。
 Oh; what a story came next。 The building of Century City。 The story of a proud and brave people … Americans; surviving。 Men and women trapped in their vehicles in the miles…long highway tunnel near Denver; sealed off from the fallout by avalanches; had dug out。 They'd seen what had happened and sealed themselves in again。 There were trailer trucks of supplies on that buried road; and men and women with all sorts of skills。 They endured。 They had slowly; over a hundred years; carved out this fantastic city; and still fought the Soviet occupiers of America。 Century City; the product of the survivors of a nation of tinkerers … tinkerers like Edison; Ford; Du Mont; tinkerers with visions; with no holds on their imagination … because they were free。
 The tape had told Danik of the century…plus of struggle against the brutal occupiers; and of the millions of less fortunate Americans that lived in fortress cities of the conquering armies of Russia; as slaves … slaves that toiled for their masters sixteen hours a day seven days a week; to supply the Reds with all their clothing; weapons; and foodstuffs。
 But there was more; much more to America than slavery。 Danik had learned that a league of hidden free cities … some small military bases; some large plexes like Century City; existed in the Rocky Mountains。 These hidden bases were waging a successful guerrilla war against the Russians。 And the leader of that epic struggle was the man he had met just that afternoon; the man they called the Doomsday Warrior。 Which was why Danik was anxious to listen to Rockson's exploits now。 He adjusted the earphones; Danik fell asleep and dreamed。 The dream he dreamed … pliments of the sleep tape … told the story of the Doomsday Warrior。 From the time Ted Rockson had wandered into Century City as a teenage boy: Rockson's parents; who had lived with him far into the wilderness; were killed by a KGB patrol。 Rockson had journeyed through the wilderness to Century City virtually unarmed。 He ate what he found or killed。 The distance was a thousand miles。 Once in the free fortress…city; he quickly rose through the ranks of Freefighters to mand position; first as a lieutenant; eventually being a general; and then; finally mander of all the Resistance forces。 The tape summarized; in varying detail; many of Rockson's exploits; especially the last。 It had been a mission to the Arctic Circle itself; after a madman named Killov; who threatened the world from the bitter darkness of the northern winter with deadly atomic missiles。 Ted Rockson had trekked to the north and challenged Killov and his KGB army with a mere handful of panions … the Rock Team; as he called them。
 The Rock Team were seven individuals of rare skills and fighting abilities。 Besides Rockson; it consisted of Detroit Green; the bullnecked black man … a crack shot and a fearsome opponent in hand…to…hand。 Green was a champion grenade thrower。 He always carried twin bandoliers with dozens of his 〃pineapples〃 attached to them across his chest。
 Then there was Chen; the martial arts expert with the pencil…thin moustache。 He had taught Rockson his fighting skills。 Chen carried a beltload of shuriken; or star…knives。 Some of the five… and six…pointed metal stars were for slicing throats at a hundred yards。 Others were more lethal; carrying mini plastic charges of explosive; for ripping apart enemy units。
 McCaughlin; a seven…foot…tall bear of a man; not light on his feet of course; but a real powerhouse; was a human battering ram most useful when a door that couldn't be opened had to be。 The crew…cut Scots…American was a crack shot with the 9mm Liberator rifle。 But more important; he was a real humorist。 Often; he was the morale builder of the Rock Team。 When things got rough; when all hope appeared lost; McCaughlin's gentle wit and wry jokes saved the day。 He was a must on every mission。
 Then there was Archer; the near…mute mountain man who Rockson had once saved from a quicksand pool。 Archer was the oddest of the bunch。 He lived deep in the twisting maze of conduit tunnels deep below Century City; preferring isolation and quiet to panionship。 And why not? Archer; named thus because of his fantastic homemade metal crossbow and the special arrows that he always carried; had lived alone most of his life。 Until he was found in his desperate condition by Rockson。 Now Archer had allegiance to Rockson and Rockson alone。 Because he always wore his same bearskin clothing; and seldom if ever bathed; some inhabitants of the rather neat underground city shunned him … and he shunned them。 Still; when out in the open; his scent wasn't too bad; and he was a good man to have around。
 Scheransky was the latest addition to the team led by the Doomsday Warrior。 He was a Russian defector; who liked to describe himself as 〃Russian; not Soviet。〃 He was proud of his people and their ingenuity and many achievements; and lived for the day when the hated dictatorship of his native land could be brought down to let democracy finally reign。 A short man; he had once been chubby; but now this dark…eyed; blond…haired technical wizard had slimmed down; gotten hard and muscled in the fight for freedom。
 Rona Wallender; the only female member of the Rockson team; had been left behind on the Rock Team mission to Alaska。 Not that the Amazon…like tanned beauty had wanted to be left behind。 She was a crack shot; and trained in survival and the martial arts。 Frequently; Rona was Rockson's panion when he hunted bear and deer in the wilderness of the Rockies。 And the stunning redhead; all five foot ten of her; never failed to bag her share of dangerous quarry。 She had been Rockson's lover for years。 Not that the Doomsday Warrior didn't dally here and there with other females from time to time。
 Danik learned that last Rock Team mission to save freedom had ended with a triumph for his forces of liberty。 While the Rock Team had engaged Killov's army in a deadly firefight in the Arctic darkness; the Doomsday Warrior had mandeered a Soviet jet and chased after the deadly missile launched by KGB head Killov。 Rockson had destroyed Killov's deadly missile in midair。 Then Rockson had crash…landed in the desert。 And after being captured by a Soviet patrol; he had encountered a strange megastorm。 The nature of that storm; and its consequences for Rockson; was classified material; and not available on tape。
 The taped account of the adventure finished with the Doomsday Warrior staggering into Century City's south portal nine months ago; about as near death as Danik had been。
 When he awoke; Danik had only one thing in mind。 To travel to Eden with this man…among…men; with this hero of the twenty…first century; Ted Rockson; and his team of Freefighters。 If Danik should die; then it would be a noble death; to be among such brave warriors。
 After a breakfast of fresh scrambled hawk eggs and coffee; served in his room by a pretty orderly named Janet; Danik eagerly set off down the corridors he was being familiar with to his morning meeting with the entire Rock Team。 Danik was elated。 He had remembered something。 Not much; but something。 Perhaps it would be enough。
 Rockson had gathered most of the Rock Team in the Security office。 They sat with notepads in front of them; around the shiny…surfaced conference table。 Rath was there of course too。 The door opened a moment after the bat veterans had all arrived。 Rock looked up; expecting to see Danik。 But instead it was Rona。 All dressed up in full bat gear。
 〃Rona; what the hell are you doing down here?〃 he bellowed。
 〃I want in on this one。 Rock。 You left me out of the Alaska mission … I'm going on this one。〃
 〃Like hell you are。 I'm only taking members of my northern team。 The winter team。 You're out。〃
 〃I'm in。〃
 Rock sighed; 〃Look Rona; there probably isn't a mission at all。 I assume you're familiar by now with 

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