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 They stared at him and the clerk with the broom and every other pedestrian。
  An attendant in the reading room said: 〃Good morning。 The newspapers aren't ready。〃
  She hadn't finished the chore of rubber…stamping the library name on each of the front pages; or of placing the steel rods through the newspaper centerfolds。 A hanging rack stood empty; awaiting the dailies。 An upside…down headline read: JCS DENIED BAIL。
  Chaney said: 〃No hurry。 I would like the merce and Agriculture yearbooks for the past two years; and the Congressional Record for six or eight weeks。〃 He knew that Saltus and the Major would buy newspapers as soon as they reached town。
  〃All the governmental publications are in aisle two; on your left。 Will you need assistance?〃
  〃No; thanks。 I know my way through them。〃
  He found what he wanted and settled down to read。
  The lower house of Congress was debating a tax reform bill。 Chaney laughed to himself and noted the date of the Record was just three weeks before election。 In some few respects the debate seemed a filibuster; with a handful of representatives from the oil and mineral states engaging in a running argument against certain of the proposals on the pious grounds that the socalled reforms would only penalize those pioneers who risk capital in the search for new resources。 The gentleman from Texas reminded his colleagues that many of the southwestern fields had run dry…the oil reserves exhausted…and the Alaskan fields were yet ten years from anticipated capacity。 He said the American consumer was facing a serious oil and gasoline shortage in the near future; and he got in a blow at the utility people by reminding that the hoped…for cheap power from nuclear reactors was never delivered。
  The gentleman from Oregon once injected a plea to repeal the prohibition on cutting timber; claiming that not only were outlaw lumberjacks doing it; but that foreign opportunists were flooding the market with cheap wood。 The presiding officer ruled that the gentleman's remarks were not germane to the discussion at hand。
  The Senate appeared to be operating at the customary hectic pace。
  The gentleman from Delaware was discussing the intent of a resolution to improve the lot of the American Indian; by explaining that his resolution would direct the Bureau of Indian Affairs to act on a previous resolution passed in 1954; directing them to terminate government control of the Indians and return their resources to them。 The gentleman plained that no worthwhile action had been taken on the 1954 resolution and the plight of the Indian was as sorry as ever; he urged his fellows to give every consideration to the new resolution; and hoped for a speedy passage。
  The sergeant…at…arms removed several people from the balcony who were disturbing the chamber。
  The gentleman from South Carolina inveighed against a phenomenon he called 〃an alarming tide of ignorants〃 now flowing from the nation's colleges into government and industry。 He blamed the shameful tide on 〃the radical…left revamping and reduction of standard English courses by misguided professors in our institutions of higher learning;〃 and urged a return to the more rigorous disciplines of yesteryear when every student could 〃read; write; and talk good American English in the tradition of their fathers。〃
  The gentleman from Oklahoma caused to be inserted in the Record a plete news item circulated by a press wire service; plaining that the nation's editors had either ignored it or relegated it to the back pages; which was a disservice to the war effort。
  Saigon (AP): General David W。 Grinnell arrived in Saigon Saturday to assess what progress South Asian Special Forces have made in assuming a bigger share of the fighting chores。 Grinnell; making his third visit to the war zone in two years; said he was keenly interested in the course of the so…called Asian Citizen Program; and planned to talk to the fighting men in the countryside to find out first…hand how things were going。
  With additional American troop mitments pegged in part on the effectiveness of South Asian Special Forces (SASF); Grinnell's visit sparked rumors of a fresh troop build…up in the hard hit northern sectors。 Unofficial estimates set a figure of two million Americans now in bat in the Asian Theater; which the military mand refuses to confirm or deny。 Asked about new arrivals; Grinnell said: 〃That is something the President will have to decide at the proper time。〃 General Grinnell will confer with American military and civilian officials on all fighting fronts before returning to Washington next week。
  Chaney closed the record with a sense of despair and pushed the stack aside。 Wanting to lose himself in less depressing but more familiar matters; he opened a copy of the current merce yearbook and sought out the statistical tables that were his stock in trade。
  The human lemmings hadn't changed their habits。 A bellwether indicating the migration patterns from one area to another was the annual ton…miles study of interstate shipments of household goods; the family that removed together grooved together。 The flow continued into California and Florida; as he had forecast; and the adjoining tables revealed corresponding increases in tonnage for consumer durabics and foodstuffs not indigenous to those states。 The shipment of automobiles (assembled; new) into California had sharply decreased; and that surprised him。 He had supposed that the proposal to ban automobiles in the state by 1985 would only result in an accelerated flow…a kind of hoarding…but the current figures suggested that state officials had found a way to discourage hoarding and depress the market at the same time。 Prohibitive taxation; most likely。 New York City should note the success of the program。
  Chaney began filling his notebook。
  The measured tolling of a bell somewhere outside the library brought him up from the book with surprise; and a flurry of aged men from the newspaper racks toward the door underscored the passage of time。 It was the noon hour。
  Chaney put away the government publications and cast a speculative eye on the attendant。 A girl had replaced the older woman on duty earlier。 He studied her for a space and decided on an approach least likely to arouse suspicion。
  〃Excuse me。〃
  〃Yes?〃 The girl looked up from a copy of Teen Spin。 Chaney consulted his notebook。 〃Do you remember the date of the Chicago wall? The first date…the earliest beginning? I can't pin it down。〃
  The girl stared into the air above his head and said: 〃I think it was in August 。 。 。 no; no; it was the last week of July。 I'm pretty sure it was the last of July。〃 Her gaze came down to his。 〃We have the news magazines on file if you want me to get it for you。〃
  Chaney caught the hint。 〃Don't bother; I'll look。 Where are those files?〃
  She pointed behind him。 〃Fourth aisle; next to the windows。 They may not be in chronological order。〃
  〃I'll find them。 Thank you。〃 Her head was already bending over the magazine as he turned away。
  The Chicago wall ran down the middle of Cermak Road。
  It stretched from Burnham Park on the lakefront (where it consisted only of barbed wire); westward to Austin Avenue in Cicero (where it finally ended in another loose skein of barbed wire in a white residential neighborhood)。 The wall was built of cement and cinder blocks; of wrecked or stolen automobiles; burnedout shells of city buses; sabotaged police cars; looted and stripped semi…trailer trucks; of upended furniture; broken concrete; bricks; debris; garbage; excretion。 Two corpses were a part of it between Ashland and Paulina Street。 The barrier began going up on the night of July twenty…ninth; the third night of widespread rioting along Cermak Road; it was lengthened and reinforced every night thereafter as the idea spread until it was a fifteenmile barricade cutting a city in two。
  The black munity south of Cermak Road had begun the wall at the height of the rioting; as a means of preventing the passage of police and fire vehicles。 Both blacks and belligerent whites pleted it。 The corpses near Paulina Street had been foolish men who attempted to cross it。
  There was no traffic over the wall; nor through it; nor along the north…south arteries intersecting Cermak Road。 The Dan Ryan Expressway had been dynamited at 35th Street and again at 63rd Street; the Stevenson Expressway was breached at Pulaski Road。 Aerial reconnaissance reported that nearly every major street in the sector was blocked or otherwise unfit for vehicular traffic; fires raged unchecked on South Halsted; and cattle had been loosed from their pens in the stockyards。 Police and Army troops patrolled the city above the wall; while black militants patrolled below it。 The government made no effort to penetrate the barrier; but instead appeared to be playing a waiting game。 Rail and highway traffic from the east and south was routed in a wide swing around the zone; entering the city above the wall to the west; civilian air traffic was restricted to higher elevations。 Road blocks were thrown up at the Indiana line; and along Interstate 80。

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