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 ;Go ana bopa ─Watto yelled at the trio察and on his mand察they immediately shut down and snapped back into their storage position。
 ;Ding mi chasa hopa察─Anakin offered察taking the piece of the broken droid from Watto察and manipulating it expertly。 Watto watched him for a moment察his buglike eyes growing even larger in surprise。
 ;Ke booda拭─he asked。 ;Yo baan pee hota。 No wega mi condorta。 Kin chasa du Jedi。 No bata tu tu。;
 ;He doesn't know you察─Padme whispered to Anakin察trying to hold back her laughter at Watto's last statement察which translated to ;Whatever it is察I didn't do it。;
 ;Mi boska di Shmi Skywalker察─Anakin bluntly stated。
 Watto's eyes narrowed suspiciously。 Who would be looking for his old slave拭The Toydarian's gaze went from Anakin to Padme察then back to Anakin。
 ;Annie拭─he asked in Basic。 ;Little Annie拭Naaah 
 Anakin's answer came with a deft twist of his hands察and the sound of the little piece of equipment whirring to life。 Smiling widely察he handed it back to Watto。
 There weren't many around who could work such magic on broken droid parts。
 ;You are Annie ─the Toydarian cried。 ;It is you ─His wings started beating furiously察lifting him from the stool to hover in the air。 ;Ya sure sprouted 
 ;Weehoo ─the Toydarian cried。 ;A Jedi Waddya know拭Hey察maybe you couldda help wit some deadbeats who owe me a lot of money´;
 ;My mother´; Anakin prompted。
 ;Oh yeah察Shmi。 She's not mine no more。 I sold her。;
 ;Sold her拭─Anakin felt Padme squeeze his forearm。
 ;Years ago察─Watto explained。 ;Sorry察Annie察but you know察business is business。 Sold her to a moisture farmer named Lars。 Least I think it was Lars。 Believe it or not察I heard he freed her and married her。 Can ya beat that拭
 Anakin just shook his head察trying hard to digest it all。 ;Do you know where they are拭
 ;Long way from here。 Someplace over on the other side of Mos Eisley察I think。;
 ;Could you narrow it down拭
 Watto thought about it for a moment察then just shrugged。 ;I'd like to know察─Anakin said察his tone and expression grim and determined察even threatening。 The way Watto's features seemed to tighten showed that he got the hint that Anakin wasn't fooling around。
 ;Yeah察sure察─he said。 ;Absolutely。 Let's go look at my records。; The three went into the shop察and seeing the place brought memories swirling back to Anakin。 How many hours察years察he had toiled in here察fixing everything Watto threw his way。 And out back察where he had put all the spare parts he could find察so that he could build a Podracer。 Not all of the memories were bad察he had to admit察but the good ones did not overe the reality that he had been a slave。 Watto's slave。
 Fortunately for Watto察his records gave a location for the moisture farm of one Cliegg Lars。
 ;Stay a while察Annie察─the Toydarian offered after sharing the information on Shmi's new owner´or was it her husband
 Without a word察Anakin turned about and walked away。 This was the last time he would look at Watto and the shop察he decided。 Unless of course察he found out that Watto was lying to him about Shmi's fate察or that Watto had somehow hurt his mother。
 ;Back to the lot察Espasa察─he said to the droid as he and Padme rushed back to the rickshaw。 ;Fast。;
 ;Ya sure I can't get ya something to drink拭─Watto called to them from the door of his shop察but they were already rushing away察kicking up dust in their wake。
 ;Annie du Jedi察─Watto remarked察and he waved both his hands dismissively at the departing rickshaw。 ;Waddya know。;
  Anakin took the starship out even more furiously than he had brought it in察blasting away from the lot and nearly colliding with a small freighter as it maneuvered to put down。 Calls of protest came into him from Mos Espa control察but he just switched off the m and zoomed off across the city。 Soon after察they passed over the race grounds where the younger Anakin had often raced in his Pods察but he barely glanced at it as he put the ship out straight over the desert察heading for Mos Eisley。 When that port came into view察he veered to the north and crossed past it察moving higher in the sky。 They spotted one moisture farm察and then another察and then the third察almost in a direct line from the city。
 ;That one察─Padme said。 Anakin nodded grimly察and brought the ship down on a bluff overlooking the homestead。
 ;I'm really going to see her again察─he breathed察shutting down the engines。
 Padme squeezed his arm and offered him a forting smile。
 ;You don't know what it's like察to leave your mother like that察─he said。
 ;I leave my family all the time察─she replied。 ;But you're right。 It's not the same。 I can't imagine what it's like to be a slave察Anakin。; ;It's worse to know that your mother is one。; Padme nodded察conceding the point。
 ;Stay with the ship察Artoo察─she instructed the droid察who beeped in reply。 The first form that came into view as they walked toward the homestead was that of a very thin droid察dull gray in color察with weatherbeaten metal coverings。 Obviously in need of a good oil bath察he bent stiffly and worked on some sort of fence sensor。 Then he rose with a jerky motion察seeing their approach。 ;Oh察hello察─he greeted。 ;How might I be of service拭I am See´; ;Threepio拭─Anakin said breathlessly察hardly believing his eyes。 ;Oh my ─the droid exclaimed察and he began to shake violently。 ;Oh察my maker Master Anakin I knew you would return I knew you would And this must be Miss Padme ─ Hello察Threepio察─Padme said。 ;Oh察my circuits I'm so pleased to see you both ─ I've e to see my mother察─Anakin explained。
 The droid turned sharply up toward him察then seemed to shrink back。
 ;I think 。。。 I think察─C´3PO stuttered。 ;Perhaps we'd better go indoors。; He turned toward the homestead察motioning with his hand for the couple to follow。
 Anakin and Padme exchanged nervous glances。 Anakin could not shake the feeling of doom that lingered long after the imagery of his nightmares had faded 。 。 。
 By the time they caught up to the droid察he was in the courtyard察shouting察 Master Cliegg Master Owen Might I present two important visitors拭
 A young man and woman came rushing out of the house almost immediately察but slowed at the site of Padme and Anakin。 ;I'm Anakin Skywalker察─Anakin said at once。 ;Anakin拭─the man echoed察his eyes going wide。 ;Anakin 
 The woman at his side brought her hand up to cover her mouth。 ;Anakin the Jedi察─she whispered breathlessly。
 ;You know of me拭Shmi Skywalker is my mother。;
 ;Mine察too察─said the man。 ;Not my real mom察─he added at Anakin's obviously puzzled look察 but as real a mom as I've ever known。; He extended his hand。 ;Owen Lars。 This is my girlfriend察Beru Whitesun。; Beru nodded and said察 Hello。;
 Padme察after giving up on Anakin ever remembering to introduce her察came forward。 ;I'm Padme。;
 ;I guess I'm your stepbrother察─Owen said察his eyes never leaving the young Jedi of whom he had heard so very much。 ;I had a feeling you might show up。;
 ;Is my mother here拭
 ;No察she's not察─came a gruff answer from behind Owen and Beru察from the shadows of the house door。 All four turned to see a heavyset man glide out on a hoverchair。 One of his legs was heavily bandaged察the other察missing察and Anakin knew at once that these were fairly recent wounds。 His heart seemed to leap into his throat。
 ;Cliegg Lars察─the man said察moving in close and extending his hand。 ;Shmi is my wife。 We should go inside。 We have a lot to talk about。; Anakin followed as if in a dream察a very horrible dream。
 ;It was just before dawn察─Cliegg was saying察gliding toward the table in the homestead kitchen with Owen beside him察while Beru peeled off to gather some food and drinks for the guests。
 ;They came out of nowhere察─Owen added。
 ;A band of Tusken Raiders察─Cliegg explained。 A sinking feeling nearly buckled Anakin's knees and he slumped into a seat across from Owen。 He'd had some experience with Tusken Raiders察but on a very limited basis。 Once he had tended the wound of one gravely injured Raider察and when the Tusken's friends showed up察they had let him go´ something unheard of among the more civilized species of Tatooine。 But still察despite that one anomaly察Anakin didn't like hearing the name of Shmi spoken in the same breath as the grim words察Tusken Raiders。
 ;Your mother had gone out early察like she always did察to pick mushrooms that grow on the vaporators察─Cliegg explained。 ;From the tracks察she was about halfway home when they took her。 Those Tuskens walk like men察but they're vicious察mindless monsters。;
 ;We'd seen many signs that they were about察─Owen piped in。 ;She shouldn't have gone out 
 ;We can't live huddled in fear ─Cliegg scolded察but he calmed at once and turned back to Anakin。 ;All signs were that we'd chased the Tuskens away。 We didn't know how strong this raiding band was´stronger than anything any of us have ever seen。 Thirty of us went out after Shmi。 Four of us came back。;
 He grimaced and rubbed his leg察and Anakin felt the man's pain clearly。
 ;I'd still be out there察only 。 。 。 after I lost my leg 。。。 '; Cliegg nearly broke down察and it struck Anakin

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