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the lesser bourgeoisie-第92节

小说: the lesser bourgeoisie 字数: 每页4000字

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  me that you were guilty of that abuse of confidence (about which I
  intended to write you a piece of my mind) in order to give a
  knock…down blow to my relations by proving that a man capable of
  making such complicated calculations as your discovery required
  was not a man to put in a lunatic asylum or drag before a
  judiciary council。 That argument pleases me; and it makes such a
  good answer to the infamous proceedings of my relations that I
  praise you for having had the idea。 But you sold it to me; that
  argument; pretty dear when you put me in company with a star; for
  you know very well THAT propinquity wouldn't please me at all。 It
  is not at my age; and after solving the great problem of perpetual
  motion; that a man could take up with such rubbish as that;good
  only for boys and greenhorns like you; and that is what I have
  taken the liberty this morning to go and tell the minister of
  public instruction; by whom I must say I was received with the
  most perfect urbanity。 I asked him to see whether; as he had made
  a mistake and sent them to the wrong address; he could not take
  back his cross and his pension;though to be sure; as I told him;
  I deserved them for other things。

  〃The government;〃 he replied; 〃is not in the habit of making
  mistakes; what it does is always properly done; and it never
  annuls an ordinance signed by the hand of his Majesty。 Your great
  labors have deserved the two favors the King has granted you; it
  is a long…standing debt; which I am happy to pay off in his name。〃

  〃But Felix?〃 I said; 〃because after all for a young man it is not
  such a bad discovery。〃

  〃Monsieur Felix Phellion;〃 replied the minister; 〃will receive in
  the course of the day his appointment to the rank of Chevalier of
  the Legion of honor; I will have it signed this morning by the
  king。 Moreover; there is a vacant place at the Academy of
  Sciences; and if you are not a candidate for it〃

  〃I; in the Academy!〃 I interrupted; with the frankness of speech
  you know I always use; 〃I execrate academies; they are stiflers;
  extinguishers; assemblages of sloths; idlers; shops with big signs
  and nothing to sell inside〃

  〃Well; then;〃 said the minister; smiling; 〃I think that at the
  next election Monsieur Felix Phellion will have every chance; and
  among those chances I count the influence of the government which
  is secured to him。〃

  There; my poor boy; is all that I have been able to do to reward
  your good intentions and to prove to you that I am no longer
  angry。 I think the relations are going to pull a long face。 Come
  and talk about it to…day at four o'clock;for I don't dine after
  bedtime; as I saw some people doing last night in a house where I
  had occasion to mention your talents in a manner that was very
  advantageous to you。 Madame Lambert; who does better with a
  saucepan than with pen and ink; shall distinguish herself; though
  it is Friday; and she never lets me off a fast day。 But she has
  promised us a fish dinner worthy of an archbishop; with a fine
  half…bottle of champagne (doubled if need be) to wash it down。

Your old professor and friend;
Picot (Nepomucene);
Chevalier of the Legion of honor。

  P。S。Do you think you could obtain from your respectable mother a
  little flask of that old and excellent cognac you once gave me?
  Not a drop remains; and yesterday I was forced to drink some stuff
  only fit to bathe horses' feet; as I did not hesitate to say to
  the beautiful Hebe who served it to me。

〃Of course he shall have some;〃 said Madame Phellion; 〃not a flask;
but a gallon。〃

〃And I;〃 said Minard; 〃who pique myself on mine; which didn't come
from Brigitte's grocer either; I'll send him several bottles; but
don't tell him who sent them; Monsieur le chevalier; for you never can
tell how that singular being will take things。〃

〃Wife;〃 said Phellion; suddenly; 〃get me my black coat and a white

〃Where are you going?〃 asked Madame Phellion。 〃To the minister; to
thank him?〃

〃Bring me; I say; those articles of habiliment。 I have an important
visit to make; and Monsieur le maire will; I know; excuse me。〃

〃I myself must be off;〃 said Minard。 〃I; too; have important business;
though it isn't about a star。〃

Questioned in vain by Felix and his wife; Phellion completed his
attire with a pair of white gloves; sent for a carriage; and; at the
end of half an hour; entered the presence of Brigitte; whom he found
presiding over the careful putting away of the china; glass; and
silver which had performed their several functions the night before。
Leaving these housekeeping details; she received her visitor。

〃Well; papa Phellion;〃 she said; when they were both seated in the
salon; 〃you broke your word yesterday; you were luckier than the rest。
Do you know what a trick that notary played us?〃

〃I know all;〃 said Phellion; 〃and it is the check thus unexpectedly
given to the execution of your plans that I shall take for the text of
an important conversation which I desire to have with you。 Sometimes
Providence would seem to take pleasure in counteracting our best…laid
schemes; sometimes; also; by means of the obstacles it raises in our
path; it seems to intend to indicate that we are bearing too far to
the right or to the left; and should pause to reflect upon our way。〃

〃Providence!〃 said Brigitte the strong…minded;〃Providence has
something else to do than to look after us。〃

〃That is one opinion;〃 said Phellion; 〃but I myself am accustomed to
see its decrees in the little as well as the great things of life; and
certainly; if it had allowed the fulfilment of your engagements with
Monsieur de la Peyrade to be even partially begun yesterday; you would
not have seen me here to…day。〃

〃Then;〃 said Brigitte; 〃do you think that by default of a notary the
marriage will not take place? They do say that for want of a monk the
abbey won't come to a standstill。〃

〃Dear lady;〃 said the great citizen; 〃you will do me the justice to
feel that neither I; nor my wife; have ever attempted to influence
your decision; we have allowed our young people to love each other
without much consideration as to where that attachment would lead〃

〃It led to upsetting their minds;〃 said Brigitte; 〃that's what love
is; and that's why I deprived myself of it。〃

〃What you say is; indeed; true of my unfortunate son;〃 resumed
Phellion; 〃for; notwithstanding the noble distractions he has
endeavored to give to his sorrow; he is to…day so miserably overcome
by it that this morning; in spite of the glorious success he has just
obtained; he was speaking to me of undertaking a voyage of
circumnavigation around the globe;a rash enterprise which would
detain him from his native land at least three years; if; indeed; he
escaped the dangers of so prolonged a journey。〃

〃Well;〃 said Brigitte; 〃it isn't a bad idea; he'll return consoled;
having discovered three or four more new stars。〃

〃His present discovery suffices;〃 said Phellion; with double his
ordinary gravity; 〃and it is under the auspices of that triumph; which
has placed his name at so great a height in the scientific world; that
I have the assurance to say to you; point…blank: Mademoiselle; I have
come to ask you; on behalf of my son; who loves as he is beloved; for
the hand in marriage of Mademoiselle Celeste Colleville。〃

〃But; my dear man;〃 replied Brigitte; 〃it is too late; remember that
we are DIAMETRICALLY engaged to la Peyrade。〃

〃It is never; they say; too late to do well; and yesterday it would
have been in my judgment too early。 My son; having to offer an
equivalent for a fortune; could not say to you until to…day: 'Though
Celeste; by your generosity has a 〃dot〃 which mine is far from
equalling; yet I have the honor to be a member of the Royal order of
the Legion of honor; and shortly; according to appearance; I shall be
a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences; one of the five branches of
the Institute。'〃

〃Certainly;〃 said Brigitte; 〃Felix is getting to be a very pretty
match; but we have passed our word to la Peyrade; the banns are
published at the mayor's office; and unless something extraordinary
happens the contract will be signed。 La Peyrade is very busy about
Thuillier's election; which he has now got into good shape; we have
capital engaged with him in the affair of this newspaper; and it would
be impossible to go back on our promise; even if we wished to do so。〃

〃So;〃 said Phellion; 〃in one of the rare occasions of life when reason
and inclination blend together; you think you must be guided solely by
the question of material interests。 Celeste; as we know; has no
inclination for Monsieur de la Peyrade。 Brought up with Felix〃

〃Brought up with Felix!〃 interrupted Brigitte。 〃She was given a period
of time to choose between Monsieur de la Peyrade and your son;that's
how we coerce her; if you please;and she would not take Monsieur
Felix; whose atheism is too well known。〃

〃You are mistaken; mademoiselle; my son is not an atheist; for
Voltaire himself doubted if there could be atheists; and no later than
yesterday; in this house; an ecclesiastic; as admira

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