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eben holden-第6节

小说: eben holden 字数: 每页4000字

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ot o' needles prickin' his back。 Made him jump 'n holler like Sam Hill。 The panther he spit sassy 'n riz up 'n smelt o' the ground。 Didn't neither on 'em know what was the matter。 Bime bye they lay down ag'in。 'Twant only a little while 'fore the boy felt somethin' prickin' uv him。 He hollered 'n kicked ag'in。 The panther he growled 'n spit 'n dumb a tree 'n sot on a limb 'n peeked over at thet queer little critter。 Couldn't neither on 'em understan' it。 The boy c'u'd see the eyes o' the panther 'n the dark。 Shone like tew live coals eggszac'ly。 The panther 'd never sot 'n a tree when he was hungry; 'n see a boy below him。 Sumthin' tol' him t' jump。 Tail went swish in the leaves like thet。 His whiskers quivered; his tongue come out。 C'u'd think o' nuthin' but his big empty belly。 The boy was scairt。 He up with his gun quick es a flash。 Aimed at his eyes 'n let 'er flicker。 Blew a lot o' smoke 'n bird shot 'n paper waddin' right up in t' his face。 The panther he lost his whiskers 'n one eye 'n got his hide fill' o' shot 'n fell off the tree like a ripe apple 'n run fer his life。 Thought he'd never see nuthin' c'u'd growl 'n spits ' powerful es thet boy。 Never c'u'd bear the sight uv a man after thet。 Allwus made him gag 'n spit t' think o' the man critter。 Went off tew his own folks 'n tol' o' the boy 'at spit fire 'n smoke 'n growled so't almos' tore his ears off An' now; whenever they hear a gun go off they allwus thank it's the man critter growlin'。 An' they gag 'n spit 'n look es if it made 'em sick t' the stomach。 An' the man folks they didn't hev no good 'pimon o' the panthers after thet。 Haint never been frien's any more。 Fact is a man; he can be any kind uv a beast; but a panther he can't be nuthin' but jest a panther。'

Then; too; as we lay there in the firelight; Uncle Eb told the remarkable story of the gingerbread hear。 He told it slowly; as if his invention were severely taxed。

'Once they wuz a boy got lost。 Was goin' cross lots t' play with 'nother boy 'n lied t' go through a strip o' woods。 Went off the trail t' chase a butterfly 'n got lost。 Hed his kite 'n' cross…gun 'n' he wandered all over 'til he was tired 'n hungry。 Then he lay down t' cry on a bed o' moss。 Putty quick they was a big black bear come along。

'〃What's the matter?〃 said the bear。

'〃Hungry;〃 says the boy。

'〃Tell ye what I'll dew;〃 says the bear。 〃If ye'll scratch my back fer me I'll let ye cut a piece o' my tail off t' eat。〃

'Bear's tail; ye know; hes a lot o' meat on it … heam tell it was gran' good fare。 So the boy he scratched the bear's back an' the bear he grinned an' made his paw go patitty…pat on the ground … it did feel so splendid。 Then the boy tuk his jack…knife 'n begun t' cut off the bear's tail。 The bear he flew mad 'n growled 'n growled so the boy he stopped 'n didn't dast cut no more。

'〃Hurts awful;〃 says the bear。 〃Couldn't never stan' it。 Tell ye what I'll dew。 Ye scratched my back an' now I'll scratch your'n。〃

'Gee whiz!' said I。

'Yessir; that's what the bear said;' Uncle Eb went on。 'The boy he up 'n run like a nailer。 The bear he laughed hearty 'n scratched the ground like Sam Hill; 'n flung the dirt higher'n his head。

'〃Look here;〃 says he; as the boy stopped; 〃I jes' swallered a piece o mutton。 Run yer hand int' my throat an I'll let ye hev it。〃

'The bear he opened his mouth an' showed his big teeth。'

'Whew!' I whistled。

'Thet's eggszac'ly what he done;' said Uncle Eb。 'He showed 'em plain。 The boy was scairter'n a weasel。 The bear he jumped up 'an down on his hind legs 'n laughed 'n' hollered 'n' shook himself

'〃Only jes' foolin;〃 says he; when he see the boy was goin' t' run ag'in。 〃What ye 'fraid uv?〃

'〃Can't bear t' stay here;〃 says the boy; 'less ye'll keep yer mouth shet。〃

'An the bear he shet his mouth 'n pinted to the big pocket 'n his fur coat 'n winked 'n motioned t' the boy。

'The bear he reely did hev a pocket on the side uv his big fur coat。 The boy slid his hand in up t' the elbow。 Wha' d'ye s'pose he found?'

'Durmo;' said I。

'Sumthin' t' eat;' he continued。 'Boy liked it best uv all things。'

I guessed everything I could think of; from cookies to beefsteak; and gave up。

'Gingerbread;' said he; soberly; at lengrh。

'Thought ye said bears couldn't talk〃 I objected。

'Wall; the boy 'd fell asleep an' he'd only dreamed o' the bear;' said Uncle Eb。 'Ye see; bears can'talk when boys are dreamin' uv 'em。 Come daylight; the boy got up 'n ketched a crow。 Broke his wing with the cross…gun。 Then he tied the kite swing on t' the crow's leg; an' the crow flopped along 'n the boy followed him 'n bime bye they come out a cornfield; where the crow'd been used t' comin' fer his dinner。'

'What 'come o' the boy?' said I。

'Went home;' said he; gaping; as he lay on his back and looked up at the tree…tops。 'An' he allwus said a bear was good comp'ny if he'd only keep his mouth shet … jes' like some folks I've hearn uv。' 

'An' what 'come o' the crow?'

'Went t' the ol' crow doctor 'n got his wing fixed;' he said; drowsily。 And in a moment I heard him snoring。

We had been asleep a long time when the barking of Fred woke us。 I could just see Uncle Eb in the dim light of the fire; kneeling beside me; the rifle in his hand。

'I'll fill ye full o' lead if ye come any nearer;' he shouted。

Chapter 4

We listened awhile then but heard no sound in the thicket; although Fred was growling ominously; his hair on end。 As for myself I never had a more fearful hour than that we suffered before the light of morning came。

I made no outcry; but clung to my old companion; trembling。 He did not stir for a few minutes; and then we crept cautiously into the small hemlocks on one side of the opening。

'Keep still;' he whispered; 'don't move er speak。'

Presently we heard a move in the brush and then quick as a flash Uncle Eb lifted his rifle and fired in the direction of it Before the loud echo had gone off in the woods we heard something break through the brush at a run。

''S a man;' said Uncle Eb; as he listened。 'He ain't a losin' no time nuther。'

We sat listening as the sound grew fainter; and when it ceased entirely Uncle Eb said he must have got to the road。 After a little the light of the morning began sifting down through the tree…tops and was greeted with innumerable songs。

'He done noble;' said Uncle Eb; patting the old dog as he rose to poke the fire。 'Putty good chap I call 'im! He can hev half o' my dinner any time he wants it。'

'Who do you suppose it was?' I enquired。

'Robbers; I guess;' he answered; 'an' they'll be layin' fer us when we go out; mebbe; but; if they are; Fred'll frnd 'em an' I've got Ol' Trusty here 'n' I guess thet'll take care uv us。'

His rifle was always flattered with that name of Ol' Trusty when it had done him a good turn。

Soon as the light had come clear he went out in the near woods with dog and rifle and beat around in the brush。 He returned shortly and said he had seen where they came and went。

'I'd a killed em deader 'n a door nail;' said he; laying down the old rifle; 'if they'd a come any nearer。'

Then we brought water from the river and had our breakfast。 Fred went on ahead of us; when we started for the road; scurrying through the brush on both sides of the trail; as if he knew what was expected of him。 He flushed a number of partridges and Uncle Eb killed one of them on our way to the road。 We resumed our journey without any further adventure。 It was so smooth and level under foot that Uncle Eb let me get in the wagon after Fred was hitched to it The old dog went along soberly and without much effort; save when we came to hills or sandy places; when I always got out and ran on behind。 Uncle Eb showed me how to brake the wheels with a long stick going downhill。 I remember how it hit the dog's heels at the first down grade; and how he ran to keep out of the way of it We were going like mad in half a minute; Uncle Eb coming after us calling to the dog。 Fred only looked over his shoulder; with a wild eye; at the rattling wagon and ran the harder。 He leaped aside at the bottom and then we went all in a heap。 Fortunately no harm was done。

'I declare!' said Uncle Eb as he came up to us; puffing like a spent horse; and picked me up unhurt and began to untangle the harness of old Fred; 'I guess he must a thought the devil was after him。'

The dog growled a little for a moment and bit at the harness; but coaxing reassured him and he went along all right again on the level。 At a small settlement the children came out and ran along beside my wagon; laughing and asking me questions。 Some of them tried to pet the dog; but old Fred kept to his labour at the heels of Uncle Eb and looked neither to right nor left。 We stopped under a tree by the side of a narrow brook for our dinner; and one incident of that meal I think of always when I think of Uncle Eb。 It shows the manner of man he was and with what understanding and sympathy he regarded every living thing。 In rinsing his teapot he accidentally poured a bit of water on a big bumble…bee。 The poor creature struggled to lift hill; and then another downpour caught him and still another until his wings fell drenched。 Then his breast began heaving violently; his legs st

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