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the wheels of chance-第35节

小说: the wheels of chance 字数: 每页4000字

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nd thrust his hands in his pockets and looked away from her intentionally。 After a while she began to talk。 They dealt disjointedly with scenery first; and then with the means of self…education。 She took his address at Antrobus's and promised to send him some books。 But even with that it was spiritless; aching talk; Hoopdriver felt; for the fighting mood was over。 She seemed; to him; preoccupied with the memories of her late battle; and that appearance hurt him。

〃It's the end;〃 he whispered to himself。 〃It's the end。〃

They went into a hollow and up a gentle wooded slope; and came at last to a high and open space overlooking a wide expanse of country。 There; by a common impulse; they stopped。 She looked at her watcha little ostentatiously。 They stared at the billows of forest rolling away beneath them; crest beyond crest; of leafy trees; fading at last into blue。

〃The end〃 ran through his mind; to the exclusion of all speakable thoughts。

〃And so;〃 she said; presently; breaking the silence; 〃it comes to good…bye。〃

For half a minute he did not answer。 Then he gathered his resolution。 〃There is one thing I MUST say。〃

〃Well?〃 she said; surprised and abruptly forgetting the recent argument。 〃I ask no return。 But〃

Then he stopped。 〃I won't say it。 It's no good。 It would be rot from menow。 I wasn't going to say anything。 Good…bye。〃

She looked at him with a startled expression in her eyes。 〃No;〃 she said。 〃But don't forget you are going to work。 Remember; brother Chris; you are my friend。 You will work。 You are not a very strong man; you know; nowyou will forgive menor do you know all you should。 But what will you be in six years' time?〃

He stared hard in front of him still; and the lines about his weak mouth seemed to strengthen。 He knew she understood what he could not say。 

〃I'll work;〃 he said; concisely。 They stood side by side for a moment。 Then he said; with a motion of his head; 〃I won't come back to THEM。 Do you mind? Going back alone?〃

She took ten seconds to think。 〃No。〃 she said; and held out her hand; biting her nether lip。 〃GOOD…BYE;〃 she whispered。

He turned; with a white face; looked into her eyes; took her hand limply; and then with a sudden impulse; lifted it to his lips。 She would have snatched it away; but his grip tightened to her movement。 She felt the touch of his lips; and then he had dropped her fingers and turned from her and was striding down the slope。 A dozen paces away his foot turned in the lip of a rabbit hole; and he stumbled forward and almost fell。 He recovered his balance and went on; not looking back。 He never once looked back。 She stared at his receding figure until it was small and far below her; and then; the tears running over her eyelids now; turned slowly; and walked with her hands gripped hard together behind her; towards Stoney Cross again。

〃I did not know;〃 she whispered to herself。 〃I did not understand。 Even nowNo; I do not understand。〃



So the story ends; dear Reader。 Mr。 Hoopdriver; sprawling down there among the bracken; must sprawl without our prying; I think; or listening to what chances to his breathing。 And of what came of it all; of the six years and afterwards; this is no place to tell。 In truth; there is no telling it; for the years have still to run。 But if you see how a mere counter…jumper; a cad on castors; and a fool to boot; may come to feel the little insufficiencies of life; and if he has to any extent won your sympathies; my end is attained。 (If it is not attained; may Heaven forgive us both!) Nor will we follow this adventurous young lady of ours back to her home at Surbiton; to her new struggle against Widgery and Mrs。 Milton combined。 For; as she will presently hear; that devoted man has got his reward。 For her; also; your sympathies are invited。

The rest of this great holiday; toofive days there are left of itis beyond the limits of our design。 You see fitfully a slender figure in a dusty brown suit and heather mixture stockings; and brown shoes not intended to be cycled in; flitting Londonward through Hampshire and Berkshire and Surrey; going economicallyfor excellent reasons。 Day by day he goes on; riding fitfully and for the most part through bye…roads; but getting a few miles to the north…eastward every day。 He is a narrow…chested person; with a nose hot and tanned at the bridge with unwonted exposure; and brown; red…knuckled fists。 A musing expression sits upon the face of this rider; you observe。 Sometimes he whistles noiselessly to himself; sometimes he speaks aloud; 〃a juiced good try; anyhow!〃 you hear; and sometimes; and that too often for my liking; he looks irritable and hopeless。 〃I know;〃 he says; 〃I know。 It's over and done。 It isn't IN me。 You ain't man enough; Hoopdriver。 Look at yer silly hands! 。 。 。 Oh; my God!〃 and a gust of passion comes upon him and he rides furiously for a space。

Sometimes again his face softens。 〃Anyhow; if I'm not to see her… …she's going to lend me books;〃 he thinks; and gets such comfort as he can。 Then again; 〃Books! What's books?〃 Once or twice triumphant memories of the earlier incidents nerve his face for a while。 〃I put the ky…bosh on HIS little game;〃 he remarks。 〃I DID that;〃 and one might even call him happy in these phases。 And; by…the…bye; the machine; you notice; has been enamel…painted grey and carries a sonorous gong。

This figure passes through Basingstoke and Bagshot; Staines; Hampton; and Richmond。 At last; in Putney High Street; glowing with the warmth of an August sunset and with all the 'prentice boys busy shutting up shop; and the work girls going home; and the shop folks peeping abroad; and the white 'buses full of late clerks and city folk rumbling home to their dinners; we part from him。 He is back。 To…morrow; the early rising; the dusting; and drudgery; begin againbut with a difference; with wonderful memories and still more wonderful desires and ambitions replacing those discrepant dreams。

He turns out of the High Street at the corner; dismounts with a sigh; and pushes his machine through the gates of the Antrobus stable yard; as the apprentice with the high collar holds them open。 There are words of greeting。 〃South Coast;〃 you hear; and 〃splendid weathersplendid。〃 He sighs。 〃Yesswapped him off for a couple of sovs。 It's a juiced good machine。〃

The gate closes upon him with a slam; and he vanishes from our ken。


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