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梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

 ;You would not tell me拭─Teabing sighed。 ;I am disappointed and surprised察Robert察that you do not appreciate the extent to which you are in my debt。 My task would have been far simpler had R└my and I eliminated you both when you walked into Chateau Villette。 Instead I risked everything to take the nobler course。;
 ;This is noble拭─Langdon demanded察eyeing the gun。
 ;Sauni┬re's fault察─Teabing said。 ;He and his s└n└chaux lied to Silas。 Otherwise察I would have obtained the keystone without plication。 How was I to imagine the Grand Master would go to such ends to deceive me and bequeath the keystone to an estranged granddaughter拭─Teabing looked at Sophie with disdain。 ;Someone so unqualified to hold this knowledge that she required a symbologist baby´sitter。; Teabing glanced back at Langdon。 ;Fortunately察Robert察your involvement turned out to be my saving grace。 Rather than the keystone remaining locked in the depository bank forever察you extracted it and walked into my home。;
 Where else would I run拭Langdon thought。 The munity of Grail historians is small察and Teabing and I have a history together。
 Teabing now looked smug。 ;When I learned Sauni┬re left you a dying message察I had a pretty good idea you were holding valuable Priory information。 Whether it was the keystone itself察or information on where to find it察I was not sure。 But with the police on your heels察I had a sneaking suspicion you might arrive on my doorstep。;
 Langdon glared。 ;And if we had not拭
 ;I was formulating a plan to extend you a helping hand。 One way or another察the keystone was ing to Chateau Villette。 The fact that you delivered it into my waiting hands only serves as proof that my cause is just。;
 ;What ─Langdon was appalled。
 ;Silas was supposed to break in and steal the keystone from you in Chateau Villette´thus removing you from the equation without hurting you察and exonerating me from any suspicion of plicity。 However察when I saw the intricacy of Sauni┬re's codes察I decided to include you both in my quest a bit longer。 I could have Silas steal the keystone later察once I knew enough to carry on alone。;
 ;The Temple Church察─Sophie said察her tone awash with betrayal。
 Light begins to dawn察Teabing thought。 The Temple Church was the perfect location to steal the keystone from Robert and Sophie察and its apparent relevance to the poem made it a plausible decoy。 R└my's orders had been clear´stay out of sight while Silas recovers the keystone。 Unfortunately察Langdon's threat to smash the keystone on the chapel floor had caused R└my to panic。 If only R└my had not revealed himself察Teabing thought ruefully察recalling his own mock kidnapping。 R└my was the sole link to me察and he showed his face
 Fortunately察Silas remained unaware of Teabing's true identity and was easily fooled into taking him from the church and then watching naively as R└my pretended to tie their hostage in the back of the limousine。 With the soundproof divider raised察Teabing was able to phone Silas in the front seat察use the fake French accent of the Teacher察and direct Silas to go straight to Opus Dei。 A simple anonymous tip to the police was all it would take to remove Silas from the picture。
 One loose end tied up。
 The other loose end was harder。 R└my。
 Teabing struggled deeply with the decision察but in the end R└my had proven himself a liability。 Every Grail quest requires sacrifice。 The cleanest solution had been staring Teabing in the face from the limousine's wet bar´a flask察some cognac察and a can of peanuts。 The powder at the bottom of the can would be more than enough to trigger R└my's deadly allergy。 When R└my parked the limo on Horse Guards Parade察Teabing climbed out of the back察walked to the side passenger door察and sat in the front next to R└my。 Minutes later察Teabing got out of the car察climbed into the rear again察cleaned up the evidence察and finally emerged to carry out the final phase of his mission。
 Westminster Abbey had been a short walk察and although Teabing's leg braces察crutches察and gun had set off the metal detector察the rent´a´cops never knew what to do。 Do we ask him to remove his braces and crawl through拭Do we frisk his deformed body拭Teabing presented the flustered guards a far easier solution´an embossed card identifying him as Knight of the Realm。 The poor fellows practically tripped over one another ushering him in。
 Now察eyeing the bewildered Langdon and Neveu察Teabing resisted the urge to reveal how he had brilliantly implicated Opus Dei in the plot that would soon bring about the demise of the entire Church。 That would have to wait。 Right now there was work to do。
 ;Mes amis察─Teabing declared in flawless French察 vous ne trouvez pas le Saint´Graal察c'est le Saint´Graal qui vous trouve。; He smiled。 ;Our paths together could not be more clear。 The Grail has found us。;
 He spoke to them in a whisper now。 ;Listen。 Can you hear it拭The Grail is speaking to us across the centuries。 She is begging to be saved from the Priory's folly。 I implore you both to recognize this opportunity。 There could not possibly be three more capable people assembled at this moment to break the final code and open the cryptex。; Teabing paused察his eyes alight。 ;We need to swear an oath together。 A pledge of faith to one another。 A knight's allegiance to uncover the truth and make it known。;
 Sophie stared deep into Teabing's eyes and spoke in a steely tone。 ;I will never swear an oath with my grandfather's murderer。 Except an oath that I will see you go to prison。;
 Teabing's heart turned grave察then resolute。 ;I am sorry you feel that way察mademoiselle。; He turned and aimed the gun at Langdon。 ;And you察Robert拭Are you with me察or against me拭
 Bishop Manuel Aringarosa's body had endured many kinds of pain察and yet the searing heat of the bullet wound in his chest felt profoundly foreign to him。 Deep and grave。 Not a wound of the flesh。。。 but closer to the soul。
 He opened his eyes察trying to see察but the rain on his face blurred his vision。 Where am I拭He could feel powerful arms holding him察carrying his limp body like a rag doll察his black cassock flapping。
 Lifting a weary arm察he mopped his eyes and saw the man holding him was Silas。 The great albino was struggling down a misty sidewalk察shouting for a hospital察his voice a heartrending wail of agony。 His red eyes were focused dead ahead察tears streaming down his pale察blood´spattered face。
 ;My son察─Aringarosa whispered察 you're hurt。;
 Silas glanced down察his visage contorted in anguish。 ;I am so very sorry察Father。; He seemed almost too pained to speak。
 ;No察Silas察─Aringarosa replied。 ;It is I who am sorry。 This is my fault。; The Teacher promised me there would be no killing察and I told you to obey him fully。 ;I was too eager。 Too fearful。 You and I were deceived。; The Teacher was never going to deliver us the Holy Grail。
 Cradled in the arms of the man he had taken in all those years ago察Bishop Aringarosa felt himself reel back in time。 To Spain。 To his modest beginnings察building a small Catholic church in Oviedo with Silas。 And later察to New York City察where he had proclaimed the glory of God with the towering Opus Dei Center on Lexington Avenue。
 Five months ago察Aringarosa had received devastating news。 His life's work was in jeopardy。 He recalled察with vivid detail察the meeting inside Castel Gandolfo that had changed his life。。。 the news that had set this entire calamity into motion。
 Aringarosa had entered Gandolfo's Astronomy Library with his head held high察fully expecting to be lauded by throngs of weling hands察all eager to pat him on the back for his superior work representing Catholicism in America。
 But only three people were present。
 The Vatican secretariat。 Obese。 Dour。
 Two high´ranking Italian cardinals。 Sanctimonious。 Smug。
 ;Secretariat拭─Aringarosa said察puzzled。
 The rotund overseer of legal affairs shook Aringarosa's hand and motioned to the chair opposite him。 ;Please察make yourself fortable。;
 Aringarosa sat察sensing something was wrong。
 ;I am not skilled in small talk察Bishop察─the secretariat said察 so let me be direct about the reason for your visit。;
 ;Please。 Speak openly。; Aringarosa glanced at the two cardinals察who seemed to be measuring him with self´righteous anticipation。
 ;As you are well aware察─the secretariat said察 His Holiness and others in Rome have been concerned lately with the political fallout from Opus Dei's more controversial practices。;
 Aringarosa felt himself bristle instantly。 He already had been through this on numerous occasions with the new pontiff察who察to Aringarosa's great dismay察had turned out to be a distressingly fervent voice for liberal change in the Church。
 ;I want to assure you察─the secretariat added quickly察 that His Holiness does not seek to change anything about the way you run your ministry。;
 I should hope not  Then why am I here拭
 The enormous man sighed。 ;Bishop察I am not sure how to say this delicately察so I will state it directly。 Two days ago察the Secretariat Council voted unanimously to revoke the Vatican's sanction of Opus Dei。;
 Aringarosa was certain he had heard incorrectly。 ;I beg your 

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