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小说: cp.reddice 字数: 每页4000字

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who put a halt to the killings。 And what do I get for it? A medal? No; the entire police force es after me。〃
  〃You killed two dozen of those officers。〃
  〃Because they were trying to kill me! I am not the villain here。 You and the scum you are associated with are。〃 I pause; settle down。 〃Why are you with these people?〃
  〃I can help them。 They can help me。 We have vested interests。 Isn't that the reason for most partnerships?〃
  〃It is among people who have selfish goals。 But I never remember you as selfish。 Why are you working for the U。S。 military machine?〃
  〃Surely you must understand by now。 I need to plete my experiments。〃
  I laugh。 〃Are you stilt searching for the blood of Christ?〃
  〃You say it as if it were a fool's errand。〃
  〃It's a blasphemous errand。 You saw what happened last time。〃
  〃I made an; error…that's all。 I will not make the same error again。〃
  〃That's all? Just some error? What about Ralphe? I loved that boy。 You loved him。 And you turned him into a monster。 You forced me to kill him。 Do you know what that did to me?〃
  Arturo's voice goes cold。 〃It made you want to testify against me?〃
  〃You had to be stopped。 I didn't have the strength or the will to do it myself。〃 I pause。 〃You had a chance to talk to me in the inquisitor's dungeon。 You chose not to。〃
  〃I had nothing to say。〃
  〃Well; then; I have nothing to say to you now。 e; get your fresh supply of vampire blood。 Send plenty of scientists and soldiers。 Not all of them will be ing back to you。〃
  〃You present no danger to us as long as you are in your cell。 And you will remain in there for the remainder of your life。〃
  〃We will see;〃 I whisper faintly。
  〃Sita; I'm surprised at you。 Aren't you curious how I'm still alive?〃
  I draw in a weary breath。 〃I have an idea as to how you survived。 Even when you swore to me you weren't experimenting on yourself; you were。 That's why you began to have visions of DNA。 You were seeing it through the eyes of your blessed hybrid state。〃
  〃I did experiment on myself。 That is true。 But I never reached the full hybrid status。 That must be obvious to you;〃
  I nod。 〃Because you have aged。 Does it hurt; Arturo; that you're not the dashing young priest anymore?〃
  〃I may yet achieve immortality。〃
  〃Hmm。 And I always thought you wanted to die and go to heaven。〃 He is right; of course; I am curious about those days。 〃What happened after the trial? How did you escape? I heard they burned you at the stake。〃
  〃The inquisitor granted me a private audience。 He couldn't let me go; he said; but in exchange for my confession of witchcraft; he agreed to hang instead of burn me。〃
  〃And you recovered?〃
  〃Were you not surprised?〃
  〃Yes。 It was a calculated risk。 I didn't have many options。〃
  I hesitate。 〃What did you do to Ralphe?〃
  For once; Arturo looks ashamed。 〃I exposed him to the vial of your blood…with the midday sun pouring through it。〃
  I was aghast。 〃But you said you'd never consider that。 The vibration would destroy a man or woman。〃
  〃You saw how the word was spreading about me。 I had only a limited time to plete my experiments。 Ralphe had been spying on us all along。 Neither of us knew。 He saw what we were up to。 He wanted to try it。〃
  Fury possesses me。 〃That's a ridiculous rationalization! He was a child! He didn't know what would happen to him! You did!〃
  〃You were a coward! If your experiment was so precious to you; why didn't you perform it on yourself; with the midday sun pouring through my bloody vial?〃
  My words wound him; but he is still full of surprises。 〃But I did subject myself to the blood in the sunlight。 That morning; when the mob approached the church; I heard them ing。 I hurried down to the basement and let the full power of the vampire vibration wash over me。 I believe that is why I have been able to live as long as I have。 If the mob had not stopped me; maybe the transformation would have been plete; and I would have achieved the perfect state。 I was never to know。 The first thing the mob did was break the vial。〃
  His words sober me。 〃Then what went wrong with Ralphe? Why did he turn into a monster?〃
  〃There could be many factors that influenced his oute。 One was that I laid him on the copper sheets when the sun was high in the sky。 Also…and I think this is the primary reason the experiment failed… Ralphe was ordinarily fearless by nature。 But when the transformation started; he got scared。 The power of the magnetic field magnified his fear; which in turn warped his DMA。 When the process was plete; I couldn't control him。 He had the strength of ten men。 He was out the door before I could stop him。〃
  〃You should have told me。 I could have stopped him before he killed anyone。 We might have been able to change him back。〃
  Arturo shook his head。 〃I don't think there was any going back。〃 He adds; 〃I was too ashamed to tell you。〃
  〃Finally; the high priest confesses。〃 I continue to sneer at him。 〃All your talk doesn't disguise the fact that you experimented on a child before yourself。 And that you lied to me; after swearing on the name of your precious God that you would always tell me the truth。〃
  〃Everyone lies;〃 he says。
  〃Guarda cosa sei diventata; Arturo;〃 I say; reverting to the language of his youth; out of frustration; hope。 〃Look what's bee of you; Arturo。〃 〃When we first met; you wouldn't have hurt a fly。 That's why I gave you my blood。 I trusted you。〃
  Even on the monitor; I see his gaze is focused in the far distance。 My words stir painful memories; for both of us。 My hatred for him is matched only by my love。 Yes; I still love him; and I hate that about myself。 He seems to sense my thoughts for he suddenly glances back at me and smiles。 It is a sad smile。
  〃I cannot defend my acts to you;〃 he replies。 〃Except to say I thought the rewards of success outweighed the possibility of failure。 Yes; I should never have used Ralphe。 Yes; I should never have lied to you。 But if I had done these things…where would we be today? I'd be long dead in a forgotten grave and you'd be safe and secure in your own selfish universe。 We wouldn't have your blood now so we could continue with our noble quest to finish what was started seven centuries ago。〃
  I snicker。 〃I can't help but notice that you apply the word selfish to me。 What sickness was magnified in your field when you lay beneath the vibration of my blood? You have bee a megalomaniac。 You were a priest; a good priest。 You used to humble yourself before God。 Now you want to be God。 If Jesus were alive today; what would you say to him? Or would you give him a chance to explain himself before stealing his blood?〃
  〃Do you want a chance to explain yourself?〃 Arturo asks gently。
  〃I answer to no man。 My conscience is clear。〃
  He raises his voice。 I have finally hit a button。 〃I don't believe you; Sita。 Why couldn't you look at me when you accused me of witchcraft?〃
  〃You were a witch! And you haven't changed! Goddamn you; Arturo; can't you see how dangerous it is for me to be held captive by these people? I just have to look at General Havor to know he wants to rule the world。〃
  〃He's not the monster Andy led you to believe。〃
  〃You talk about beliefs。 What do you believe in these days? I never met Jesus; it's true。 But you must know as well as I that he would never condone your methods。 Your lying and ambushing and torture。 The means do not justify the end。 You did not watch
  Ralphe chew on human flesh。 If you had seen him; you'd know that this path you want to take stinks of the devil。〃
  Arturo sits back from the screen。 He is as tired as I am; perhaps shaken as well。 In that moment; his face bees much older than forty…five。 He appears ready for the grave。 Yet he is resolved; his destiny will be fulfilled。 He shakes his head as he sighs。
  〃We can do this the hard way; Sita;〃 he says。 〃Or we can do it the easy way。 It is up to you。 I need your blood and I am going to have it。〃
  I smile grimly。 〃Then you'd better prepare yourself for a fight。 Let me warn you; Arturo…I've shown you only a fraction of my powers。 But if you e after me now; you will see all of them。 There aren't enough soldiers and bullets in this pound to contain me for the remainder of my life。 Tell your general that people will die if I'm not released。 Their deaths will be on your conscience; Arturo。 I swear in the name of my God; you will never get to heaven…in this world or the next。〃
  The screen goes dead。
  But not before I see the fear in his eyes。
  More hours pass。 Joel lies sleeping。 Once again I sit silently on the floor; my legs crossed; my eyes closed。 Yet this time my attention is turned outward。 Through the wall; I can just hear the guards at the security station talk。 There are three of them now。 They discuss a football game。
  〃Those Forty…Niners are amazing;〃 Guard One says。 〃Their offense works like a machine gun…it just keeps firing。 I felt sorry for the Cowboys。〃
  〃You know; everybody looks at the quarterback;〃 Guard Two says。 〃But I think when you got the receivers; you got all you need: Even a lousy pro quarterback can look good throwing t

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