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小说: hr.thecarpetbaggers 字数: 每页4000字

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 He had e into the darkened bedroom; holding in his hand a tray on which stood an iced bottle of champagne and two glasses。 〃I have e bearing wine for my beloved。〃
 They began to make love。 Gently and beautifully; the way he had always known it would be; for he was a virgin。 And there was fort in the womanly curve of her body on the bed; lying there so passive and undemanding。 He had even begun to pose a poem to her beauty when he felt her searching hand against his flesh。
 For the tiniest fraction of a moment; he froze; startled by her alien fingers。 Then he relaxed; for her touch was so light and gentle that he was scarcely aware of it。 He felt a tremor shake her body; then another; and a sudden burst of heat seemed to rise from her。
 Then a cry came from deep within her and she pulled him down toward her; her hands ripping off the bottom part of his pajamas。 No longer was she suppliant and gentle; no longer did she care what he felt or needed; she was caught up in a frenzy of her own。 Her fingers hurt him as she tried to guide him; to force him into her。
 Suddenly; a wild terror began to run through him。 A fear of the demanding sexuality of her body; which had lain dormant; waiting only for this moment to feed upon his manhood and devour him。 In a near panic; he tore himself free and stood trembling near the bed。
 He tried to pull the torn pajamas around him and heard the sound of her breathing bee quieter。 There was a rustle of the sheets and he looked down at her。
 She had turned over on her side and was staring up at him; the sheet carelessly draped over her hips。 Her breasts were heavy; the nipples still swollen with passion。 Her eyes seemed to flame their way into him。 〃Are you the kind of man some people say you are?〃
 He felt the fire burning its way into his cheeks。 He had not been unaware of the snide remarks made behind his back; but ordinary people did not understand his absorption in his work。 〃No!〃 he said quickly。
 〃Then what kind of man are you?〃
 He fell to his knees beside the bed and looked at her。 〃Please;〃 he cried。 〃Please; you've got to understand。 I married you because I love you but I'm not like the others。 My mother says I'm more nervous and high strung。〃
 She didn't answer and he saw the horrible bination of pity; contempt and knowledge e fleetingly into her eyes。 〃Don't look at me like that;〃 he begged。 〃It will be better the next time。 I won't be so nervous。 I love you。 I love you。〃
 He felt her hand touch his head gently; then slowly stroke his temples。 Gradually; his tears subsided and he seized her hands; kissing them gratefully。 〃It will be better; darling;〃 he promised。
 But it was never any better。 There was something about the plete femaleness of her body; her terrifying sexuality; that frightened him into plete impotency。
 〃What did you say?〃 The words took him from the past into the present。 He looked up。 The other customer; the young man in the yellow jacket; was speaking to him。 〃I thought you said something to me。 I'm sorry。〃
 Claude felt foolish。 There was no doubt that he had spoken。 Very often he did while lost in thought。 He began to feel embarrassed。 〃I did;〃 he said; quickly trying to cover his embarrassment。 〃I said it turned into a rather nasty day; didn't it?〃
 The young man's eyes went past him to the window; then back。 〃Yes;〃 he said politely。 〃It sure did。〃
 Claude looked at him。 He seemed like a nice enough young man。 Handsome; too; in a rough sort of way。 Probably an actor; down on his luck; who'd stopped in to nurse a beer until the rain stopped。 He picked up his mug。 It was empty again。 〃Let me buy you a drink;〃 he said。
 The boy nodded。 〃I'd like another beer。 Thanks。〃
 〃Bartender; a beer for the young gentleman;〃 Claude called。 He tapped his mug。 〃And I'll have another of these。〃
 It wasn't until three drinks later; when he saw Rina's car turn downtown onto Sunset; that he got the idea。 After all; there were quite a few things he wanted to take with him and he couldn't carry all of them alone。
 After he rang the bell the second time he remembered it was Thursday and all the servants were off。 He took out his key。 They went right up the staircase to his room。 He opened the closet and took out a valise。 〃You empty those drawers;〃 he said to the boy。 〃I'll get another suitcase。〃
 He left the room for a moment and when he returned; his panion was holding a picture of Rina that had been standing on the bureau。 〃Who's this?〃
 〃My wife;〃 Claude answered tersely。 Then he giggled。 〃Will she be surprised when she gets home and finds I'm gone。〃
 〃You Rina Marlowe's husband?〃
 Claude nodded。 〃But not for long now; thank God!〃
 The boy looked at him strangely。 〃What do you want to walk out on a dish like that for?〃 he asked。
 Claude snatched the picture angrily from his hand and threw it against the wall。 The glass shattered and fell into tiny bits on the carpet。 He turned and walked into the bathroom。 He took off his jacket and loosened his tie。 He turned on the taps to wash his hands but the sound of the water rushing into the basin reminded him suddenly of the time he had walked into the solarium。 He remembered the sound the water had made in the fountain as he became aware of Rina; lying nude on the table; being given a massage by Ilene。
 Ilene was nude to the waist; her lower half enclosed in the tight…fitting black trousers she usually wore。 He noticed the stringy muscles working along her back as her hands moved gently over Rina's body。
 Rina had one arm thrown over her face to shield her eyes from the sun。 Her body writhed sensuously under Ilene's touch。 When they became aware of his presence; Rina lifted her arm。 He felt a vague surprise at the straight flatness of Ilene's chest。 〃Don't stop; darling;〃 Rina said huskily to Ilene。
 Obediently Ilene began to massage again。 The sensuous rhythm seemed to return to Rina's body as she lay there; her head turned to the side; watching him。 After a moment; she put her arms up and drew Ilene's head down to her hips; 〃Kiss me; lover;〃 she manded; her eyes still watching Claude。
 He turned suddenly and fled from the room; the sound of her mocking laughter; mixed with the sound of the water from the fountain; echoing in his ears。
 Remembering; he lifted his hands to his face。 It was bathed in perspiration。 His clothing clung to him stickily。 His skin began to feel crawly。 He decided to take a shower。
 The hot needle spray of the shower began to relax him。 It seemed to bring the inner warmth of the whisky to the surface of his skin。 Luxuriously he lathered himself with the delicately scented soap his mother ordered from London especially for him。
 He stepped out of the shower; rubbing himself vigorously。 He looked down with satisfaction at his pink; tingling skin。 He liked being clean。 He looked for his robe; but it wasn't on its usual hook。 〃Would you get the blue robe from the closet for me; please;〃 he called automatically; without thinking。
 He took the bottle of cologne down from the shelf and sprinkled it lavishly into his hand; then began to rub himself down。 Some instinct caused him to look up into the mirror。 The boy was standing in the open door; watching him。 The robe was thrown over his arm。 He had taken off his yellow jacket; revealing a dirty white T…shirt。
 Claude saw the thick black hair that sprouted wildly from the young man's arms; shoulders and chest。 A feeling of distaste ran through him。 〃You can leave it on the chair;〃 he said; covering himself partly with the towel。
 Instead; the boy grinned knowingly at him and came into the bathroom; kicking the door shut behind him with his foot。
 Claude turned around angrily。 〃Get out of here!〃
 The young man didn't move。 His smile grew even broader。 〃Aw; e off it; old man;〃 he said。 〃You didn't really bring me up here to help you with your packing; did you?〃
 〃Get out or I'll call for help;〃 Claude said; feeling a strangely exciting fear。
 The boy laughed。 〃Who'll hear?〃 he asked。 〃I was wise to you the minute you told me the servants were off。〃
 〃You horrible thing!〃 Claude screamed。 He felt a stunning blow on the side of his head and he fell sprawling。 He pulled himself to his hands and knees。 〃Please go;〃 he whispered; his voice breaking。
 The young man raised his hand threateningly。 Instinctively Claude shrank back but he wasn't quick enough。 The open palm cracked smartly across the side of his face; knocking his head sideways against the toilet bowl。 He stared up at the boy with frightened eyes。
 〃You don't really want me to go; do you?〃 the young man said; his hand tugging at the black leather belt around his waist。 〃You're the kind that likes to get roughed up a little first。〃
 〃I am not!〃
 〃No?〃 The boy laughed derisively; raising the belt。 〃Don't crap me; I can see。〃
 For a fraction of a moment; Claude did not know what he meant; then he looked down at himself。 A crazy thought went racing through his mind。 If Rina could only see him now; she would know he was a man。
 The belt cut down across his back; sending a thin shiver of agony down his spine。 〃That's enough!〃 he whimpered。 〃Please don't hit me any more!〃
 He raised himself wearily from the floor and looked out into the be

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