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小说: jefflong.yearzero 字数: 每页4000字

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easy to think more mercifully; now that their enemy was dying at their feet。
 Oddly the generals were not pleased。 The city had been saved; but they tersely discarded the evidence。 〃It's worse than ever now;〃 one told Miranda。 〃The fool nearly ruined everything。〃
 His fool was Nathan Lee。 Miranda flared at him。 〃What more do you want?〃 she demanded。 〃We're spared。 He stole your thunder; is that it?〃
 〃We have our orders;〃 the general told her。
 〃Whose orders?〃 Immediately she guessed。 Her father's; the sovereign of the deep。 They believed in him and his invincible fortress made of salt。 〃What grand strategy of yours did Nathan Lee destroy? They're leaving。〃
 〃Precisely;〃 the general plained。
 It was the closest to information she'd gotten from them。 But in what way did the pilgrims' departure unravel the generals' strategy? She tried the contra position。 How could the pilgrims' ing advance their strategy? Miranda gave up guessing。 Plainly something larger had been in motion; and Nathan Lee had derailed it。 Or nearly so。 The general was vexed; not defeated。 The day's events…Nathan Lee's attack; the lowering of Izzy's cross; the mass withdrawal…were an inconvenience。 She saw that the generals were fast adapting to the situation。 Their plan was still alive。
 〃You want a war;〃 she realized。
 〃We want maximum security。〃
 〃Now we have it;〃 she said。 〃By this time tomorrow night; the pilgrims will be gone。 You can put your swords away。〃
 〃It's a feint;〃 said the general。 〃They're going back into the forests。 Into their tunnels。 Taking up positions。〃
 〃What forests? What tunnels?〃 she demanded。 It struck her。 Their touchstone was Vietnam。 Afghanistan。 Or Gaul。 The barbarians were wild things。
 〃We had them gathered in place; the last of them;〃 said the general。 Now we won't know where they are。 They're getting away。〃
 〃Let them go;〃 Miranda told them。 〃Now we can stay。〃
 The generals departed; but their staff officers remained; circling the room; leaning over monitors; writing down coordinates; making notes。 Every now and then one would leave the room to make a call。 Their doomsday expressions were stark amidst the overall jubilation。 Except for them; it was like an office party in here; the happy faces; the little pine tree with paper decorations; the strings of electric red chili lights on the wall。
 Miranda kept to one corner。 She didn't want to sour their joy。 The retreat was exactly what they'd been hoping for。 They could stay in the open now。 They could inhabit the sunlight; carry on their research; embrace the survivors; find the cure。 Their high fives and hallelujahs confirmed her vision。 They belonged in the city; not with her father。
 She wanted to share in their gladness; but they knew she was in mourning。 Their smiles faded when they looked at her。 She saw their deep sighs。 If not for monitor number eight; she would have gone home to grieve in private。 It was too soon to grieve; in a sense。 He was still alive down there。 But he had killed himself。 It was all on monitor number eight; a few seconds past real time; however long it took to transmit from the valley to space and back down to this room。
 His luminous; hollow…eyed head turned to one side; then bent over Izzy again。 She touched the screen。 If only she'd known what he was thinking。 She would have wrapped her arms around him; paralyzed him with her love; ordered his arrest。 But in saving him; she would have doomed the city。 He had given her what she wanted。
 Los Alamos was aware of his sacrifice。 Whatever he had done down there; he had done for them。 Whether that was true or not; they believed it was so。 They had chosen Nathan Lee to mark the epicenter。 It was a sort of cartographic honor。 All their bull's…eye overlays centered on him。 They measured their new hope outwards from where he sat。
 She placed her chair sideways to the monitor so that her back was to the room。 She sat next to him; inches from the screen。 They'd tightened down on him to the maximum resolution; but he still looked so tiny。 His skull was a matter of pixels。 Sitting there; he fit under her fingertip。 The image pulsed。
 He had not self…infected with the Sera…III。 Miranda had checked the freezer; and all the samples were accounted for。 She understood。 By the end of forty…eight hours; Izzy would have been dead。 Ochs might have invaded。 The generals might have made their move。 By going immediately; Nathan Lee had preempted the alternate realities; or at least some of them。
 Izzy had died。 She wasn't sure Nathan Lee even knew。 For several hours she'd been watching darkness creep through Izzy's limbs and into his core。 Now he was little more than a shadow on Nathan Lee's lap。
 Beside her; a puter's screen saver showed clouds whisking past the Matterhorn。 The scene switched: the Grand Canyon at dawn。 A Hawaiian waterfall。 Fields of red poppies。 Mount Everest at sunset。 It was a box full of dreams。 At last she figured out the screen theme。 There were no people in the pretty places。 The puter was showing her the Garden before man。 She reached over and turned it off。
 They had supplies to last a decade。 With care; there seemed no reason they could not last forever。 If the plague approached again; they could always self…infect。 Three years; Nathan Lee had argued with her。 A whole lifetime。
 She returned to the monitor; to her spectral lover。How long are you going to sit there? His hands were losing light。 She could see it。 He was freezing。 She resented that。 He knew how to take care of himself。 If he could make it across Tibet in the dead of winter; this should be a snap。 But he just sat there。
 Finally she could not bear to simply watch。 She got to her feet。 Her jaw was set。 Her decision was made。
 Nathan Lee would be hot with the virus now; but she could wear a biohazard suit。 The roads were piling up with snow; but she could take one of the big Army trucks with chains。 For that matter; she could walk。 It was only twelve miles。 The snow couldn't be that deep。
 The Captain intercepted her at the door。 She hadn't even been aware he was here。 〃Forget it;〃 he said。 〃One sacrifice is enough。〃
 〃I'm bringing him back;〃 she told him。 〃He can live out what's left in a warm bed in South Sector。〃
 〃That's not what he wants。〃
 〃Oh; he told you?〃
 〃I have eyes。〃
 〃Well I'm not giving up on him。〃
 〃We need you here; Miranda;〃 he said。
 〃Then send a team of men for him。〃
 〃Don't spoil it;〃 said the Captain。
 She felt skinned; she was so raw。 〃Spoil it?〃 she shouted。 People looked。 She lowered her voice。 〃He's throwing himself away。〃
 〃You know better。〃 He crooked one arm around her shoulders。
 She thought he was going to offer a sympathy hug。 〃Save your pity;〃 she said。
 But with a motion; he swept her to face the wall like a naughty child。 He put his head next to hers。 〃The man's doing his job;〃 he whispered in her ear。 He was stern。 〃Do yours。〃
 The reprimand took her breath。 He wasn't finished。 He laid one hand on her stomach。 On her womb。
 She flushed。 He'd learned her secret。 〃He told you before he went;〃 she whispered。
 〃No;〃 said the Captain。 〃Like I said; I have eyes。 My wife; she knew you were pregnant a long time ago。 I wasn't so sure。 But I am now。〃
 She fought with her joy; fought with her sorrow; which was it?
 〃You need to be thinking;〃 the Captain said。 〃What will you tell the city in the morning? They'll want to hear where things go from here。〃
 That hadn't occurred to her。 She would have to go public with something。 Their victory needed enunciation。 〃What am I supposed to say?〃 she murmured。
 〃Give them a story。 Tell them about the future。 Make it up。 A new land。 Wherever it is you see us going。〃
 He let go of her shoulder; and it felt like she was tumbling through empty space。 She put her hands against the wall to steady herself。 She laid her forehead against the hardness and breathed out。 Tears began burning down her cheeks; her first tears。 She was shaking。 Now was the time for the Captain to give her his shoulder。 But he didn't。 No pity。 He just stood beside her; faced out to the room; and guarded her tears。
 Then; for some reason; the sirens began。
 Swiping at her tears; Miranda glanced around。 All through the room; heads were lifting from monitors。 People stood hesitantly; half certain the wailing would shut off。 But it went on。
 〃What's happening?〃 Miranda asked。 〃Are we under attack?〃
 She looked for the generals' staffers。 Maybe they could explain。 But they had left。
 Men and women had begun checking each other's screens; confused。 〃It's got to be a false alarm;〃 someone insisted。 〃There's no movement in the valley。〃 Even so; people began drifting to the doorway; reluctant to leave their stations; and yet tugged by the sirens。 They didn't know what to trust。
 Out in the hallway; men and women were streaming for the exits; shrugging on jackets; grumbling about the bother。 Miranda pushed through them; making for the stairway to the roof。 The Captain was at her heels。 She climbed the stairs two at a time。
 The rooftop was bright with floodlights。 The snow sparkled like jewels。 It was piled to her knees; deeper than she'd thought。 The air swirled with heavy white flakes。 On the edge of the dark forest

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