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小说: sk.thetalisman 字数: 每页4000字

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  'Sorry;' he'd muttered。
  Well…it was only Carltons。 Cabbage leaves。 But here were the Herbert Tarrytoons…the blue…and…white old…fashioned pack; the mouthpieces that looked like filters but which weren't。 He could remember; vaguely; his father telling somebody that he smoked Winstons and his wife smoked Black Lungers。
  'See anything weird; Jack?' she asked him now; her over…bright eyes fixed on him; the cigarette held in its old; slightly eccentric position between the second and third fingers of the right hand。 Daring him to say something。 Daring him to say; 'Mom; I notice you're smoking Herbert Tarrytoons again…does this mean you figure you don't have anything left to lose?'
  'No;' he said。 That miserable; bewildered homesickness swept him again; and he felt like weeping。 'Except this place。 It's a little weird。' 
  She looked around and grinned。 Two other waiters; one fat; one thin; both in red jackets with golden lobsters on the back; stood by the swing doors to the kitchen; talking quietly。 A velvet rope hung across the entrance to a huge dining room beyond the alcove where Jack and his mother sat。 Chairs were overturned in ziggurat shapes on the tables in this dark cave。 At the far end; a huge window…wall looked out on a gothic shorescape that made Jack think of Death's Darling; a movie his mother had been in。 She had played a young woman with a lot of money who married a dark and handsome stranger against her parents' wishes。 The dark and handsome stranger took her to a big house by the ocean and tried to drive her crazy。 Death's Darling had been more or less typical of Lily Cavanaugh's career…she had starred in a lot of black…and…white films in which handsome but forgettable actors drove around in Ford convertibles with their hats on。
  The sign hanging from the velvet rope barring the entrance to this dark cavern was ludicrously understated: THIS SECTION CLOSED。
  'It is a little grim; isn't it?' she said。
  'It's like the Twilight Zone;' he replied; and she barked her harsh; infectious; somehow lovely laugh。
  'Yeah; Jacky; Jacky; Jacky;' she said; and leaned over to ruffle his too…long hair; smiling。
  He pushed her hand away; also smiling (but oh; her fingers felt like bones; didn't they? She's almost dead; Jack 。 。 。 )。 'Don't touch…a da moichendise。'
  'Off my case。'
  'Pretty hip for an old bag。'
  'Oh boy; try to get movie money out of me this week。'
  They smiled at each other; and Jack could not ever remember a need to cry so badly; or remember loving her so much。 There was a kind of desperate toughness about her now 。 。 。 going back to the Black Lungers was part of that。
  Their drinks came。 She tipped her glass toward his。 'Us。'
  They drank。 The waiter came with menus。
  'Did I pull his string a little hard before; Jacky?'
  'Maybe a little;' he said。
  She thought about it; then shrugged it away。 'What are you having?'
  'Sole; I guess。'
  'Make it two。' 
  So he ordered for both of them; feeling clumsy and embarrassed but knowing it was what she wanted…and he could see in her eyes when the waiter left that he hadn't done too bad a job。 A lot of that was Uncle Tommy's doing。 After a trip to Hardee's Uncle Tommy had said: 'I think there's hope for you; Jack; if we can just cure this revolting obsession with processed yellow cheese。'
  The food came。 He wolfed his sole; which was hot and lemony and good。 Lily only toyed with hers; ate a few green beans; and then pushed things around on her plate。
  'School started up here two weeks ago;' Jack announced halfway through the meal。 Seeing the big yellow buses with ARCADIA DISTRICT SCHOOLS written on the sides had made him feel guilty…under the circumstances he thought that was probably absurd; but there it was。 He was playing hooky。
  She looked at him; enquiring。 She had ordered and finished a second drink; now the waiter brought a third。
  Jack shrugged。 'Just thought I'd mention it。'
  'Do you want to go?'
  'Huh? No! Not here!'
  'Good;' she said。 'Because I don't have your goddam vaccination papers。 They won't let you in school without a pedigree; chum。'
   'Don't call me chum;' Jack said; but Lily didn't crack a smile at the old joke。
  Boy; why ain't you in school?
  He blinked as if the voice had spoken aloud instead of only in his mind。
  'Something?' she asked。
  'No。 Well 。 。 。 there's a guy at the amusement park。 Funworld。 Janitor; caretaker; something like that。 An old black guy。 He asked me why I wasn't in school。' 
  She leaned forward; no humor in her now; almost frighteningly grim。 'What did you tell him?'
   Jack shrugged。 'I said I was getting over mono。 You remember that time Richard had it? The doctor told Uncle Morgan Richard had to stay out of school for six weeks; but he could walk around outside and everything。' Jack smiled a little。 'I thought he was lucky。' 
  Lily relaxed a little。 'I don't like you talking to strangers; Jack。'
  'Mom; he's just a…'
  'I don't care who he is。 I don't want you talking to strangers。' 
  Jack thought of the black man; his hair gray steel wool; his dark face deeply lined; his odd; light…colored eyes。 He had been pushing a broom in the big arcade on the pier…the arcade was the only part of Arcadia Funworld that stayed open the year around; but it had been deserted then except for Jack and the black man and two old men far in the back。 The two were playing Skee…Ball in apathetic silence。
  But now; sitting here in this slightly creepy restaurant with his mother; it wasn't the black man who asked the question; it was himself。
  Why aren't I in school?
  It be just like she say; son。 Got no vaccination; got no pedigree。 You think she e down here with your birth certificate? That what you think? She on the run; son; and you on the run with her。 You…
  'Have you heard from Richard?' she broke in; and when she said it; it came to him…no; that was too gentle。 It crashed into him。 His hands twitched and his glass fell off the table。 It shattered on the floor。
  She's almost dead; Jack。
  The voice from the swirling sand…funnel。 The one he had heard in his mind。
  It had been Uncle Morgan's voice。 Not maybe; not almost; not sorta like。 It had been a real voice。 The voice of Richard's father。
  Going home in the car; she asked him; 'What happened to you in there; Jack?'
  'Nothing。 My heart did this funny little Gene Krupa riff。' He ran off a quick one on the dashboard to demonstrate。 'Threw a PCV; just like on General Hospital。'
  'Don't wise off to me; Jacky。' In the glow of the dashboard instruments she looked pale and haggard。 A cigarette smouldered between the second and third fingers of her right hand。 She was driving very slowly…never over forty…as she always drove when she'd had too much to drink。 Her seat was pulled all the way forward; her skirt was hiked up so her knees floated; storklike; on either side of the steering column; and her chin seemed to hang over the wheel。 For a moment she looked haglike; and Jack quickly looked away。
  'I'm not;' he mumbled。
  'I'm not wising off;' he said。 'It was like a twitch; that's all。 I'm sorry。'
  'It's okay;' she said。 'I thought it was something about Richard Sloat。'
  'No。' His father talked to me out of a hole in the sand down on the beach; that's all。 In my head he talked to me; like in a movie where you hear a voice…over。 He told me you were almost dead。
  'Do you miss him; Jack?'
  'Who; Richard?'
  'No…Spiro Agnew。 Of course Richard。'
  'Sometimes。' Richard Sloat was now going to school in Illinois…one of those private schools where chapel was pulsory and no one had acne。
  'You'll see him。' She ruffled his hair。
  'Mom; are you all right?' The words burst out of him。 He could feel his fingers biting into his thighs。
  'Yes;' she said; lighting another cigarette (she slowed down to twenty to do it; an old pick…up swept by them; its horn blatting)。 'Never better。'
  'How much weight have you lost?'
  'Jacky; you can never be too thin or too rich。' She paused and then smiled at him。 It was a tired; hurt smile that told him all the truth he needed to know。
  'No more;' she said。 'All's well。 Take my word for it。 See if you can find us some be…bop on the FM。'
  'Find us some bop; Jacky; and shut up。' 
  He found some jazz on a Boston station…an alto saxophone elucidating 'All the Things You Are。' But under it; a steady; senseless counterpoint; was the ocean。 And later; he could see the great skeleton of the roller coaster against the sky。 And the rambling wings of the Alhambra Inn。 If this was home; they were home。
   Speedy Parker
  The next day the sun was back…a hard bright sun that layered itself like paint over the flat beach and the slanting; red…tiled strip of roof Jack could see from his bedroom window。 A long low wave far out in the water seemed to harden in the light and sent a spear of brightness straight toward his eyes。 To Jack this sunlight felt different from the light in California。 It seemed somehow thinner; colder; less nouris

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