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小说: sk.thetalisman 字数: 每页4000字

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  He swept the curtain back and pulled Jack into a huge kitchen which fumed with rich aromas (the meat still predominating) and billows of steamy heat。 Jack caught a confused glimpse of braziers; of a great stonework chimney; of women's faces under billowy white kerchiefs that reminded him of nuns' wimples。 Some of them were lined up at a long iron trough which stood on trestles; their faces red and beaded with sweat as they washed pots and cooking utensils。 Others stood at a counter which ran the width of the room; slicing and dicing and coring and paring。 Another was carrying a wire rack filled with uncooked pies。 They all stared at Jack and the Captain as they pushed through into the kitchen。
  'Never again!' the Captain bellowed at Jack; shaking him as a terrier shakes a rat 。 。 。 and all the while he continued to move them both swiftly across the room; toward the double…hung doors at the far side。 'Never again; do you hear me? The next time you shirk your duty; I'll split your skin down the back and peel you like a baked potato!' 
  And under his breath; the Captain hissed; 'They'll all remember and they'll all talk; so cry; dammit!' 
  And now; as the Captain with the scarred face dragged him across the steaming kitchen by the scruff of his neck and one throbbing arm; Jack deliberately called up the dreadful image of his mother lying in a funeral parlor。 He saw her in billowing folds of white organdy…she was lying in her coffin and wearing the wedding dress she had worn in Drag Strip Rumble (RKO; 1953)。 Her face came clearer and clearer in Jack's mind; a perfect wax effigy; and he saw she was wearing her tiny gold…cross earrings; the ones Jack had given her for Christmas two years ago。 Then the face changed。 The chin became rounder; the nose straighter and more patrician。 The hair went a shade lighter and became somehow coarser。 Now it was Laura DeLoessian he saw in that coffin…and the coffin itself was no longer a smoothly anonymous funeral parlor special; but something that looked as if it had been hacked with rude fury from an old log…a Viking's coffin; if there had ever been such a thing; it was easier to imagine this coffin being torched alight on a bier of oiled logs than it was to imagine it being lowered into the unprotesting earth。 It was Laura DeLoessian; Queen of the Territories; but in this imagining which had bee as clear as a vision; the Queen was wearing his mother's wedding dress from Drag Strip Rumble and the gold…cross earrings Uncle Tommy had helped him pick out in Sharp's of Beverly Hills。 Suddenly his tears came in a hot and burning flood…not sham tears but real ones; not just for his mother but for both of these lost women; dying universes apart; bound by some unseen cord which might rot but would never break…at least; not until they were both dead。
  Through the tears he saw a giant of a man in billowing whites rush across the room toward them。 He wore a red bandanna instead of a puffy chef's hat on his head; but Jack thought its purpose was the same…to identify the wearer as the boss of the kitchen。 He was also brandishing a wicked…looking three…tined wooden fork。
  'Ged…OUT!' the chef screeched at them; and the voice emerging from that huge barrel chest was absurdly flutelike…it was the voice of a willowy gay giving a shoe…clerk a piece of his mind。 But there was nothing absurd about the fork; it looked deadly。
  The women scattered before his charge like birds。 The bottom…most pie dropped out of the pie…woman's rack and she uttered a high; despairing cry as it broke apart on the boards。 Strawberry juice splattered and ran; the red as fresh and bright as arterial blood。
  He jabbed the fork at them; simultaneously half…turning his head and squinching his eyes mostly shut; as if in spite of his tough talk the thought of hot flowing blood was just too gauche to be borne。 The Captain removed the hand that had been on the scruff of Jack's neck and reached out…almost casually; it seemed to Jack。 A moment later the chef was on the floor; all six and a half feet of him。 The meat…fork was lying in a puddle of strawberry sauce and chunks of white unbaked pastry。 The chef rolled back and forth; clutching his broken right wrist and screaming in that high; flutelike voice。 The news he screamed out to the room in general was certainly woeful enough: he was dead; the Captain had surely murdered him (pronounced mur…dirt in the chef's odd; almost Teutonic accent); he was at the very least crippled; the cruel and heartless Captain of the Outer Guards having destroyed his good right hand and thus his livelihood; and so ensuring a miserable beggar's life for him in the years to e; the Captain had inflicted terrible pain on him; a pain beyond belief; such as was not to be borne…
  Shut up!' the Captain roared; and the chef did。 Immediately。 He lay on the floor like a great baby; his right hand curled on his chest; his red bandanna drunkenly askew so that one ear (a small black pearl was set in the center of the lobe) showed; his fat cheeks quivering。 The kitchen women gasped and twittered as the Captain bent over the dreaded chief ogre of the steaming cave where they spent their days and nights。 Jack; still weeping; caught a glimpse of a black boy (brown boy; his mind amended) standing at one end of the largest brazier。 The boy's mouth was open; his face as ically surprised as a face in a minstrel show; but he kept turning the crank in his hands; and the haunch suspended over the glowing coals kept revolving。
  'Now listen and I'll give you some advice you won't find in The Book of Good Farming;' the Captain said。 He bent over the chef until their noses almost touched (his paralyzing grip on Jack's arm…which was now going mercifully numb…never loosened the smallest bit)。 'Don't you ever 。 。 。 don't you ever 。 。 。 e at a man with a knife 。 。 。 or a fork 。 。 。 or a spear 。 。 。 or with so much as a God…pounding splinter in your hand unless you intend to kill him with it。 One expects temperament from chefs; but temperament does not extend to assaults upon the person of the Captain of the Outer Guards。 Do you understand me?' 
  The chef moaned out a teary; defiant something…or…other。 Jack couldn't make it all out…the man's accent seemed to be growing steadily thicker…but it had something to do with the Captain's mother and the dump…dogs beyond the pavillion。
  'That may well be;' the Captain said。 'I never knew the lady。 But it certainly doesn't answer my question。' He prodded the chef with one dusty; scuffed boot。 It was a gentle enough prod; but the chef screeched as if the Captain had drawn his foot back and kicked him as hard as he could。 The women twittered again。
  'Do we or do we not have an understanding on the subject of chefs and weapons and Captains? Because if we don't; a little more instruction might be in order。'
  'We do!' the chef gasped。 'We do! We do! We…'
  'Good。 Because I've had to give far too much instruction already today。' He shook Jack by the scruff of the neck。 'Haven't I; boy?' He shook him again; and Jack uttered a wail that was pletely unfeigned。 'Well 。 。 。 I suppose that's all he can say。 The boy's a simpleton。 Like his mother。' 
  The Captain threw his dark; gleaming glance around the kitchen。
  'Good day; ladies。 Queen's blessings upon you。'
  'And you; good sir;' the eldest among them managed; and dropped an awkward; ungraceful curtsey。 The others followed suit。
  The Captain dragged Jack across the kitchen。 Jack's hip bumped the edge of the washing trough with excruciating force and he cried out again。 Hot water flew。 Smoking droplets hit the boards and ran; hissing; between them。 Those women had their hands in that; Jack thought。 How do they stand it? Then the Captain; who was almost carrying him by now; shoved Jack through another burlap curtain and into the hallway beyond。
  'Phew!' the Captain said in a low voice。 'I don't like this; not any of it; it all smells bad。' 
  Left; right; then right again。 Jack began to sense that they were approaching the outer walls of the pavillion; and he had time to wonder how the place could seem so much bigger on the inside than it looked from the outside。 Then the Captain was pushing him through a flap and they were in daylight again…mid…afternoon daylight so bright after the shifting dimness of the pavillion that Jack had to wince his eyes shut against a burst of pain。
  The Captain never hesitated。 Mud squelched and smooched underfoot。 There was the smell of hay and horses and shit。 Jack opened his eyes again and saw they were crossing what might have been a paddock or a corral or maybe just a barnyard。 He saw an open canvas…sided hallway and heard chickens clucking somewhere beyond it。 A scrawny man; naked except for a dirty kilt and thong sandals; was tossing hay into an open stall; using a pitchfork with wooden tines to do the job。 Inside the stall; a horse not much bigger than a Shetland pony looked moodily out at them。 They had already passed the stall when Jack's mind was finally able to accept what his eye

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