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  Richard now arrived; staring at both of them with wonder and caution。
  'There are good Wolfs as well as bad in the Territories…' Jack began。
  'Lots of good Wolfs;' Wolf interjected。
  He stuck out his hand to Richard。 Richard pulled back for a second and then shook it。 The set of his mouth as his hand was swallowed made Jack believe Richard expected the sort of treatment Wolf had accorded Heck Bast a long time ago。
  'This is my Wolf's litter…brother;' Jack said proudly。 He cleared his throat; not knowing exactly how to express his feelings for this being's brother。 Did Wolfs understand condolence? Was it part of their ritual?
  'I loved your brother;' he said。 'He saved my life。 Except for Richard here; he was just about the best friend I ever had; I guess。 I'm sorry he died。'
  'He's in the moon now;' Wolf's brother said。 'He'll be back。 Everything goes away; Jack Sawyer; like the moon。 Everything es back; like the moon。 e on。 Want to get away from this stinking place。'
  Richard looked puzzled; but Jack understood and more than sympathized…the Mobil station seemed surrounded with a hot; oily aroma of fried hydrocarbons。 It was like a brown shroud you could see through。
  The Wolf went to the Cadillac and opened the rear door like a chauffeur…which was; Jack supposed; exactly what he was。
  'Jack?' Richard looked frightened。
  'It's okay;' Jack said。
  'But where…'
  'To my mother; I think;' Jack said。 'All the way across the country to Arcadia Beach; New Hampshire。 Going first class。 e on; Richie。'
  They walked to the car。 Shoved over to one side of the wide back seat was a scruffy old guitar case。 Jack felt his heart leap up again。
  'Speedy!' He turned to Wolf's litter…brother。 'Is Speedy ing with us?'
  'Don't know anyone speedy;' the Wolf said。 'Had an uncle who was sort of speedy; then he pulled up lame…Wolf!…and couldn't even keep up with the herd anymore。'
  Jack pointed at the guitar case。
  'Where did that e from?'
  Wolf grinned; showing many big teeth。 'Parkus;' he said。 'Left this for you; too。 Almost forgot。' 
  From his back pocket he took a very old postcard。 On the front was a carousel filled with a great many familiar horses…Ella Speed and Silver Lady among them…but the ladies in the foreground were wearing bustles; the boys knickers; many of the men derby hats and Rollie Fingers moustaches。 The card felt silky with age。
  He turned it over; first reading the print up the middle: ARCADIA BEACH CAROUSEL; JULY 4TH; 1894。
  It was Speedy…not Parkus…who had scratched two sentences in the message space。 His hand was sprawling; not very literate; he had written with a soft; blunt pencil。
  You done great wonders; Jack。 Use what you need of what's in the case…keep the rest or throw it away。
  Jack put the postcard in his hip pocket and got into the back of the Cadillac; sliding across the plush seat。 One of the catches on the old guitar case was broken。 He unsnapped the other three。
  Richard had gotten in after Jack。 'Holy crow!' he whispered。
  The guitar case was stuffed with twenty…dollar bills。
  Wolf took them home; and although Jack grew hazy about many of that autumn's events in a very short time; each moment of that trip was emblazoned on his mind for the rest of his life。 He and Richard sat in the back of the El Dorado and Wolf drove them east and east and east。 Wolf knew the roads and Wolf drove them。 He sometimes played Creedence Clear…water Revival tapes…'Run Through the Jungle' seemed to be his favorite…at a volume just short of ear…shattering。 Then he would spend long periods of time listening to the tonal variations in the wind as he worked the button that controlled his wing window。 This seemed to fascinate him pletely。
  East; east; east…into the sunrise each morning; into the mysterious deepening blue dusk of each ing night; listening first to John Fogerty and then to the wind; John Fogerty again and then the wind again。
  They ate at Stuckeys'。 They ate at Burger Kings。 They stopped at Kentucky Fried Chicken。 At the latter; Jack and Richard got dinners; Wolf got a Family…Style Bucket and ate all twenty…one pieces。 From the sounds; he ate most of the bones as well。 This made Jack think of Wolf and the popcorn。 Where had that been? Muncie。 The outskirts of Muncie…the Town Line Sixplex。 Just before they had gotten their asses slammed into the Sunlight Home。 He grinned 。 。 。 and then felt something like an arrow slip into his heart。 He looked out the window so Richard wouldn't see the gleam of his tears。
  They stopped on the second night in Julesburg; Colorado; and Wolf cooked them a huge picnic supper on a portable barbecue he produced from the trunk。 They ate in a snowy field by starlight; bundled up in heavy parkas bought out of the guitar…case stash。 A meteor…shower flashed overhead; and Wolf danced in the snow like a child。
  'I love that guy;' Richard said thoughtfully。
  'Yeah; me too。 You should have met his brother。'
  'I wish I had。' Richard began to gather up the trash。 What he said next flummoxed Jack almost pletely。 'I'm forgetting a lot of stuff; Jack。'
  'What do you mean?'
  'Just that。 Every mile I remember a little less about what happened。 It's all getting misty。 And I think 。 。 。 I think that's the way I want it。 Look; are you really sure your mother's okay?'
  Three times Jack had tried to call his mother。 There was no answer。 He was not too worried about this。 Things were okay。 He hoped。 When he got there; she would be there。 Sick 。 。 。 but still alive。 He hoped。
  'Then how e she doesn't answer the phone?'
  'Sloat played some tricks with the phones;' Jack said。 'He played some tricks with the help at the Alhambra; too; I bet。 She's still okay。 Sick 。 。 。 but okay。 Still there。 I can feel her。'
  'And if this healing thing works…' Richard grimaced a little; then plunged。 'You still 。 。 。 I mean; you still think she'd let me 。 。 。 you know; stay with you guys?'
  'No;' Jack said; helping Richard pick up the remains of supper。 'She'll want to see you in an orphanage; probably。 Or maybe in jail。 Don't be a dork; Richard; of course you can stay with us。'
  'Well 。 。 。 after all my father did 。 。 。'
  'That was your dad; Richie;' Jack said simply。 'Not you。'
  'And you won't always be reminding me? You know 。 。 。 jogging my memory?'
  'Not if you want to forget。'
  'I do; Jack。 I really do。'
  Wolf was ing back。
  'You guys ready? Wolf!'
  'All ready;' Jack said。 'Listen; Wolf; how about that Scott Hamilton tape I got in Cheyenne?'
  'Sure; Jack。 Then how about some Creedence?'
  ' 'Run Through the Jungle;' right?'
  'Good tune; Jack! Heavy! Wolf! God…pounding heavy tune!'
  'You bet; Wolf。' He rolled his eyes at Richard。 Richard rolled his back; and grinned。
  The next day they rolled across Nebraska and Iowa; a day later they tooled past the gutted ruin of the Sunlight Home。 Jack thought Wolf had taken them past it on purpose; that he perhaps wanted to see the place where his brother had died。 He turned up the Creedence tape in the cassette player as loud as it would go; but Jack still thought he heard the sound of Wolf sobbing。
  Time…suspended swatches of time。 Jack seemed almost to be floating; and there was a feeling of suspension; triumph; valediction。 Work honorably discharged。
  Around sunset of the fifth day; they crossed into New England。
   Journey's End
  The whole long drive from California to New England seemed; once they had got so far; to have taken place in a single long afternoon and evening。 An afternoon that lasted days; an evening perhaps life…long; bulging with sunsets and music and emotions。 Great humping balls of fire; Jack thought; I'm really out of it; when he happened for the second time in what he assumed to be about an hour to look at the discreet little clock set in the dashboard…and discovered that three hours had winked past him。 Was it even the same day? 'Run Through the Jungle' pumped through the air; Wolf bobbed his head in time; grinning unstoppably; infallibly finding the best roads; the rear window showing the whole sky opening in great bands of twilight color; purple and blue and that particular deep plangent red of the down…going sun。 Jack could remember every detail of this long long journey; every word; every meal; every nuance of the music; Zoot Sims or John Fogerty or simply Wolf delighting himself with the noises of the air; but the true span of time had warped itself in his mind to a concentration like a diamond's。 He slept in the cushiony backseat and opened his eyes on light or darkness; on sunlight or stars。 Among the things he remembered with particular sharpness; once they had crossed into New England and the Talisman began to glow again; signalling the return of normal time…or perhaps the return of time itself to Jack Sawyer…were the faces of people peering into the back seat of the El Dorado (people in parking lots; a sailor and an ox…faced girl in a convertible at a stoplight in a sunny little town in Iowa; a skinny Ohio kid wearing Breaking Away…style bicycle gear) in order to see if maybe Mick Jagger

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