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小说: amc.masterharperofpern 字数: 每页4000字

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nism; he was consumed with relief when 'protocol' required him to join the other apprentices in their dormitory the day after his twelfth birthday。
   Instead of being on better terms with his father after two turns of solo work; he seemed to annoy Petiron even more; no matter how hard he tried。 In fact; it got so that everyone noticed; and the other singers made a point of telling him how well he did; loudly enough for his father … who gave him only a nod now and then … to hear。
   He knew his transfer upset his mother; and yet he was positive it would make things a lot easier for her。 It was only too obvious that his father couldn't wait to see the back of him。 And his case wasn't the same as that of other apprentice lads: he'd lived in the Hall all his life; so he wouldn't be homesick in the dormitory。 Although he would miss his mother's loving care; he was earnestly looking forward to leaving the family apartment。
   〃The boy is not going more than two hundred feet away;〃 Petiron said as he watched Merelan taking great care in packing Robinton's belongings。 Then he saw the thick roll of music she was stowing away。 〃What's that?〃 he demanded suspiciously。
   〃Rob's done some exercises;〃 she replied indifferently; and tried to place them out of sight in the carton。
   〃Classwork; I think;〃 she added to stress the insignificance。 She had it almost packed away when Petiron extracted the roll and pulled it open。
   In the exasperating fashion thin hide can have; it resisted; and he was muttering under his breath with frustration。 Merelan steeled herself and motioned surreptitiously for Robie to continue folding his clothing into the carisak。
   Rob had so hoped that he could leave the apartment without any unpleasantness。 Why did his father have to hang around this afternoon when he could have been anywhere else in the Hall just then?
   〃Exercises? Exercises!〃 Petiron glared first at his spouse and then through the doorway at his son。 His tendency to use scowls as facial expressions had already carved deep lines in his long face。
   〃These are copies of those ridiculous tunes the apprentices keep asking to sing。〃
   Robinton couldn't see his mother's face because she had risen; hoping to retrieve the roll。 Petiron looked from one to the other and; for the first time in his dealings with his son; had a sudden perception。
   〃You〃 … he waved the offending roll in his son's direction … 〃wrote these。〃
   〃Yes。。。〃 Robinton had to tell the truth now; if never again。 〃As exercises;〃 he heard himself adding when he saw the deepening of the scowl on his father's face。 〃Sort of variations。。。〃
   〃Variations which all the Masters use in their classes。 Variations which the instrumentalists constantly use。 And twaddle at that; silly tunes that anyone can sing or play。 Useless nonsense! Just what has been going on behind my back?〃
   〃Since you have heard the Masters using Robie's songs in their classes; and the instrumentalists using them; then nothing has been going on behind your back; has it?〃 Merelan asked calmly and retrieved the roll from her spouse's hand。
   〃He's been posing?〃
   〃Yes; he's been posing。 Songs。〃 She did not add that Petiron was looking at some of their son's very early work。 She hoped he did not remember how long he had been hearing his son's charming; happy tunes。 〃Wouldn't it be odd for him to be tone…deaf as well as note…blind in this Hall; saturated by music all the days of his life; and two MasterHarpers daily drumming sound into his head? I'd say it is only logical that he would write music and sing well。 Don't you?〃
   Petiron stood; looking from one to the other。 He watched as Merelan rolled the songs tight and pushed them back into the box。
   〃You hide from me the fact that he has perfect pitch; has a good treble voice; and has been writing music?〃
   〃No … one … has … been … hiding … a sharding thing from you; Petiron;〃 Merelan said tensely; enunciating every syllable and using a swear word that shocked Robinton as much as it did his father; who recoiled from Merelan's controlled anger。 〃You … simply … did not hear; and did not see。 Now; act the father for once in your life; and carry this carton to the dormitory。 It's much too heavy for Rob。〃 She pointed at the burden and then at the windows to the dormitory that Robinton would be using。
   Without a word; Petiron picked it up and made his way out of the room。
   Robinton looped two more carisaks over one shoulder and took one step forward; but his mother; her head turned towards the hallway; held up her hand。
   〃Wait a minute; dear。〃 She turned back to him; her face drawn with sadness and despair。 〃I shouldn't have said that。 I shouldn't have lost my patience with the man。 But I can't keep on saving his self…esteem; catering to his enormous ego; and always at your expense; Rob。〃
   〃It's all right; mother。 I understand。〃
   His mother reached out to caress his cheek … he was nearly her height now … shaking her head sadly; her eyes full of tears。 〃I'd be surprised if you really did; love; but it shows your good heart and generous spirit。 Always keep that; Robie。 It's a saving grace。〃
   She let him go then and; though he didn't see his father on the stairs or in the dormitory; the box was on the bed assigned him。 He started unpacking; hoping that both the lump in his throat and the sense of having lost something important would go away before any of the other apprentices appeared。
   There were twenty…six in his class; quartered in three long rooms: he was lucky enough to be in the six…man one; so there was a trifle more space。 By evening; he'd met them all; and they had been vetted by the older apprentices。 He kept a suitable expression on his face when the head apprentice; a tall well…built lad from Keroon named Shonagar; rattled off what was expected of first…Turn apprentices; how they were the 〃lowest' of the 〃lowly' in the Hall; and the traditions of their new status。 He also told them about the necessity of spending a night alone in the Weyr to prove their bravery。
   〃Harpers run into all kinds of problems and difficulties。 This isn't just singing songs to folks in a hold in the evenings。 It can be a dangerous life;〃 he said; thoroughly solemn; 〃and you have to prove; now; that you can take it。〃
   〃But the Weyr's been empty for hundreds of Turns;〃 exclaimed the skinniest of the new boys; Grodon; his eyes wide with anxiety。
   He gulped hard。
   〃We've all done it; lad。 You will; too;〃 Shonagar said firmly。 He glanced over at Robinton; raising his eyebrows as he recognized the new apprentice。 〃All of you。〃
   Robinton had rehearsed with Shonagar many times … Shonagar was a good second tenor。 More important; he was fair…minded and really did keep good order in the apprentice dormitories。 Though his position as head apprentice was not an official rank; Master Gennell encouraged his leadership。 Shonagar would allow no bullying or improper behaviour in the dorms。
   Robinton hadn't mentioned his Hall background when the others were jabbering away about their homes; but it would soon bee obvious。 He hoped he could make friends in spite of having Masters as parents。 He knew how apprentices could behave。
   Fortunately; his innate modesty and amiability stood him in good stead as he settled in with the others。 Grodon was terribly homesick the first seven…day; and Rob wheedled bedtime snacks from Lorra to ease his pain。 Falawny; with sun…bleached hair and tanned skin; came from Igen; Shelline was a Neratian; also tanned; Lear was from Tillek; and delighted not to have to bee a fisher like the rest of his kin。 Jerint was a dark…plexioned lad from southern Keroon who spent a lot of his time softly playing his pipes。 He was good at it; too; Robinton quickly realized。
   Robie put himself forward ten days later when Shonagar entered their quarters after lights out。
   〃Right; now; who'll be first to spend the night at the Weyr?〃 the head apprentice demanded; eyeing his victims sternly as they lay in their beds。
   All save Robinton scrunched down further under their sleeping furs; trying to disappear。
   〃I guess I wouldn't mind getting it all over with;〃 Robinton said; throwing back his covers。
   〃Good for you; Robie;〃 Shonagar said; nodding encouragingly。
   Robinton dressed in the warmest of his clothes and; grabbing his jacket; prepared to go。
   Shonagar and his two deputies waiting out in the corridor led him down the back stairs and out of the side door on the Hold side of the Hall。 There were five runner beasts waiting there; held by a fourth apprentice。 Robinton had always wondered how the round trip to the Weyr was managed in the one night without all the Masters knowing of the unscheduled excursion。 He was glad he didn't have to hike up the long hill road that led to the Weyr。 That would be scarier than being in it alone all night。 Too many tunnel snakes across mountain roads at night。。。 and other things。
   They walked quietly across the huge Fort Hold square; up past the beastholds and cots; and then Shonagar led them through the tunnel which had been bored in the Fort Cliff

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