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小说: gns.cannibalcult 字数: 每页4000字

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  The light was out; just the glow of the street…lamps from outside; her naked body silhouetted against the wide window; a cavorting nymph astride a bucking stallion。
  Just one fleeting memory as he tried to hold back an orgasm; that fevered night when (hey had screeched with lust for his sweating body; how he had sacrificed his pride and self…respect; done things because they had wanted him to。
  Suddenly he was exploding violently; with such force as though his very soul was trying to get out of his body。 Quentin's soul。
  LIFE SHOULD have been idyllic; Sabat decided。 In some ways it was; yet this strange girl seemed to have a hold over him。 It was more than just the promise of her young body; something which he could not explain。 In a way it was akin to the threat which Quentin had wielded before Sabat had bee Quentin reborn; invisible bonds that chained him; forced him into a thrilling obedience。 A kind of bondage without all the necessary impedimenta。
  After that first night they had checked out of the Hotel Jungfrau and taken this small wooden chalet in a secluded position overlooking Lake Brienz; a three…sided clearing amidst the tall pines; the air sweet with the smell of resin。
  'Soon we must go to Lucerne。' Madeleine had followed him out on to the verandah; slipping her hand into his。 'We must contact my friends。'
  Sabat nodded; knew that he would acpany her wherever she went。
  'I am worried though;' she sighed。
  'I get an uneasy feeling that。。。 that those who follow me know where I am; that already they are planning to attack this place。'
  *So you really do e from Aix…en…Provence and there is somebody following you;' there was a note of scepticism in Sabat's tone。
  'Of course;' Madeleine spoke sharply。 'You don't think I would lie to you; do you?'
  'No。' After all she had never claimed to have been a virgin; just a young nun on the run。' It's just that。。。 well; things have not turned out as I thought they would。'
  'They rarely do。' She gave a little laugh。 'Nevertheless I have brought shame upon my family; in their eyes anyway; and now they desire vengeance with the hatred of ancient spurned nobility。 Sabat I have a feeling that tonight someone will er
  Icy shivers scaled Sabat's spine and spread into his scalp。 The words of a young girl should not be affecting him like this; but he sensed her fear and his own as well。 'I'll keep a watch out tonight if it makes you feel any easier; Madeleine。'
  'Thank you; Sabat。 But tonight we must not share a bed; for whoever hunts me will e through the forest。 It is there that you must be waiting for him。'
  'All right;' he sighed and thought about the ?38 revolver which he often carried in a holster in the lining of his inside pocket; but which now was lying hidden wrapped in a shirt in his suitcase。 'I'll stand watch if it means that much to you。'
  'It does。 And take care because they are dangerous。'
  Sabat was clad in a heavy rolled…neck sweater and dark trousers; thick…soled sneaker shoes enabling him to move quietly amidst the trees; testing each footstep carefully before lowering his weight in case he trod on a dead twig。 The cold night air had him wanting to cough; wheezed in his tender lungs; but his self…control dominated。 The SAS had taught him to disregard personal disfort when engaged on duty; turn himself into a highly efficient human robot。
  In places the faint starlight infiltrated the trees; patches of ghostly grey amidst the undergrowth; enough to show up a moving object。 Sabat settled himself down at the base of a giant pine; a huge protruding root offering him a seat that was also a good vantage point。 If anybody came down the track towards the chalet he would see them illuminated for a few seconds in one of those patches of starlight; time enough to draw and shoot; to kill!
  The prospect of killing excited him; gave him an arousement in the same way that Madeleine had done that day up in the Ice Palace。 Anticipation; something to savour so long as it did not mar one's reflexes at a time when they were needed most。 If there was an intruder then Sabat would kill him; there was no question about that; gun him down from ambush because mat was the primitive law of survival。 It was not a duel; fair…play did not enter into it。 A job to be pleted and forgotten; the way the SAS taught。
  His thoughts kept ing back to Madeleine。 In his mind he could see her lying naked on the bed; provocative in every movement of those slight limbs。 He did not doubt that she had spent ten years in a convent; just marvelled at how she had controlled her sexual desires during that time。 With no man available she'd had two alternatives to satisfy her craving; a female lover or masturbation。 In Madeleine's case; Sabat decided; it would be the latter。 She was no lesbian; although you could never be sure。 He tried to envisage her lying there in the darkness of a convent dormitory; those small slender fingers working furiously on herself; a sin in the eyes of those around her so she was not permitted so much as one faint orgasmic gasp。 'Defilement' that was only natural if the body was to remain healthy。
  Sabat was aware that he had an erection。 Hell; that was something you tried to avoid in situations such as this; erotic thoughts led to negligence that could cost you your life。
  He was struggling to throw off thoughts of a naked young nun furiously masturbating when his acute sense of hearing picked up a faint noise some way back in the forest。 A snapping of a twig。 It might have been a prowling fox。 On the other hand it might not。
  The ?38 rested in his hand; so naturally that it could have been only yesterday when he was engaged on an SAS hunt for fugitive terrorists。 The feeling was the same; the eagerness; the thrill of pursuit; the kill to be savoured。 Listening intently; breathing so shallow that it was inaudible。
  There was definitely somebody in the wood; no more than ten or fifteen yards away。 No actual sound; but a trained man hunter could sense a presence。 You just hoped that the enemy did not do likewise; for both could not emerge alive from this pending encounter。
  Sabat shrank back until he became part of the old pine tree; a human trunk watching intently; poised to kill。 Nearer。 Sabat heard the other now; a slithering of rubber soles as they explored the ground for dead twigs; gently moved a tiny fallen branch。 Then he saw him!
  A patch of darker shadow that obscured the faint shaft of starlight; devoid of detail; shapeless。 The ?38 slid up into instant alignment; a double…handed grip on the butt; forefinger brushing the trigger。 And in that same instant Sabat checked。
  His reasons were instinctive; lightning sub…conscious thinking。 It would be easy to kill and he had no punction about the taking of human life。 Just that guns made a noise and the man he saw might not be alone。 The flash of his own revolver might draw the fire of another intruder close by; death rewarded by death。
  He dropped the gun back into his pocket and the steel spring which was his powerful body coiled ready for action。 One split second in which a plan was formed then he sprang; a human cannonball powering through the darkness。
  Airborne; Sabat's body was hunching up into a ball; then elongating; both legs drawn back; shooting forward hard in a double kick; human pistons that struck with unerring aim。
  Sabat felt and heard his contact with the unknown man; knew that he was on target; both feet finding their goal。 A sharp crack; the resistance gone as the other took the full force of the blow in his face; head jerked back at an unnatural angle。 Falling。 Rolling。
  Sabat sprang back; came in at a low crouch。 But there was no need to deliver the blow for which he was poised because the huddled shape at his feet lay motionless。
  It took Sabat a mere cursory examination to verify that the man who lay sprawled at his feet was dead。 He knelt there; listening; heard faint sounds on the night air; small creatures whose habits were nocturnal going about their ceaseless quest for food; maybe even searching out a mate。 Nothing else。 Whoever was on Madeleine Gaufridi's trail had sent just one man。
  Sabat flicked on the slim pencil torch which he always carried with him at night。 A couple of seconds and he saw all that he needed to see; a tall hatchet…faced man dressed in black clothing staring sightlessly out of dead eyes; the head twisted at a grotesque angle。 Sabat searched the other's pockets。 Nothing。 He hadn't expected to find anything but everything he did was thorough。 Probably some cheap private…eye…he couldn't be sure。
  Sabat had to exert all his strength to drag the corpse a few yards into the undergrowth and was breathing heavily when his task was pleted。 His strength was taking its tune ing back and he felt physically and mentally drained。 Christ; would he ever be the same again?
  Then; with a 'suddenness that was almost frig

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