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小说: gns.cannibalcult 字数: 每页4000字

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ted back on to the shoulders was something that defied explanation; did not bear thinking about。 Instinctively he pulled up; found himself wanting to flee this place; but Daunay's gun ground into him maliciously。 'Keep going or I'll shoot you down here!'
  Ten yards from the door。 Five。 Listening。 There was no sound to be heard。 The automatic prodded him again。 Daunay was wasting no time on a reconnaissance; he was going straight in there!
  Sabat's fingers found the latch; lifted it silently。 Then in one movement he flung the door wide open。
  He did not know what he had been expecting; had tried not to think about it。 Madeleine Gaufridi certainly。 Possibly naked; the coffin lid wide open; the girl raising herself up in shocked surprise from where she had been engaged in an awful kiss with the dead。 Or else she might have been fully clothed; reclining on the blankets。
  Instead the interior of the chapel was empty; no sign of Madeleine。 An anticlimax that had Sabat's brain numbed; not understanding。 The girl should have been there but she wasn't。 Perhaps she was hiding; there were only two possible places。 The oven which served as an altar; and that lead coffin。
  'Where are they?' there was anger in Daunay's hiss; the gun still jabbed hard into Sabat。 'Is this some kind of trick; Sabat?'
  'No。' Sabat glanced about him; had that unnerving feeling that they were being watched from 。。。 somewhere。 'The girl should be around。 She couldn't have gone far。'
  'Then we must look。' Daunay moved lithely; walking sideways around Sabat so that not for one second was the automatic veered from its target。 'We will start with this!'
  Daunay worked with his left hand; transferring the candles to a shelf then tugging the black tapestries free; flinging them into a heap on the floor。 He jerked open the door of the cooker; wrinkled his nose in disgust。 'Ugh; the ultimate in revulsion。 Doubtless this spilled fat is all that remains of the mongol boy now that his bones have been cast out for the foxes and rats。 Nothing here; so that leaves only one place to look!'
  Sabat wanted to scream 'For God's sake; no' as he saw Pieter Daunay attempting to lift the coffin lid one…handed; beads of perspiration standing out on the Frenchman's forehead。
  Sabat closed his eyes。 He didn't want to see; never again wanted to gaze upon those terrible features。 He heard the lid go back on its hinges; vibrate。 A cry came from Daunay's lips that was probably the nearest the investigator ever got to terror。 'Mother of God! It cannot be but it is。 The head is rejoined to the body as though it had never been parted!'
  Pieter Daunay's attention was now focused on Sabat again; stepping nearer as though he wanted to be away from that hideous corpse。
  'Well; the girl is not here。 Nobody is here。 In which case; Sabat; we shall have to be patient and await their return。
  Neither you nor I are leaving here。'
  Sabat nodded dumbly and; at the other's gesture; lowered himself slowly down into one of the straight…backed chairs by the trestle table。 Daunay hitched himself on to the table; one leg swinging; his features harsh and unrelenting。 Suddenly he smiled; an expression that seemed to be forced; motivating himself; having to fight off a deep inner fear。
  'The end of the road for the Cannibal Cult; Sabat!' he laughed; a hollow sound。 'And for you?
  They waited in silence; eyes that met and burned hatred; both of them listening but hearing nothing。
  The night hours passed slowly。 Sabat watched the candles burning lower; spluttering in their own spilled wax。 Daybreak could not be far off。 What would Daunay do when nobody came? But somebody had to e sometime because they would not leave Nevillon's body unguarded for long。 Walpurgisnacht was now just over forty…eight hours away。 The cult would not risk their ultimate triumph。
  He saw Daunay shiver; shuddered himself。 It had gone very cold。 Those candles were now down to a mere stub; flickering as though caught in a sudden draught And in that instant Sabat realised!
  'Look out!' his shout had the Frenchman jerking to his feet; finger curling around the trigger of his pistol。 'Daunay for God's sake run! Run before it's too late。 Get outsider
  'Stay where you are!' Pieter Daunay jumped to bar the other's way to the door。 'Don't try it; Sabat!'
  A waft of icy wind from somewhere extinguished both candles and at the height of his terror Sabat flung himself sideways and down。 A vivid stab of flame momentarily lit up the room as Daunay fired; and that split second was enough for Sabat to see and understand。
  A thing so grotesque that it defied mortal logic was outlined in the flash。 Human in shape; its features mercifully bathed in shadow otherwise Sabat's brain would have snapped。 Animal…like grunts and a stench that was a mixture of putrefaction and excreta。 And death!
  Sabat rolled over; tried to pray but that was something that Quentin could not do。 Utter blackness in a freezing atmosphere。 He covered his face; resigned himself to some unthinkable fate; heard Daunay screaming。 Yells of terror that died away to an imbecilic babble。
  Then total silence。 Sabat did not try to hold on to consciousness。 He wanted neither to see nor hear。
  He wanted to die。 Quickly。
  SABAT COULD not believe that he was still alive。 Neither could he accept that he still had the use of his brain; that he was able to recognise his surroundings in the harsh light of a new day。
  He didn't want to look but he had to; a fearful glance that took in the whole of the interior of the chapel。 Those burned…out candles lying on the floor。 The lead coffin; its lid now shut!
  And Pieter Daunay also still lived! The French investigator was sitting in the furthest cornerof the room; a bowed; broken figure staring vacantly around him。 Glazed eyes that saw but did not understand; a slack mouth that vainly tried to speak; while the only sounds it managed to utter were inprehensible child…like babblings。
  'Pieter!' Sabat rose to his knees; felt dizzy。 'Pieter; are you all right? Can you hear me; man?'
  The other gave no sign that he had heard; just continued to stare blankly; still muttering to himself。 Cringing; pressing himself back against the wall as though he was trying to hide from some invisible horror。
  Sabat sank back down to the floor。 God; he should have realised; Madeleine was gone but the cult had not left Nevillon's corpse unguarded; dark forces more powerful than they had kept watch。 Daunay's mind was gone; physically he was no better than a spastic。 But why Daunay and not himself? Why had they chosen to spare Sabat; to let him emerge unscathed from 。。。 from what?
  Of course! Sabat groaned his helplessness; his utter futility as he understood。 They had spared him because he was Quentin; one of them; an associate of Louis Nevillon。 Evil had protected evil because they still needed him。 And he was as much a prisoner here as if he had been manacled to the wall!
  The dizziness passed。 A faint buzzing that seemed to be inside his head; but suddenly he realised it was not。 It was the engine of some vehicle; louder; ing closer。 Wherever Madeleine had been she had returned。 The slamming of a door; soft footsteps approaching the chapel。 The click of the latch。。。
  It was Madeleine all right; tight…lipped; white…faced; seething with anger。 Her glance took in everything; Sabat uncertain of himself; strangely nervous; Daunay sitting on the floor playing with his fingers; an idiotic grin on his face。 His hump seemed to have grown still more; a deformed child who reminded Sabat of the mongol boy。
  'Fool!' she hissed。 'Cochon! Traitor! You sought to betray us and for that you shall pay dearly!'
  Sabat found himself licking his lips; trying to think of excuses。 That momentary fight…back had deserted him。 He was Quentin again。 'I。。。 I brought him here 。。。 didn't I?'
  'Your orders were to exterminate him。 Instead you thought to use him to overthrow us。 Andre feared that you might; that was why I was removed from here and a greater power left to guard my beloved。'
  'This man is both dangerous and clever;' Sabat was regaining some of his posure。 'He forced me here at gunpoint。'
  'Lies!' she spat; a blob of spittle hitting him on the cheek。 'Nevertheless; all is not lost。 Now you must annihilate him in the way that is known best to our followers!'
  'I。。。 I。。。' Sabat blanched。
  'Do as I order you。 Start fuelling the fire。' With a deft movement she flicked the black tapestries from the altar; sent the empty candlesticks spinning。 'Do you dare to disobey me。。。 Quentin?'
  Sabat recoiled as though she had struck him; almost cringed as he picked up the empty galvanised bucket by the door and went outside in search of kindling。 His footsteps dragged; as he slouched his way round the side of the building where some logs were heaped up against the wall。 Idly he wondered wh

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