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小说: cussler.blueandgold 字数: 每页4000字

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 Chapter 39
 Gamay was almost relieved when the pair of husky guards came to take her away。 She was bored to pieces; having concluded that the cell was escape…proof un less she could figure a way to blow the door off its hinges。 She re solved to talk to someone at NUMA about ing up with James Bond gadgets。 But that would have to wait。 Her only option now was to watch for a chance to run for it once she was out of the cell。
 Her heart sank as the guards ushered her through a maze of corridors。 She would bee lost before she went ten feet。 They stopped in front of a pair of heavy bronze doors at least eight feet high。 The surface of the doors was cast with mythological scenes。 The theme was heavy on skulls; but for variety there were giants and dwarfs; strange monsters; fierce horses; twisted trees; runes; and lightning around a central motif; a sleek double…ended sailing ship。
 One guard pressed a button on the wall; and the doors swung in noiselessly。 The other guard prodded her into the room with his gun。
 〃This isn't our idea;〃 he said in what sounded like an apology。 The doors clicked shut; and she looked around to get her bearings。 〃Charming;〃 she murmured under her breath。
 She was in an enormous chamber bigger than a football field。 She could trace its outline by the torches lining the walls of the cavernous space。 In the center of the room; illuminated by four tall braziers; was a ship; its one square sail unfurled; that looked like the twin of the vessel carved on the doors。
 Before being a marine biologist Gamay had been a nautical archaeologist; and she knew immediately that it was a Viking ship or a very good replica of one。 She wondered if she were in a museum。 No; she decided; it was more like an elaborate crypt。 Maybe the ship served as a sepulchre as was the custom of the Norsemen。 Partly out of curiosity; but mostly because there was no alternative; she began to walk toward the vessel。
 As she made her lonely way across the great hall two pairs of red…rimmed eyes observed her progress from the shadows。 The same eyes had hungrily watched her earlier on a TV monitor as she languished in her cell。 The Kradzik twins had spent hours in front of the screen。 They had taken in her every physical feature; from the distinctive dark red hair to the long; slim legs。 There was nothing sexual in their voyeurism; that would have been too natural。 Their interest was purely in inflicting pain。 They were like a dog trained to balance a treat on its nose until the owner gives the okay to swallow。 With Gamay enticingly within their reach; their sadistic urges surfaced。 Gamay and the other woman had been promised to them。 With Brynhild busy in the lab; they decided to claim their toy。
 They ordered Gamay brought to the Great Hall。 The guards obeyed with some reluctance。 The small army that protected Gogstad and occasionally projected its reach; as in Alaska; were all ex…military men; plucked from elite services around the world。 In their ranks were former French Legionnaires; U。S。 Special Forces; SEALs; Red Army infantry; British paratroopers; and other assorted mercenaries。 It was jokingly said in their barracks that a dishonorable discharge was a minimum requirement to work for Gogstad; and jail time was worth a bonus。 They would shoot to kill on order; but they considered themselves professionals simply doing their job。 The Kradziks were different。 Everybody knew the stories of massacre and murder in Bosnia; and there were rumors of their special assignments for Gogstad。 The men also knew of their close ties to Brynhild。 When they were ordered to deliver the prisoner; they did so without argument。
 Gamay was halfway to the ship when she heard the unmistakable sound of motors starting up。 The staccato snarl was made even more intense as it echoed off the hard stone walls。 Single headlights appeared to the right and left of the ship and began to move slowly in her direction。
 She could see the silhouettes of the riders。 Gamay felt like a deer caught crossing a highway。 Then the motors revved up to a high…pitched whine; and the motorcycles came at her like twin rockets。
 Her eyes went to the sharp…pointed lances resting on the handlebars。
 The riders came at her like grotesque caricatures of jousting knights。 Just when it seemed the spears would penetrate her midsection; the motorcycles swerved off。 They quickly reversed course and came in behind her。 She whirled as they flashed by in a precision criss…cross。 They spun around; their motors idling; and once more the headlights faced her on either side like the glowing eyes of a huge purring cat。
 The Kradziks were riding the Yamaha 250 dirt bikes that the security guards used to patrol the perimeter of the giant  pound。 The lances had been borrowed from the weapon collection decorating the Great Hall。 The twins were not imaginative men; and their activities; whether the victim was a teenage girl or an elderly man; always followed the same formula: intimidate; terrorize; inflict pain; and kill。
 A voice came out from the darkness on the left: 〃If you run 
  Then from the right; 〃。 。 。 maybe we won't catch you。〃
 Fat chance; Gamay thought。 She could tell from the voices that she was dealing with the same metal…mouthed morons who had broken into her house。 It was obvious to her they simply wanted a little challenge in their sport。 She called out; 〃Let me see you。〃 
  The only sound was the popping idle of the motors。 The Kradziks were accustomed to having victims cower and beg for their lives。 They didn't know how to deal with questions; especially from a defenseless woman。 Curious; they edged their bikes closer and stopped a few yards away。
 〃Who are you?〃 she said。
 〃We are death;〃 they said as one。
 The short reprieve was over。 The motors revved。 The motor bikes reared up on their back wheels。 The front wheels came down and; with a double shriek of burning rubber; the bikes shot forward; did another criss…cross; then began to circle。 They wanted Gamay to spin until she became dizzy and collapsed into a helpless; blubbering heap。 She refused to play their game。 Instead she stood her ground with her eyes straight ahead; arms tight by her side。 The wind created by their passes blew choking exhaust fumes in her face。 It took every measure of self…control not to bolt for it。 They'd be on her in a second and use their spears to cut her legs out from under her。
 When they saw she had no intention of running; they angled in。 A spear tip came so close that it lacerated the front of her shirt。 She sucked her stomach in。 This wouldn't do。 She began to walk。 She moved deliberately with measured steps so she wouldn't throw their timing off。 Delighted at the new challenge; the riders took turns cutting in front of her; pulling their spears away at the last possible second。 She kept on going; her ears filled with the whine of motors。 She refused to break her stride。 Gamay knew they could kill her any time they wanted to。
 She heard a bike ing in from the right。 Taking a big chance; she stopped suddenly。 The rider misjudged and went wide。 The bike skidded around in a tight turn; but the move threw off the uncanny munication the riders seemed to have; and they wheeled around in confusion。 She ran past the upturned bow of the boat; intending to vault onto the deck; but she encountered a barrier of overhanging round shields that protected the side above the oar ports。 She saw why the Kradziks had let her get this close to the boat。 They knew there was no way she could easily climb over the shields。
 The only access to the deck was… a ramp near the stern。 They probably hoped she would run for it。 She made a motion in that direction; and they shot over to cut her off。 She grabbed one of the shields off the side of the boat; then turned and held it in front; her back to the boat。 The twins spun around and came at her with lances leveled。 The heavy shield; made of thick wood braced with iron; was designed more for a brawny Norseman than a slim woman。 Fortunately Gamay was tall and athletic and managed to get her left arm through the straps and hold the shield in front of her。
 Just in time。
 The spears hit the front of the shield as one。 The force drove her back against the side of the boat and knocked the wind from her lungs。
 The bikes peeled off to the left and the right; did quick turns; and headed back。 Gamay put the shield down on the floor; braced her foot against it; and pulled out the spears。 In contrast to the shield they were surprisingly light; with thin wooden shafts and slender bronze tips。 They were probably de signed more for throwing than for jousting。
 She held the spears vertically and the shield at ready。 With their weapons gone; she assumed the brothers were making a feint; but there was a blur of motion as a spiked ball whirled at the end of a chain slammed into the shield。 Even with her legs braced she was thrown back and went down on her right knee。 She managed to keep the shield high in a move that saved her life as a punishing blow from the second rider crunched into the shield and splintered the out

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