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小说: sk.petsematary 字数: 每页4000字

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orma was taken with both of the Creed children…particularly with Ellie; who; she said; was going to be 〃an old…time beauty。〃 At least; Louis told Rachel that night in bed; Norma hadn't said Ellie was going to grow into a real sweet coon。 Rachel laughed so hard she broke explosive wind; and then both of them laughed so long and loudly that they woke up Gage in the next room。
  The first day of kindergarten arrived。 Louis; who felt pretty well in control of the infirmary and the medical…support facilities now; took the day off。 (Besides; the infirmary was currently dead empty; the last patient; a summer student who had broken her leg on the Student Union steps; had been discharged a week before。) He stood on the lawn beside Rachel with Gage in his arms; as the big yellow bus made the turn from Middle Drive and lumbered to a stop in front of their house。 The doors at the front folded open; the babble and squawk of many children drifted out on the mild September air。
  Ellie cast a strange; vulnerable glance back over her shoulder; as if to ask them if there might not yet be time to abort this inevitable process; and perhaps what she saw on the faces of her parents convinced her that the time was gone; and everything which would follow this first day was simply inevitable… like the progress of Norma Crandall's arthritis。 She turned away from them and mounted the steps of the bus。 The doors folded shut with a gasp of dragon's breath。 The bus pulled away。 Rachel burst into tears。
  〃Don't; for Christ's sake;〃 Louis said。 He wasn't crying。 Only damn near。 〃It's only half a day。〃
  〃Half a day is bad enough;〃 Rachel answered in a scolding voice and began to cry harder。 Louis held her; and Gage slipped an arm fortably around each parent's neck。 When Rachel cried; Gage usually cried too。 But not this time。 He has us to himself。 Louis thought; and he damn well knows it。
  They waited with some trepidation for Ellie to return; drinking too much coffee; speculating on how it was going for her。 Louis went out into the back room that was going to be his study and messed about idly; moving papers from one place to another but not doing much else。 Rachel began lunch absurdly early。
  When the phone rang at a quarter past ten; Rachel raced for it and answered with a breathless 〃Hello?〃 before it could ring a second time。 Louis stood in the doorway between his office and the kitchen; sure it would be Ellis's teacher telling them that she bad decided Ellie couldn't hack it; the stomach of public education had found her indigestible and was spitting her back。 But it was only Norma Crandall; calling to tell them that Jud had picked the last of the corn and they were wele to a dozen ears if they wanted it。 Louis went over with a shopping bag and scolded Jud for not letting him help pick it。
  〃Most of it ain't worth a tin shit anyway;〃 Jud said。
  〃You'll kindly spare that talk while I'm around;〃 Norma said。 She came out on the porch with iced tea on an antique Coca…Cola tray。
  〃Sorry; my Love。〃
  〃He ain't sorry a bit;〃 Norma said to Louis and sat down with a wince。
  〃Saw Ellie get on the bus;〃 Jud said; lighting a Chesterfield。 〃She'll be fine;〃 Norma said。 〃They almost always are。〃 Almost; Louis thought morbidly。
  But Ellie was fine。 She came home at noon smiling and sunny; her blue first…day…of…school dress belling gracefully around her scabbed shins (and there was a new scrape on one knee to marvel over); a picture of what might have been two children or perhaps two walking gantries in one hand; one shoe untied; one ribbon missing from her hair; shouting; 〃We sang 'Old MacDonald'! Mommy! Daddy! We sang 'Old MacDonald'! Same one as in the Carstairs Street School!〃
  Rachel glanced over at Louis; who was sitting in the window seat with Gage on his lap。 The baby was almost asleep。 There was something sad in Rachel's glance; and although she looked away quickly; Louis felt a moment of terrible panic。 We're really going to get old; be thought。 It's really true。 No one's going to make an exception for us。 She's on her way。 。 。 and so are we。
  Ellie ran over to him; trying to show him her picture; her new scrape; and tell him about 〃Old MacDonald〃 and Mrs。 Berryman all at the same time。 Church was twining in and out between her legs; purring loudly; and Ellie was somehow; almost miraculously; not tripping over him。
  〃Shh;〃 Louis said and kissed her。 Gage had gone to sleep; unmindful of all the excitement。 〃Just let me put the baby to bed and then I'll listen to everything。〃
  He took Gage up the stairs; walking through hot slanting September sunshine; and as he reached the landing; such a premonition of horror and darkness struck him that he stopped… stopped cold…and looked around in surprise; wondering what could possibly have e over him。 He held the baby tighter; almost clutching him; and Gage stirred unfortably。 Louis's arms and back had broken out in great rashes of gooseflesh。
  What's wrong? he wondered; confused and frightened。 His heart was racing; his scalp felt cool and abruptly too small to cover his skull; he could feel the surge of adrenaline behind his eyes。 Human eyes really did bug out when fear was extreme; he knew; they did not just widen but actually bulged as blood pressure climbed and the hydrostatic pressure of the cranial fluids increased。 What the hell is it? Ghosts? Christ; it really feels as if something just brushed by me in this hallway; something I almost saw。
  Downstairs the screen door whacked against its frame。
  Louis Creed jumped; almost screamed; and then laughed。 It was simply one of those psychological cold pockets people Sometimes passed through…no more; no less。 A momentary fugue。 They happened; that was all。 What had Scrooge said to the ghost of Jacob Marley? You may be no more than an underdone bit of potato。 There's more gravy than grave to you。 And that was more correct…physiologically as well as psychologically…than Charles Dickens had probably known。 There were no ghosts; at least not in his experience。 He had pronounced two dozen people dead in his career and had never once felt the passage of a soul。
  He took Gage into his room and laid him in his crib。 As he pulled the blanket up over his son; though; a shudder twisted up his back; and he thought suddenly of his Uncle Carl's 〃showroom。〃 No new cars there; no televisions with all the modem features; no dishwashers with glass fronts so you could watch the magical sudsing action。 Only boxes with their lids up; a carefully hidden spotlight over each。 His father's brother was an undertaker。
  Good God; what gave you the horrors? Let it go! Dump it!
  He kissed his son and went down to listen to Ellie tell about her first day at the big kid's school。
  That Saturday; after Ellie had pleted her first week of school and just before the college kids came back to campus; Jud Crandall came across the road and walked over to where the Creed family sat on their lawn。 Ellie had gotten off her bike and was drinking a glass of iced tea。 Gage was crawling in the grass; examining bugs; perhaps even eating a few; Gage was not particular where his protein camó from。
  〃Jud;〃 Louis said; getting up。 〃Let me get you a chair。〃
  〃No need。〃 Jud was wearing jeans; an open…throated work shirt; and a pair of green boots。 He looked at Ellie。 〃You still want to see where yon path goes; Ellie?〃
  〃Yes!〃 Ellie said; getting up immediately。 Her eyes sparkled。 〃George Buck at school told me it was the pet cemetery; and I told Mommy; but she said to wait for you because you knew where it was。〃
  〃I do; too;〃 Jud said。 〃If it's okay with your folks; we'll take us a stroll up there。 You'll want a pair of boots though。 Ground's a bit squishy in places。〃
  Ellie rushed into the house。
  Jud looked after her with amused affection。 〃Maybe you'd like to e too; Louis。〃
  〃I would;〃 Louis said。 He looked at Rachel。 〃You want to e; honey?〃
  〃What about Gage? I thought it was a mile。〃
  〃I'll put him in the Gerrypack。〃
  Rachel laughed。 〃Okay 。 。 。 but it's your back; mister。〃
  They started off ten minutes later; all of them but Gage wearing boots。 Gage was sitting up in the Gerrypack and looking at everything over Louis's shoulder; goggle…eyed。 Ellie ranged ahead constantly; chasing butterflies and picking flowers。
  The grass in the back field was almost waist high; and now there was goldenrod; that late…summer gossip which es to tattle on autumn every year。 But there was no autumn in the air today; today the sun was still all August; although calendar August was almost two weeks gone。 By the time they had reached the top of the first hill; walking strung out along the mown path; there were big patches of sweat under Louis's arms。
  Jud paused。 At first Louis thought it might be because the old man was winded…then he saw the view that had opened Out behind them。
  〃Pretty up here;〃 Jud said; putting a piece of timothy grass between his teeth。 Louis thought he had just heard the quintessential Yankee understatement。
  〃It's gorgeous;〃 Rachel breathed and then turned to Louis; almost accusingly。 〃How e you didn't tell me about this?〃
  〃Because! didn't know it was here;〃 Louis sa

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