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the conflict-第24节

小说: the conflict 字数: 每页4000字

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vers had been brought up a Presbyterian; and under the name of Blakehis correct namehad ‘‘done a stretch'' in Joliet for picking pockets。

Dorn caught sight of Davy Hull; hanging uncertainly  in the offing。  He rose at once; said a few words in a quiet; emphatic way to Riverswords of conclusion and dismissaland advanced to meet Hull。

‘‘I don't want to interrupt。  I can wait;'' said Hull; who saw Rivers' angry scowl at him。  He did not wish to offend the great labor leader。

‘‘That fellow pushed himself on me;'' said Dorn。  ‘‘I've nothing to say to him。''

‘‘Tony Riverswasn't it?'' said Davy as they seated themselves at another table。

‘‘I'm going to expose him in next week's New Day;'' replied Victor。  ‘‘When I sent him a copy of the article for his corrections; if he could make any; he came threatening。''

‘‘I've heard he's a dangerous man;'' said Davy。

‘‘He'll not be so dangerous after Saturday;'' replied Victor。  ‘‘One by one I'm putting the labor agents of your friends out of business。  The best onesthe chaps like Riversare hard to catch。  And if I should attack one of them before I had him dead to rights; I'd only strengthen him。''

‘‘You think you can destroy Rivers' influence?'' said Davy incredulously。

‘‘If I were not sure of it I'd not publish a line;'' said Victor。

‘‘But to get to the subject I wish to talk to you about。  You are to be the reform candidate for Mayor in the fall?''

Davy looked important and self…conscious。  ‘‘There has been some talk of'' he began。

‘‘I've sent for you to ask you to withdraw from the movement; Hull;'' interrupted Victor。

Hull smiled。  ‘‘And I've come to ask you to support it;'' said Hull。  ‘‘We'll win; anyhow。  But I'd like to see all the forces against corruption united in this campaign。  I am even urging my people to put one or two of your men on the ticket。''

‘‘None of us would accept;'' said Victor。  ‘‘That isn't our kind of politics。  We'll take nothing until we get everything。 。 。 。  What do you know about this movement you're lending your name to?''

‘‘I organized it;'' said Hull proudly。

‘‘Pardon meDick Kelly organized it;'' replied Victor。  ‘‘They're simply using you; Davy; to play their rotten game。  Kelly knew he was certain to be beaten this fall。  He doesn't care especially for that; because House and his gang are just as much Kelly as Kelly himself。  But he's alarmed about the judgeship。''

Davy Hull reddened; though he tried hard to look indifferent。

‘‘He's given up hope of pulling through the scoundrel who's on the bench now。  He knows that our man would be elected; though his tool had the support of the Republicans; the Democrats and the new reform crowd。''

Dorn had been watching Hull's embarrassed face keenly。  He now said:  ‘‘You understand; I see; why Judge Freilig changed his mind and decided that he must stop devoting himself to the public and think of the welfare of his family and resume the practice of the law?''

‘‘Judge Freilig is an honorable gentleman;'' said Davy with much dignity。  ‘‘I'm sorry; Dorn; that you listen to the lies of demagogues。''

‘‘If Freilig had persisted in running;'' said Victor; ‘‘I should have published the list of stocks and bonds of corporations benefiting by his decisions that his brother and his father have come into possession of during his two terms on the bench。  Many of our judges are simply mentally crooked。  But Freilig is a bribe taker。  He probably believes his decisions are just。  All you fellows believe that upper…class rule is really best for the people''

‘‘And so it is;'' said Davy。  ‘‘And you; an educated man; know it。''

‘‘I'll not argue that now;'' said Victor。  ‘‘As I was saying; while Freilig decides for what he honestly thinks is right; he also feels he is entitled to a share of the substantial benefits。

Most of the judges; after serving the upper class faithfully for years; retire to an old age of comparative poverty。  Freilig thinks that is foolish。''

‘‘I suppose you agree with him;'' said Hull sarcastically。

‘‘I sympathize with him;'' said Victor。  ‘‘He retires with reputation unstained and with plenty of money。  If I should publish the truth about him; would he lose a single one of his friends?  You know he wouldn't。  That isn't the way the world is run at present。''

‘‘No doubt it would be run much better if your crowd were in charge;'' sneered Hull。

‘‘On the contrary; much worse;'' replied Victor unruffled。  ‘‘But we're educating ourselves so that; when our time comes; we'll not do so badly。''

‘‘You'll have plenty of time for education;'' said Davy。

‘‘Plenty;'' said Victor。  ‘‘But why are you angry?  Because you realize now that your reform candidate for judge is of Dick Kelly's selecting?''

‘‘Kelly didn't propose Hugo Galland;'' cried Davy hotly。  ‘‘I proposed him myself。''

‘‘Was his the first name you proposed?''

Something in Dorn's tone made Davy feel that it would be unwise to yield to the impulse to tell a lie for the highly moral purpose of silencing this agitator and demagogue。

‘‘You will remember;'' pursued Victor; ‘‘that Galland was the sixth or seventh name you proposedand that Joe House rejected the others。  He did it; after consulting with Kelly。  You recalldon't you?that every time you brought him a name he took time to consider?''

‘‘How do you know so much about all this?'' cried Davy; his tone suggesting that Victor was wholly mistaken; but his manner betraying that he knew Victor was right。

‘‘Oh; politicians are human;'' replied Dorn。  ‘‘And the human race is loose…mouthed。  I saw years ago that if I was to build my party I must have full and accurate information as to all that was going on。  I made my plans accordingly。''

‘‘Galland is an honest manrichabove suspicion above corruptionan ideal candidate;'' said Davy。

‘‘He is a corporation owner; a corporation lawyer and a fool;'' said Victor。  ‘‘As I've told you; all Dick Kelly's interest in this fall's local election is that judgeship。''

‘‘Galland is my man。  I want to see him elected。  If Kelly's for Galland; so much the better。  Then we're sure of electing himof getting the right sort of a man on the bench。''

‘‘I'm not here to argue with you about politics; Davy;'' said Victor。  ‘‘I brought you here because I like youbelieve in your honestyand don't want to see you humiliated。  I'm giving you a chance to save yourself 。''

‘‘From what?'' inquired Hull; not so valiant as he pretended to be。

‘‘From the ridicule and disgrace that will cover this reform movement; if you persist in it。''

Hull burst out laughing。  ‘‘Of all the damned impudence!'' he exclaimed。  ‘‘Dorn; I think you've gone crazy 。''

‘‘You can't irritate me; Hull。  I've been giving you the benefit of the doubt。  I think you are falling into the commonest kind of errordoing evil and winking at evil in order that a good end may be gained。  Now; listen。  What are the things you reformers are counting on to get you votes this fall''

Davy maintained a haughty silence。

‘‘The traction scandals; the gas scandals and the paving scandalsisn't that it?''

‘‘Of course;'' said Davy。

‘‘Thenwhy have the gas crowd; the traction crowd and the paving crowd each contributed twenty…five thousand dollars to your campaign fund?''

Hull stared at Victor Dorn in amazement。  ‘‘Who told you that lie?'' he blustered。

Dorn looked at him sadly。  ‘‘Then you knew?  I hoped you didn't; Hull。  Butnow that you're facing the situation squarely; don't you see that you're being made a fool of?  Would those people put up for your election if they weren't SURE you and your crowd were THEIR crowd?''

‘‘They'll find out!'' cried Hull。

‘‘You'll find out; you mean;'' replied Victor。  ‘‘I see your whole programme; Davy。  They'll put you in; and they'll say; ‘Let us alone and we'll make you governor of the State。  Annoy us; and you'll have no political future。'  And you'll say to yourself; ‘The wise thing for me to do is to wait until I'm governor before I begin to serve the people。  THEN I can really do something。'  And so; you'll be THEIR mayorand afterward THEIR governorbecause they'll hold out another inducement。  Anyhow; by that time you'll be so completely theirs that you'll have no hope of a career except through them。''

After reading how some famous oration wrought upon its audience we turn to it and wonder that such tempests of emotion could have been produced by such simple; perhaps almost commonplace words。  The key to the mystery is usually a magic quality in the tone of the orator; evoking before its hypnotized hearers a series of vivid pictures; just as the notes of a violin; with no aid from words or even from musical form seem to materialize into visions。

This uncommon yet by no means rare power was in Victor Dorn's voice; and explained his extraordinary influence over people of all kinds and classes; it wove a spell that enmeshed even those who disliked him for his detestable views。  Davy Hull; listening to Victor's simple recital of his prospective career; was so wrought upon that he sat staring before him in a kind of terror。

‘‘Davy;'' said Victor gently; ‘‘you're at the parting of the ways。  The time for honest halfway reformers for political amateurs has passed。  ‘Under 

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