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a princess of mars-第21节

小说: a princess of mars 字数: 每页4000字

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a chance and death must take a back seat。  They soon had

me patched up so that; except for weakness from loss of

blood and a little soreness around the wound; I suffered no

great distress from this thrust which; under earthly treatment;

undoubtedly would have put me flat on my back for days。

As soon as they were through with me I hastened to the

chariot of Dejah Thoris; where I found my poor Sola with

her chest swathed in bandages; but apparently little the

worse for her encounter with Sarkoja; whose dagger it seemed

had struck the edge of one of Sola's metal breast ornaments

and; thus deflected; had inflicted but a slight flesh wound。

As I approached I found Dejah Thoris lying prone upon

her silks and furs; her lithe form wracked with sobs。  She did

not notice my presence; nor did she hear me speaking with

Sola; who was standing a short distance from the vehicle。

〃Is she injured?〃 I asked of Sola; indicating Dejah Thoris

by an inclination of my head。

〃No;〃 she answered; 〃she thinks that you are dead。〃

〃And that her grandmother's cat may now have no one to

polish its teeth?〃 I queried; smiling。

〃I think you wrong her; John Carter;〃 said Sola。  〃I do not

understand either her ways or yours; but I am sure the

granddaughter of ten thousand jeddaks would never grieve

like this over any who held but the highest claim upon her

affections。  They are a proud race; but they are just; as are

all Barsoomians; and you must have hurt or wronged her

grievously that she will not admit your existence living;

though she mourns you dead。

〃Tears are a strange sight upon Barsoom;〃 she continued;

〃and so it is difficult for me to interpret them。  I have seen

but two people weep in all my life; other than Dejah Thoris;

one wept from sorrow; the other from baffled rage。  The first

was my mother; years ago before they killed her; the other

was Sarkoja; when they dragged her from me today。〃

〃Your mother!〃 I exclaimed; 〃but; Sola; you could not

have known your mother; child。〃

〃But I did。  And my father also;〃 she added。  〃If you

would like to hear the strange and un…Barsoomian story

come to the chariot tonight; John Carter; and I will tell you

that of which I have never spoken in all my life before。  And

now the signal has been given to resume the march; you

must go。〃

〃I will come tonight; Sola;〃 I promised。  〃Be sure to tell

Dejah Thoris I am alive and well。  I shall not force myself

upon her; and be sure that you do not let her know I saw her tears。

If she would speak with me I but await her command。

Sola mounted the chariot; which was swinging into its place

in line; and I hastened to my waiting thoat and galloped

to my station beside Tars Tarkas at the rear of the column。

We made a most imposing and awe…inspiring spectacle as

we strung out across the yellow landscape; the two hundred

and fifty ornate and brightly colored chariots; preceded by

an advance guard of some two hundred mounted warriors

and chieftains riding five abreast and one hundred yards

apart; and followed by a like number in the same formation;

with a score or more of flankers on either side; the fifty extra

mastodons; or heavy draught animals; known as zitidars;

and the five or six hundred extra thoats of the warriors

running loose within the hollow square formed by the

surrounding warriors。  The gleaming metal and jewels of

the gorgeous ornaments of the men and women; duplicated in

the trappings of the zitidars and thoats; and interspersed

with the flashing colors of magnificent silks and furs and

feathers; lent a barbaric splendor to the caravan which would

have turned an East Indian potentate green with envy。

The enormous broad tires of the chariots and the padded

feet of the animals brought forth no sound from the moss…

covered sea bottom; and so we moved in utter silence; like

some huge phantasmagoria; except when the stillness was

broken by the guttural growling of a goaded zitidar; or the

squealing of fighting thoats。  The green Martians converse

but little; and then usually in monosyllables; low and like

the faint rumbling of distant thunder。

We traversed a trackless waste of moss which; bending to

the pressure of broad tire or padded foot; rose up again

behind us; leaving no sign that we had passed。  We might

indeed have been the wraiths of the departed dead upon the

dead sea of that dying planet for all the sound or sign we

made in passing。  It was the first march of a large body of

men and animals I had ever witnessed which raised no dust

and left no spoor; for there is no dust upon Mars except in

the cultivated districts during the winter months; and even

then the absence of high winds renders it almost unnoticeable。

We camped that night at the foot of the hills we had been

approaching for two days and which marked the southern

boundary of this particular sea。  Our animals had been two

days without drink; nor had they had water for nearly two

months; not since shortly after leaving Thark; but; as Tars

Tarkas explained to me; they require but little and can live

almost indefinitely upon the moss which covers Barsoom; and

which; he told me; holds in its tiny stems sufficient moisture

to meet the limited demands of the animals。

After partaking of my evening meal of cheese…like food

and vegetable milk I sought out Sola; whom I found working

by the light of a torch upon some of Tars Tarkas' trappings。

She looked up at my approach; her face lighting with pleasure

and with welcome。

〃I am glad you came;〃 she said; 〃Dejah Thoris sleeps and

I am lonely。  Mine own people do not care for me; John Carter;

I am too unlike them。  It is a sad fate; since I must live

my life amongst them; and I often wish that I were a true

green Martian woman; without love and without hope; but I

have known love and so I am lost。

〃I promised to tell you my story; or rather the story of

my parents。  From what I have learned of you and the ways

of your people I am sure that the tale will not seem strange

to you; but among green Martians it has no parallel within

the memory of the oldest living Thark; nor do our legends

hold many similar tales。

〃My mother was rather small; in fact too small to be allowed

the responsibilities of maternity; as our chieftains breed

principally for size。  She was also less cold and cruel

than most green Martian women; and caring little for their

society; she often roamed the deserted avenues of Thark

alone; or went and sat among the wild flowers that deck

the nearby hills; thinking thoughts and wishing wishes

which I believe I alone among Tharkian women today may

understand; for am I not the child of my mother?

〃And there among the hills she met a young warrior; whose

duty it was to guard the feeding zitidars and thoats and see

that they roamed not beyond the hills。  They spoke at first

only of such things as interest a community of Tharks; but

gradually; as they came to meet more often; and; as was

now quite evident to both; no longer by chance; they talked

about themselves; their likes; their ambitions and their hopes。

She trusted him and told him of the awful repugnance she

felt for the cruelties of their kind; for the hideous; loveless

lives they must ever lead; and then she waited for the storm

of denunciation to break from his cold; hard lips; but instead

he took her in his arms and kissed her。

〃They kept their love a secret for six long years。  She; my

mother; was of the retinue of the great Tal Hajus; while her

lover was a simple warrior; wearing only his own metal。

Had their defection from the traditions of the Tharks been

discovered both would have paid the penalty in the great

arena before Tal Hajus and the assembled hordes。

〃The egg from which I came was hidden beneath a great

glass vessel upon the highest and most inaccessible of the

partially ruined towers of ancient Thark。  Once each year my

mother visited it for the five long years it lay there in the

process of incubation。  She dared not come oftener; for in the

mighty guilt of her conscience she feared that her every

move was watched。  During this period my father gained great

distinction as a warrior and had taken the metal from several

chieftains。  His love for my mother had never diminished;

and his own ambition in life was to reach a point where

he might wrest the metal from Tal Hajus himself; and thus;

as ruler of the Tharks; be free to claim her as his own;

as well as; by the might of his power; protect the child

which otherwise would be quickly dispatched should the

truth become known。

〃It was a wild dream; that of wresting the metal from Tal

Hajus in five short years; but his advance was rapid; and he

soon stood high in the councils of Thark。  But one day the

chance was lost forever; in so far as it could come in time

to save his loved ones; for he was ordered away up

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