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to have and to hold-第3节

小说: to have and to hold 字数: 每页4000字

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 port; and of the tall ship which had brought in those doves for sale。 The river with its dancing freight; the blue heavens and bright sunshine; the green trees waving in the wind; the stir and bustle in the street and market place thronged with gayly dressed gallants; made  a fair and pleasant scene。 As I drove my boat in between the sloop of the commander of Shirley Hundred and the canoe of the Nansemond werowance; the two bells then newly hung in the church began to peal and the drum to beat。 Stepping ashore; I had a rear view only of the folk who had clustered along the banks and in the street; their faces and footsteps being with one accord directed toward the market place。 I went with the throng; jostled alike by velvet and dowlas; by youths with their estates upon their backs and naked fantastically painted savages; and trampling the tobacco with which the greedy citizens had planted the very street。 In the square I brought up before the Governor's house; and found myself cheek by jowl with Master Pory; our Secretary; and Speaker of the Assembly。

〃Ha; Ralph Percy!〃 he cried; wagging his gray head; 〃we two be the only sane younkers in the plantations! All the others are horn…mad!〃

〃I have caught the infection;〃 I said; 〃and am one of the bedlamites。〃

He stared; then broke into a roar of laughter。 〃Art in earnest?〃 he asked; holding his fat sides。 〃Is Saul among the prophets?〃

〃Yes;〃 I answered。 〃I diced last night; … yea or no; and the 'yea' … plague on 't … had it。〃

He broke into another roar。 〃And thou callest that bridal attire; man! Why; our cow…keeper goes in flaming silk to…day!〃

I looked down upon my suit of buff; which had in truth seen some service; and at my great boots; which I had not thought to clean since I mired in a swamp; coming from Henricus the week before; then shrugged my shoulders。

〃You will go begging;〃 he continued; wiping his eyes。 〃Not a one of them will so much as look at you。〃

〃Then will they miss seeing a man; and not a popinjay;〃 I retorted。 〃I shall not break my heart。〃

A cheer arose from the crowd; followed by a crashing peal of the bells and a louder roll of the drum。 The doors of the houses around and to right and left of the square swung open; and the company which had been quartered overnight upon the citizens began to emerge。 By twos and threes; some with hurried steps and downcast eyes; others more slowly and with free glances at the staring men; they gathered to the centre of the square; where; in surplice and band; there awaited them godly Master Bucke and Master Wickham of Henricus。 I stared with the rest; though I did not add my voice to theirs。

Before the arrival of yesterday's ship there had been in this natural Eden (leaving the savages out of the reckoning) several thousand Adams; and but some threescore Eves。 And for the most part; the Eves were either portly and bustling or withered and shrewish housewives; of age and experience to defy the serpent。 These were different。 Ninety slender figures decked in all the bravery they could assume; ninety comely faces; pink and white; or clear brown with the rich blood showing through; ninety pair of eyes; laughing and alluring; or downcast with long fringes sweeping rounded cheeks; ninety pair of ripe red lips; … the crowd shouted itself hoarse and would not be restrained; brushing aside like straws the staves of the marshal and his men; and surging in upon the line of adventurous damsels。 I saw young men; panting; seize hand or arm and strive to pull toward them  some reluctant fair; others snatched kisses; or fell on their knees and began speeches out of Euphues; others commenced an inventory of their possessions; … acres; tobacco; servants; household plenishing。 All was hubbub; protestation; frightened cries; and hysterical laughter。 The officers ran to and fro; threatening and commanding; Master Pory alternately cried 〃Shame!〃 and laughed his loudest; and I plucked away a jackanapes of sixteen who had his hand upon a girl's ruff; and shook him until the breath was well…nigh out of him。 The clamor did but increase。

〃Way for the Governor!〃 cried the marshal。 〃Shame on you; my masters! Way for his Honor and the worshipful Council!〃

The three wooden steps leading down from the door of the Governor's house suddenly blossomed into crimson and gold; as his Honor with the attendant Councilors emerged from the hall and stood staring at the mob below。

The Governor's honest moon face was quite pale with passion。 〃What a devil is this?〃 he cried wrathfully。 〃Did you never see a woman before? Where's the marshal? I'll imprison the last one of you for rioters!〃

Upon the platform of the pillory; which stood in the centre of the market place; suddenly appeared a man of a gigantic frame; with a strong face deeply lined and a great shock of grizzled hair; … a strange thing; for he was not old。 I knew him to be one Master Jeremy Sparrow; a minister brought by the Southampton a month before; and as yet without a charge; but at that time I had not spoken with him。 Without word of warning he thundered into a psalm  of thanksgiving; singing it at the top of a powerful and yet sweet and tender voice; and with a fervor and exaltation that caught the heart of the riotous crowd。 The two ministers in the throng beneath took up the strain; Master Pory added a husky tenor; eloquent of much sack; presently we were all singing。 The audacious suitors; charmed into rationality; fell back; and the broken line re…formed。 The Governor and the Council descended; and with pomp and solemnity took their places between the maids and the two ministers who were to head the column。 The psalm ended; the drum beat a thundering roll; and the procession moved forward in the direction of the church。

Master Pory having left me; to take his place among his brethren of the Council; and the mob of those who had come to purchase and of the curious idle having streamed away at the heels of the marshal and his officers; I found myself alone in the square; save for the singer; who now descended from the pillory and came up to me。

〃Captain Ralph Percy; if I mistake not?〃 he said; in a voice as deep and rich as the bass of an organ。

〃The same;〃 I answered。 〃And you are Master Jeremy Sparrow?〃

〃Yea; a silly preacher; … the poorest; meekest; and lowliest of the Lord's servitors。〃

His deep voice; magnificent frame; and bold and free address so gave the lie to the humility of his words that I had much ado to keep from laughing。 He saw; and his face; which was of a cast most martial; flashed into a smile; like sunshine on a scarred cliff。

〃You laugh in your sleeve;〃 he said good…humoredly; 〃and yet I am but what I profess to be。  In spirit I am a very Job; though nature hath fit to dress me as a Samson。 I assure you; I am worse misfitted than is Master Yardstick yonder in those Falstaffian hose。 But; good sir; will you not go to church?〃

〃If the church were Paul's; I might;〃 I answered。 〃As it is; we could not get within fifty feet of the door。〃

〃Of the great door; ay; but the ministers may pass through the side door。 If you please; I will take you in with me。 The pretty fools yonder march slowly; if we turn down this lane; we will outstrip them quite。〃

〃Agreed;〃 I said; and we turned into a lane thick planted with tobacco; made a detour of the Governor's house; and outflanked the procession; arriving at the small door before it had entered the churchyard。 Here we found the sexton mounting guard。

〃I am Master Sparrow; the minister that came in the Southampton;〃 my new acquaintance explained。 〃I am to sit in the choir。 Let us pass; good fellow。〃

The sexton squared himself before the narrow opening; and swelled with importance。

〃You; reverend sir; I will admit; such being my duty。 But this gentleman is no preacher; I may not allow him to pass。〃

〃You mistake; friend;〃 said my companion gravely。 〃This gentleman; my worthy colleague; has but just come from the island of St。 Brandon; where he preaches on the witches' Sabbath: hence the disorder of his apparel。 His admittance be on my head: wherefore let us by。〃

〃None to enter at the west door save Councilors; commander; and ministers。 Any attempting to force  an entrance to be arrested and laid by the heels if they be of the generality; or; if they be of quality; to be duly fined and debarred from the purchase of any maid whatsoever;〃 chanted the sexton。

〃Then; in God's name; let's on!〃 I exclaimed 〃Here; try this!〃 and I drew from my purse; which was something of the leanest; a shilling。

〃Try this;〃 quoth Master Jeremy Sparrow; and knocked the sexton down。

We left the fellow sprawling in the doorway; sputtering threats to the air without; but with one covetous hand clutching at the shilling which I threw behind me; and entered the church; which we found yet empty; though through the open great door we heard the drum beat loudly and a deepening sound of footsteps。

〃I have choice of position;〃 I said。 〃Yonder window seems a good station。 You remain here in the choir?〃

〃Ay;〃 he answered; with a sigh; 〃the dignity of my calling must be upheld: wherefore I sit in high places; rubbing elbows with gold lace; when of the very truth the humility of my spirit is such that 

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