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selected writings-第55节

小说: selected writings 字数: 每页4000字

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Argenteuil church; above it rose the hills of Sannois and the

mill of Orgemont; while on the left; the aqueduct of Marly stood

out against the clear morning sky。 In the distance they could see

the terrace of Saint…Germain; and opposite to them; at the end of

a low chain of hills; the new fort of Cormeilles。 Afara very

long way off; beyond the plains and villagesone could see the

somber green of the forests。

The sun was beginning to shine in their faces; the dust got into

their eyes; and on either side of the road there stretched an

interminable tract of bare; ugly country; which smelled

unpleasantly。 You would have thought that it had been ravaged by

a pestilence which had even attacked the buildings; for skeletons

of dilapidated and deserted houses; or small cottages left in an

unfinished state; as if the contractors had not been paid; reared

their four roofless walls on each side。

Here and there tall factory…chimneys rose up from the barren

soil; the only vegetation on that putrid land; where the spring

breezes wafted an odor of petroleum and soot; mingled with

another smell that was even still less agreeable。 At last;

however; they crossed the Seine a second time。 It was delightful

on the bridge; the river sparkled in the sun; and they had a

feeling of quiet satisfaction and enjoyment in drinking in purer

air; not impregnated by the black smoke of factories; nor by the

miasma from the deposits of night…soil。 A man whom they met told

them that the name of the place was Bezons; so Monsieur Dufour

pulled up; and read the attractive announcement outside an


〃Restaurant Poulin; stews and fried fish; private rooms; arbors;

and swings。〃

〃Well! Madame Dufour; will this suit you? Will you make up your

mind at last?〃

She read the announcement in her turn; and then looked at the

house for a time。

It was a white country inn; built by the road…side; and through

the open door she could see the bright zinc of the counter; at

which two workmen out for the day were sitting。 At last she made

up her mind; and said:

〃Yes; this will do; and; besides; there is a view。〃

So they drove into a large yard studded with trees; behind the

inn; which was only separated from the river by the towing…path;

and got out。 The husband sprang out first; and held out his arms

for his wife。 As the step was very high; Madame Dufour; in order

to reach him; had to show the lower part of her limbs; whose

former slenderness had disappeared in fat。 Monsieur Dufour; who

was already getting excited by the country air; pinched her calf;

and then; taking her in his arms; set her on to the ground; as if

she had been some enormous bundle。 She shook the dust out of the

silk dress; and then looked round; to see in what sort of a place

she was。

She was a stout woman; of about thirty…six; full…blown and

delightful to look at。 She could hardly breathe; as she was laced

too tightly; which forced the heaving mass of her superabundant

bosom up to her double chin。 Next; the girl put her hand on to

her father's shoulder; and jumped lightly down。 The youth with

the yellow hair had got down by stepping on the wheel; and he

helped Monsieur Dufour to get the grandmother out。 Then they

unharnessed the horse; which they tied up to a tree; and the

carriage fell back; with both shafts in the air。 The man and boy

took off their coats; washed their hands in a pail of water; and

then joined the ladies; who had already taken possession of the


Mademoiselle Dufour was trying to swing herself standing up; but

she could not succeed in getting a start。 She was a pretty girl

of about eighteen; one of those women who suddenly excite your

desire when you meet them in the street; and who leave you with a

vague feeling of uneasiness and of excited senses。 She was tall;

had a small waist and large hips; with a dark skin; very large

eyes; and very black hair。 Her dress clearly marked the outlines

of her firm; full figure; which was accentuated by the motion of

her hips as she tried to swing herself higher。 Her arms were

stretched over her head to hold the rope; so that her bosom rose

at every movement she made。 Her hat; which a gust of wind had

blown off; was hanging behind her; and as the swing gradually

rose higher and higher; she showed her delicate limbs up to the

knees each time; and the wind from the perfumed petticoats; more

heady than the fumes of wine; blew into the faces of her father

and friend; who were looking at her in admiration。

Sitting in the other swing; Madame Dufour kept saying in a

monotonous voice:

〃Cyprian; come and swing me; do come and swing me; Cyprian!〃

At last he complied; and turning up his shirt…sleeves; 

as if he intended to work very hard; with much difficulty he set

his wife in motion。 She clutched the two ropes; and held her legs

out straight; so as not to touch the ground。 She enjoyed feeling

giddy from the motion of the swing; and her whole figure shook

like a jelly on a dish; but as she went higher and higher; she

grew too giddy and got frightened。 Every time she was coming

back; she uttered a shriek; which made all the little urchins

come round; and; down below; beneath the garden hedge; she

vaguely saw a row of mischievous heads; making various grimaces

as they laughed。

When a servant girl came out; they ordered lunch。

〃Some fried fish; a stewed rabbit; salad; and dessert;〃 Madame

Dufour said; with an important air。

〃Bring two quarts of beer and a bottle of claret;〃 her husband


〃We will have lunch on the grass;〃 the girl added。

The grandmother; who had an affection for cats; had been petting

one that belonged to the house; and had been bestowing the most

affectionate words on it; for the last ten minutes。 The animal;

no doubt secretly pleased by her attentions; kept close to the

good woman; but just out of reach of her hand; and quietly walked

round the trees; against which she rubbed herself; with her tail

up; purring with pleasure。

〃Hallo!〃 exclaimed the youth with the yellow hair; who was

ferreting about; 〃here are two swell boats!〃 They all went to

look at them; and saw two beautiful skiffs in a wooden boathouse;

which were as beautifully finished as if they had been objects of

luxury。 They were moored side by side; like two tall; slender

girls; in their narrow shining length; and aroused in one a wish

to float in them on warm summer mornings and evenings; along

flower…covered banks of the river; where the trees dip their

branches into the water; where the rushes are continually

rustling in the breeze; and where the swift kingfishers dart

about like flashes of blue lightning。

The whole family looked at them with great respect。

〃They are indeed two swell boats;〃 Monsieur Dufour repeated

gravely; and he examined them closely; commenting on them like a

connoisseur。 He had been in the habit of rowing in his younger

days; he said; and when he had that in his handsand he went

through the action of pulling the oarshe did not care a fig for

anybody。 He had beaten more than one Englishman formerly at the

Joinville regattas。 He grew quite excited at last; and offered to

make a bet that in a boat like that he could row six miles an

hour; without exerting himself。

〃Lunch is ready;〃 said the waitress; appearing at the entrance to

the boathouse。 They all hurried off; but two young men were

already lunching at the best place; which Madame Dufour had

chosen in her mind as her seat。 No doubt they were the owners of

the skiffs; for they were dressed in boating costume。 They were

stretched out; almost lying on chairs; and were sunburned; and

had on flannel trousers and thin cotton jerseys; with short

sleeves; which showed their bare arms; which were as strong as

blacksmiths'。 They were two strong young fellows; who thought a

great deal of their vigor; and who showed in all their movements

that elasticity and grace of limb which can only be acquired by

exercise; and which is so different to the awkwardness with which

the same continual work stamps the mechanic。

They exchanged a rapid smile when they saw the mother; and then a

look on seeing the daughter。

〃Let us give up our place;〃 one of them said; 〃it will make us

acquainted with them。〃

The other got up immediately; and holding his black and red

boating…cap in his hand; he politely offered the ladies the only

shady place in the garden。 With many excuses they accepted; and

so that it might be more rural; they sat on the grass; without

either tables or chairs。

The two young men took their plates; knives; forks; etc。; to a

table a little way off; and began to eat again。 Their bare arms;

which they showed continually; rather embarrassed the young girl;

who even pretended to turn her head aside; and not to see them。

But Madame Dufour; who was rather bolder; tempted by feminine

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