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selected writings-第26节

小说: selected writings 字数: 每页4000字

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supper and went to bed。

The following days were like the first; bright and cold; without

any more snow。 Old Gaspard spent his afternoons in watching the

eagles and other rare birds which ventured on to those frozen

heights; while Ulrich journeyed regularly to the neck of the

Gemmi to look at the village。 In the evening they played at

cards; dice; or dominoes; and lost and won trifling sums; just to

create an interest in the game。

One morning Hari; who was up first; called his companion。 A

moving cloud of white spray; deep and light; was falling on them

noiselessly; and burying them by degrees under a dark; thick

coverlet of foam。 This lasted four days and four nights。 It was

necessary to free the door and the windows; to dig out a passage;

and to cut steps to get over this frozen powder; which a

twelve…hours' frost had made as hard as the granite of the


They lived like prisoners; not venturing outside their abode。

They had divided their duties and performed them regularly。

Ulrich Kunsi undertook the scouring; washing; and everything that

belonged to cleanliness。 He also chopped up the wood; while

Gaspard Hari did the cooking and attended to the fire。 Their

regular and monotonous work was relieved by long games at cards

or dice; but they never quarreled; and were always calm and

placid。 They were never even impatient or ill…humored; nor did

they ever use hard words; for they had laid in a stock of

patience for this wintering on the top of the mountain。

Sometimes old Gaspard took his rifle and went after chamois; and

occasionally killed one。 Then there was a feast in the inn at

Schwarenbach; and they reveled in fresh meat。 One morning he went

out as usual。 The thermometer outside marked eighteen degrees of

frost; and as the sun had not yet risen; the hunter hoped to

surprise the animals at the approaches to the Wildstrubel。

Ulrich; being alone; remained in bed until ten o'clock。 He was of

a sleepy nature; but would not have dared to give way like that

to his inclination in the presence of the old guide; who was ever

an early riser。 He breakfasted leisurely with Sam; who also spent

his days and nights in sleeping in front of the fire; then he

felt low…spirited and even frightened at the solitude; and was

seized by a longing for his daily game of cards; as one is by the

domination of an invincible habit。 So he went out to meet his

companion; who was to return at four o'clock。

The snow had leveled the whole deep valley; filled up the

crevasses; obliterated all signs of the two lakes and covered the

rocks; so that between the high summits there was nothing but an

immense; white; regular; dazzling; and frozen surface。 For three

weeks; Ulrich had not been to the edge of the precipice; from

which he had looked down on to the village; and he wanted to go

there before climbing the slopes which led to the Wildstrubel。

Loeche was now covered by the snow; and the houses could scarcely

be distinguished; hidden as they were by that white cloak。

Turning to the right; Ulrich reached the Lammern glacier。 He

strode along with a mountaineer's long swinging pace; striking

the snow; which was as hard as a rock; with his iron…shod stick;

and with piercing eyes looking for the little black; moving speck

in the distance; on that enormous; white expanse。

When he reached the end of the glacier he stopped; and asked

himself whether the old man had taken that road; and then he

began to walk along the moraines with rapid and uneasy steps。 The

day was declining; the snow was assuming a rosy tint; and a dry;

frozen wind blew in rough gusts over its crystal surface。 Ulrich

uttered a long; shrill; vibrating call。 His voice sped through

the deathlike silence in which the mountains were sleeping; it

reached into the distance; over the profound and motionless waves

of glacial foam; like the cry of a bird over the waves of the

sea; then it died away and nothing answered him。

He started off again。 The sun had sunk behind the mountain tops;

which still were purpled with the reflection from the heavens;

but the depths of the valley were becoming gray; and suddenly the

young man felt frightened。 It seemed to him as if the silence;

the cold; the solitude; the wintry death of these mountains were

taking possession of him; were stopping and freezing his blood;

making his limbs grow stiff; and turning him into a motionless

and frozen object; and he began to run rapidly toward the

dwelling。 The old man; he thought; would have returned during his

absence。 He had probably taken another road; and would; no doubt;

be sitting before the fire; with a dead chamois at his feet。

He soon came in sight of the inn; but no smoke rose from it。

Ulrich ran faster。 Opening the door he met Sam who ran up to him

to greet him; but Gaspard Hari had not returned。 Kunsi; in his

alarm; turned round suddenly; as if he had expected to find his

comrade hidden in a corner。 Then he relighted the fire and made

the soup; hoping every moment to see the old man come in。 From

time to time he went out to see if Gaspard were not in sight。 It

was night now; that wan night of the mountain; a livid night;

with the crescent moon; yellow and dim; just disappearing behind

the mountain tops; and shining faintly on the edge of the


Then the young man went in and sat down to warm his hands and

feet; while he pictured to himself every possible sort of

accident。 Gaspard might have broken a leg; have fallen into a

crevasse; have taken a false step and dislocated his ankle。

Perhaps he was lying on the snow; overcome and stiff with the

cold; in agony of mind; lost and perhaps shouting for help;

calling with all his might; in the silence of the night。

But where? The mountain was so vast; so rugged; so dangerous in

places; especially at that time of the year; that it would have

required ten or twenty guides walking for a week in all

directions; to find a man in that immense space。 Ulrich Kunsi;

however; made up his mind to set out with Sam; if Gaspard did not

return by one in the morning; and he made his preparations。

He put provisions for two days into a bag; took his steel

climbing…irons; tied a long; thin; strong rope round his waist

and looked to see that his iron…shod stick and his ax; which

served to cut steps in the ice; were in order。 Then he waited。

The fire was burning on the hearth; the great dog was snoring in

front of it; and the clock was ticking in its case of resounding

wood; as regularly as a heart beating。

He waited; his ears on the alert for distant sounds; and shivered

when the wind blew against the roof and the walls。 It struck

twelve; and he trembled。 Then; as he felt frightened and shivery;

he put some water on the fire; so that he might have hot coffee

before starting。 When the clock struck one he got up; woke Sam;

opened the door and went off in the direction of the Wildstrubel。

For five hours he ascended; scaling the rocks by means of his

climbing…irons; cutting into the ice; advancing continually; and

occasionally hauling up the dog; who remained below at the foot

of some slope that was too steep for him; by means of the rope。

About six o'clock he reached one of the summits to which old

Gaspard often came after chamois; and he waited till it should be


The sky was growing pale overhead; and suddenly a strange light;

springing; nobody could tell whence; suddenly illuminated the

immense ocean of pale mountain peaks; which stretched for many

leagues around him。 It seemed as if this vague brightness arose

from the snow itself; in order to spread itself into space。 By

degrees the highest and most distant summits assumed a delicate;

fleshlike rose color; and the red sun appeared behind the

ponderous giants of the Bernese Alps。

Ulrich Kunsi set off again; walking like a hunter; stooping and

looking for any traces; and saying to his dog: 〃Seek old fellow;


He was descending the mountain now; scanning the depths closely;

and from time to time shouting; uttering a loud; prolonged

familiar cry which soon died away in that silent vastness。 Then;

he put his ear to the ground; to listen。 He thought he could

distinguish a voice; and so he began to run and shout again。 But

he heard nothing more and sat down; worn out and in despair。

Toward midday he breakfasted and gave Sam; who was as tired as

himself; something to eat also; then he recommenced his search。

When evening came he was still walking; having traveled more than

thirty miles over the mountains。 As he was too far away to return

home; and too tired to drag himself along any further; he dug a

hole in the snow and crouched in it with his dog; under a blanket

which he had brought with him。 The man and the dog lay side by

side; warming themselves one against the other; but frozen to the

marrow; nevertheless。 Ulrich scarcely slept; his mind hau

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