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the ragged trousered philanthropists-及90准

弌傍 the ragged trousered philanthropists 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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it of all have been stolen by a small number察who refuse to allow them to be used for the purposes for which they were intended。  This numerically insignificant minority refused to allow the majority to work and produce the things they need察and what work they do graciously permit to be done is not done with the object of producing the necessaries of life for those who work察but for the purpose of creating profit for their masters。

And then察strangest fact of all察the people who find it a hard struggle to live察or who exist in dreadful poverty and sometimes starve察instead of trying to understand the causes of their misery and to find out a remedy themselves察spend all their time applauding the Practical察Sensible察Level´headed Business´men察who bungle and mismanage their affairs察and pay them huge salaries for doing so。  Sir Graball D'Encloseland察for instance察was a `Secretary of State' and was paid 殖000 a year。  When he first got the job the wages were only a beggarly 殖000察but as he found it impossible to exist on less than 00 a week he decided to raise his salary to that amount察and the foolish people who find it a hard struggle to live paid it willingly察and when they saw the beautiful motor car and the lovely clothes and jewellery he purchased for his wife with the money察and heard the Great Speech he made ´ telling them how the shortage of everything was caused by Over´production and Foreign Competition察they clapped their hands and went frantic with admiration。  Their only regret was that there were no horses attached to the motor car察because if there had been察they could have taken them out and harnessed themselves to it instead。

Nothing delighted the childish minds of these poor people so much as listening to or reading extracts from the speeches of such men as these察so in order to amuse them察every now and then察in the midst of all the wretchedness察some of the great statesmen made `great speeches' full of cunning phrases intended to hoodwink the fools who had elected them。  The very same week that Sir Graball's salary was increased to 殖000 a year察all the papers were full of a very fine one that he made。  They appeared with large headlines like this


                          Brilliant Epigram

    None should have more than they need察whilst any have less than     they need

The hypocrisy of such a saying in the mouth of a man who was drawing a salary of five thousand pounds a year did not appear to occur to anyone。  On the contrary察the hired scribes of the capitalist Press wrote columns of fulsome admiration of the miserable claptrap察and the working men who had elected this man went into raptures over the `Brilliant Epigram' as if it were good to eat。  They cut it out of the papers and carried it about with them此they showed it to each other此they read it and repeated it to each other此they wondered at it and were delighted with it察grinning and gibbering at each other in the exuberance of their imbecile enthusiasm。

The Distress Committee was not the only body pretending to `deal' with the poverty `problem'此its efforts were supplemented by all the other agencies already mentioned ´ the Labour Yard察the Rummage Sales察the Organized Benevolence Society察and so on察to say nothing of a most benevolent scheme originated by the management of Sweater's Emporium察who announced in a letter that was published in the local Press that they were prepared to employ fifty men for one week to carry sandwich boards at one shilling ´ and a loaf of bread ´ per day。

They got the men察some unskilled labourers察a few old察worn out artisans whom misery had deprived of the last vestiges of pride or shame察a number of habitual drunkards and loafers察and a non´descript lot of poor ragged old men ´ old soldiers and others of whom it would be impossible to say what they had once been。

The procession of sandwich men was headed by the Semi´drunk and the Besotted Wretch察and each board was covered with a printed poster此 Great Sale of Ladies' Blouses now Proceeding at Adam Sweater's Emporium。'

Besides this artful scheme of Sweater's for getting a good advertisement on the cheap察numerous other plans for providing employment or alleviating the prevailing misery were put forward in the columns of the local papers and at the various meetings that were held。  Any foolish察idiotic察useless suggestion was certain to receive respectful attention察any crafty plan devised in his own interest or for his own profit by one or other of the crew of sweaters and landlords who controlled the town was sure to be approved of by the other inhabitants of Mugsborough察the majority of whom were persons of feeble intellect who not only allowed themselves to be robbed and exploited by a few cunning scoundrels察but venerated and applauded them for doing it。

Chapter 38

The Brigands' Cave

One evening in the drawing´room at `The Cave' there was a meeting of a number of the `Shining Lights' to arrange the details of a Rummage Sale察that was to be held in aid of the unemployed。  It was an informal affair察and while they were waiting for the other luminaries察the early arrivals察Messrs Rushton察Didlum and Grinder察Mr Oyley Sweater察the Borough Surveyor察Mr Wireman察the electrical engineer who had been engaged as an `expert' to examine and report on the Electric Light Works察and two or three other gentlemen ´ all members of the Band ´ took advantage of the opportunity to discuss a number of things they were mutually interested in察which were to be dealt with at the meeting of the Town Council the next day。  First察there was the affair of the untenanted Kiosk on the Grand Parade。  This building belonged to the Corporation察and `The Cosy Corner Refreshment Coy。' of which Mr Grinder was the managing director察was thinking of hiring it to open as a high´class refreshment lounge察provided the Corporation would make certain alterations and let the place at a reasonable rent。 Another item which was to be discussed at the Council meeting was Mr Sweater's generous offer to the Corporation respecting the new drain connecting `The Cave' with the Town Main。

The report of Mr Wireman察the electrical expert察was also to be dealt with察and afterwards a resolution in favour of the purchase of the Mugsborough Electric light and Installation Co。 Ltd by the town察was to be proposed。

In addition to these matters察several other items察including a proposal by Mr Didlum for an important reform in the matter of conducting the meetings of the Council察formed subjects for animated conversation between the brigands and their host。

During this discussion other luminaries arrived察including several ladies and the Rev。 Mr Bosher察of the Church of the Whited Sepulchre。

The drawing´room of `The Cave' was now elaborately furnished。  A large mirror in a richly gilt frame reached from the carved marble mantelpiece to the cornice。  A magnificent clock in an alabaster case stood in the centre of the mantelpiece and was flanked by two exquisitely painted and gilded vases of Dresden ware。  The windows were draped with costly hangings察the floor was covered with a luxurious carpet and expensive rugs。  Sumptuously upholstered couches and easy chairs added to the comfort of the apartment察which was warmed by the immense fire of coal and oak logs that blazed and crackled in the grate。

The conversation now became general and at times highly philosophical in character察although Mr Bosher did not take much part察being too busily engaged gobbling up the biscuits and tea察and only occasionally spluttering out a reply when a remark or question was directly addressed to him。

This was Mr Grinder's first visit at the house察and he expressed his admiration of the manner in which the ceiling and the walls were decorated察remarking that he had always liked this 'ere Japanese style。

Mr Bosher察with his mouth full of biscuit察mumbled that it was sweetly pretty ´ charming ´ beautifully done ´ must have cost a lot of money。

`Hardly wot you'd call Japanese察though察is it' observed Didlum察looking round with the air of a connoisseur。  `I should be inclined to say it was rather more of the ´ er ´ Chinese or Egyptian。'

`Moorish' explained Mr Sweater with a smile。  `I got the idear at the Paris Exhibition。  It's simler to the decorations in the ;Halambara;察the palace of the Sultan of Morocco。  That clock there is in the same style。'

The case of the clock referred to ´ which stood on a table in a corner of the room ´ was of fretwork察in the form of an Indian Mosque察with a pointed dome and pinnacles。  This was the case that Mary Linden had sold to Didlum察the latter had had it stained a dark colour and polished and further improved it by substituting a clock of more suitable design than the one it originally held。  Mr Sweater had noticed it in Didlum's window and察seeing that the design was similar in character to the painted decorations on the ceiling and walls of his drawing´room察had purchased it。

`I went to the Paris Exhibition meself' said Grinder察when everyone had admired the exquisite workmanship of the clock´case。  `I remember 'avin' a look at the moon through that big telescope。  I was never so su

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