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the ragged trousered philanthropists-及57准

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all。  He had been working like a slave all his life and there was nothing to show for it ´ there never would be anything to show for it。  He thought of the man who had killed his wife and children。  The jury had returned the usual verdict察 Temporary Insanity'。  It never seemed to occur to these people that the truth was that to continue to suffer hopelessly like this was evidence of permanent insanity。

But supposing that bodily death was not the end。  Suppose there was some kind of a God拭 If there were察it wasn't unreasonable to think that the Being who was capable of creating such a world as this and who seemed so callously indifferent to the unhappiness of His creatures察would also be capable of devising and creating the other Hell that most people believed in。

Although it was December the evening was mild and clear。  The full moon deluged the town with silvery light察and the cloudless sky was jewelled with myriads of glittering stars。

Looking out into the unfathomable infinity of space察Owen wondered what manner of Being or Power it was that had originated and sustained all this拭 Considered as an explanation of the existence of the universe察the orthodox Christian religion was too absurd to merit a second thought。  But then察every other conceivable hypothesis was also ´ ultimately ´ unsatisfactory and even ridiculous。  To believe that the universe as it is now has existed from all eternity without any Cause is surely ridiculous。  But to say that it was created by a Being who existed without a Cause from all eternity is equally ridiculous。  In fact察it was only postponing the difficulty one stage。  Evolution was not more satisfactory察because although it was undoubtedly true as far as it went察it only went part of the way察leaving the great question still unanswered by assuming the existence ´ in the beginning ´ of the elements of matter察without a cause  The question remained unanswered because it was unanswerable。  Regarding this problem man was but ´

        `An infant crying in the night察        An infant crying for the light         And with no language but a cry。'

All the same察it did not follow察because one could not explain the mystery oneself察that it was right to try to believe an unreasonable explanation offered by someone else。

But although he reasoned like this察Owen could not help longing for something to believe察for some hope for the future察something to compensate for the unhappiness of the present。  In one sense察he thought察how good it would be if Christianity were true察and after all the sorrow there was to be an eternity of happiness such as it had never entered into the heart of man to conceive拭 If only that were true察nothing else would matter。 How contemptible and insignificant the very worst that could happen here would be if one knew that this life was only a short journey that was to terminate at the beginning of an eternity of joy拭 But no one really believed this察and as for those who pretended to do so ´ their lives showed that they did not believe it at all。  Their greed and inhumanity ´ their ferocious determination to secure for themselves the good things of THIS world ´ were conclusive proofs of their hypocrisy and infidelity。

`Dad' said Frankie察suddenly察'let's go over and hear what that man's saying。 ' He pointed across the way to where ´ a little distance back from the main road察just round the corner of a side street ´ a group of people were standing encircling a large lantern fixed on the top of a pole about seven feet high察which was being held by one of the men。 A bright light was burning inside this lantern and on the pane of white察obscured glass which formed the sides察visible from where Owen and Frankie were standing察was written in bold plain letters that were readable even at that distance察the text

        `Be not deceived此God is not mocked'

The man whose voice had attracted Frankie's attention was reading out a verse of a hymn

        `I heard the voice of Jesus say察        Behold察I freely give察        The living water察thirsty one察        Stoop down and drink察and live。         I came to Jesus and I drank         Of that life giving stream察        My thirst was quenched察        My soul revived察        And now I live in Him。'

The individual who gave out this hymn was a tall察thin man whose clothes hung loosely on the angles of his round´shouldered察bony form。 His long察thin legs ´ about which the baggy trousers hung in ungraceful folds ´ were slightly knock´kneed察and terminated in large察fiat feet。  His arms were very long even for such a tall man察and the huge察bony hands were gnarled and knotted。  Regardless of the season察he had removed his bowler hat察revealing his forehead察which was high察flat and narrow。  His nose was a large察fleshy察hawklike beak察and from the side of each nostril a deep indentation extended downwards until it disappeared in the drooping moustache that concealed his mouth when he was not speaking察but the vast extent of which was perceptible now as he opened it to call out the words of the hymn。 His chin was large and extraordinarily long此the eyes were pale blue察very small and close together察surmounted by spare察light´coloured察almost invisible eyebrows with a deep vertical cleft between them over the nose。  His head ´ covered with thick察coarse brown hair ´ was very large察especially at the back察the ears were small and laid close to the head。  If one were to make a full´face drawing of his cadaverous visage察it would be found that the outline resembled that of the lid of a coffin。

As Owen and Frankie drew near察the boy tugged at his father's hand and whispered此 Dad that's the teacher at the Sunday School where I went that day with Charley and Elsie。'

Owen looked quickly and saw that it was Hunter。

As Hunter ceased reading out the words of the hymn察the little company of evangelists began to sing察accompanied by the strains of a small but peculiarly sweet´toned organ。  A few persons in the crowd joined in察the words being familiar to them。  During the singing their faces were a study察they all looked so profoundly solemn and miserable察as if they were a gang of condemned criminals waiting to be led forth to execution。  The great number of the people standing around appeared to be listening more out of idle curiosity than anything else察and two well´dressed young men ´ evidently strangers and visitors to the town ´ amused themselves by making audible remarks about the texts on the lantern。  There was also a shabbily dressed察semi´drunken man in a battered bowler hat who stood on the inner edge of the crowd察almost in the ring itself察with folded arms and an expression of scorn。  He had a very thin察pale face with a large察high´bridged nose察and bore a striking resemblance to the First Duke of Wellington。

As the singing proceeded察the scornful expression faded from the visage of the Semi´drunk察and he not only joined in察but unfolded his arms and began waving them about as if he were conducting the music。

By the time the singing was over a considerable crowd had gathered察and then one of the evangelists察the same man who had given out the hymn察stepped into the middle of the ring。  He had evidently been offended by the unseemly conduct of the two well´dressed young men察for after a preliminary glance round upon the crowd察he fixed his gaze upon the pair察and immediately launched out upon a long tirade against what he called `Infidelity'。  Then察having heartily denounced all those who ´ as he put it ´ `refused' to believe察he proceeded to ridicule those half´and´half believers察who察while professing to believe the Bible察rejected the doctrine of Hell。  That the existence of a place of eternal torture is taught in the Bible察he tried to prove by a long succession of texts。  As he proceeded he became very excited察and the contemptuous laughter of the two unbelievers seemed to make him worse。  He shouted and raved察literally foaming at the mouth and glaring in a frenzied manner around upon the faces of the crowd。

`There is a Hell' he shouted。  `And understand this clearly ´ ;The wicked shall be turned into hell; ´ ;He that believeth not shall be damned。;'

`Well察then察you'll stand a very good chance of being damned also' exclaimed one of the two young men。

`'Ow do you make it out' demanded the preacher察wiping the froth from his lips and the perspiration from his forehead with his handkerchief。

`Why察because you don't believe the Bible yourselves。'

Nimrod and the other evangelists laughed察and looked pityingly at the young man。

`Ah察my dear brother' said Misery。  `That's your delusion。  I thank God I do believe it察every word'

`Amen' fervently ejaculated Slyme and several of the other disciples。

`Oh no察you don't' replied the other。  `And I can prove you don't。'

`Prove it察then' said Nimrod。

`Read out the 17th and 18th verses of the XVIth chapter of Mark' said the disturber of the meeting。  The crowd began to close in on the centre察the better to hear the dispute。  Misery察standing close to the lantern察found the verse mentioned and read aloud as follows

`And these signs shall follow them that believe。  In my name shall they cast out devils此they shall s

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