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the ragged trousered philanthropists-及16准

弌傍 the ragged trousered philanthropists 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

The younger woman was already pouring out a cup of tea。

Old Mrs Linden察who had never seen Owen before察although she had heard of him察belonged to the Church of England and was intensely religious。 She looked curiously at the Atheist as he entered the room。  He had taken off his hat and she was surprised to find that he was not repulsive to look at察rather the contrary。  But then she remembered that Satan often appears as an angel of light。  Appearances are deceitful。  She wished that John had not asked him into the house and hoped that no evil consequences would follow。  As she looked at him察she was horrified to perceive a small black head with a pair of glistening green eyes peeping out of the breast of his coat察and immediately afterwards the kitten察catching sight of the cups and saucers on the table察began to mew frantically and scrambled suddenly out of its shelter察inflicting a severe scratch on Owen's restraining hands as it jumped to the floor。

It clambered up the tablecloth and began rushing all over the table察darting madly from one plate to another察seeking something to eat。

The children screamed with delight。  Their grandmother was filled with a feeling of superstitious alarm。  Linden and the young woman stood staring with astonishment at the unexpected visitor。

Before the kitten had time to do any damage察Owen caught hold of it and察despite its struggles察lifted it off the table。

`I found it in the street as I was coming along' he said。  `It seems to be starving。'

`Poor little thing。  I'll give it something。' exclaimed the young woman。

She put some milk and bread into a saucer for it and the kitten ate ravenously察almost upsetting the saucer in its eagerness察much to the amusement of the two children察who stood by watching it admiringly。

Their mother now handed Owen a cup of tea。  Linden insisted on his sitting down and then began to talk about Hunter。

`You know I HAD to spend some time on them doors to make 'em look anything at all察but it wasn't the time I took察or even the smoking what made 'im go on like that。  He knows very well the time it takes。 The real reason is that he thinks I was gettin' too much money。  Work is done so rough nowadays that chaps like Sawkins is good enough for most of it。  Hunter shoved me off just because I was getting the top money察and you'll see I won't be the only one。'

`I'm afraid you're right' returned Owen。  `Did you see Rushton when you went for your money'

`Yes' replied Linden。  `I hurried up as fast as I could察but Hunter was there first。  He passed me on his bike before I got half´way察so I suppose he told his tale before I came。  Anyway察when I started to speak to Mr Rushton he wouldn't listen。  Said he couldn't interfere between Mr Hunter and the men。#

`Ah  They're a bad lot察them two' said the old woman察shaking her head sagely。  `But it'll all come 'ome to 'em察you'll see。  They'll never prosper。  The Lord will punish them。'

Owen did not feel very confident of that。  Most of the people he knew who had prospered were very similar in character to the two worthies in question。  However察he did not want to argue with this poor old woman。

`When Tom was called up to go to the war' said the young woman察bitterly察'Mr Rushton shook hands with him and promised to give him a job when he came back。  But now that poor Tom's gone and they know that me and the children's got no one to look to but Father察they do THIS。'

Although at the mention of her dead son's name old Mrs Linden was evidently distressed察she was still mindful of the Atheist's presence察and hastened to rebuke her daughter´in´law。

`You shouldn't say we've got no one to look to察Mary' she said。 `We're not as them who are without God and without hope in the world。 The Lord is our shepherd。  He careth for the widow and the fatherless。'

Owen was very doubtful about this also。  He had seen so many badly cared´for children about the streets lately察and what he remembered of his own sorrowful childhood was all evidence to the contrary。

An awkward silence succeeded。  Owen did not wish to continue this conversation此he was afraid that he might say something that would hurt the old woman。  Besides察he was anxious to get away察he began to feel cold in his wet clothes。

As he put his empty cup on the table he said

`Well察I must be going。  They'll be thinking I'm lost察at home。'

The kitten had finished all the bread and milk and was gravely washing its face with one of its forepaws察to the great admiration of the two children察who were sitting on the floor beside it。  It was an artful´looking kitten察all black察with a very large head and a very small body。  It reminded Owen of a tadpole。

`Do you like cats' he asked察addressing the children。

`Yes' said the boy。  `Give it to us察will you察mister'

`Oh察do leave it 'ere察mister' exclaimed the little girl。  `I'll look after it。'

`So will I' said the boy 。

`But haven't you one of your own' asked Owen。

`Yes察we've got a big one。'

`Well察if you have one already and I give you this察then you'd have two cats察and I'd have none。  That wouldn't be fair察would it'

`Well察you can 'ave a lend of our cat for a little while if you give us this kitten' said the boy察after a moment's thought。

`Why would you rather have the kitten'

`Because it would play此our cat don't want to play察it's too old。'

`Perhaps you're too rough with it' returned Owen。

`No察it ain't that察it's just because it's old。'

`You know cats is just the same as people' explained the little girl察wisely。  `When they're grown up I suppose they've got their troubles to think about。'

Owen wondered how long it would be before her troubles commenced。  As he gazed at these two little orphans he thought of his own child察and of the rough and thorny way they would all three have to travel if they were so unfortunate as to outlive their childhood。

`Can we 'ave it察mister' repeated the boy。

Owen would have liked to grant the children's request察but he wanted the kitten himself。  Therefore he was relieved when their grandmother exclaimed

`We don't want no more cats 'ere此we've got one already察that's quite enough。'

She was not yet quite satisfied in her mind that the creature was not an incarnation of the Devil察but whether it was or not she did not want it察or anything else of Owen's察in this house。  She wished he would go察and take his kitten or his familiar or whatever it was察with him。 No good could come of his being there。  Was it not written in the Word此 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ察let him be Anathema Maran´atha。'  She did not know exactly what Anathema Maran´atha meant察but there could be no doubt that it was something very unpleasant。  It was a terrible thing that this blasphemer who ´ as she had heard ´ did not believe there was a Hell and said that the Bible was not the Word of God察should be here in the house sitting on one of their chairs察drinking from one of their cups察and talking to their children。

The children stood by wistfully when Owen put the kitten under his coat and rose to go away。

As Linden prepared to accompany him to the front door察Owen察happening to notice a timepiece standing on a small table in the recess at one side of the fireplace察exclaimed

`That's a very nice clock。'

`Yes察it's all right察ain't it' said old Jack察with a touch of pride。 `Poor Tom made that此not the clock itself察but just the case。'

It was the case that had attracted Owen's attention。  It stood about two feet high and was made of fretwork in the form of an Indian mosque察with a pointed dome and pinnacles。  It was a very beautiful thing and must have cost many hours of patient labour。

`Yes' said the old woman察in a trembling察broken voice察and looking at Owen with a pathetic expression。  `Months and months he worked at it察and no one ever guessed who it were for。  And then察when my birthday came round察the very first thing I saw when I woke up in the morning were the clock standing on a chair by the bed with a card

           'To dear mother察from her loving son察Tom。                Wishing her many happy birthdays。'

`But he never had another birthday himself察because just five months afterwards he were sent out to Africa察and he'd only been there five weeks when he died。  Five years ago察come the fifteenth of next month。'

Owen察inwardly regretting that he had unintentionally broached so painful a subject察tried to think of some suitable reply察but had to content himself with murmuring some words of admiration of the work。

As he wished her good night察the old woman察looking at him察could not help observing that he appeared very frail and ill此his face was very thin and pale察and his eyes were unnaturally bright。

Possibly the Lord in His infinite loving kindness and mercy was chastening this unhappy castaway in order that He might bring him to Himself。  After all察he was not altogether bad此it was certainly very thoughtful of him to come all this way to let John know about that job。  She observed that he had no overcoat察and the storm was still raging fiercely outside察furious gusts of wind frequently striking the house and shaking it to its very foundations。


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