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the monk(僧侣)-第3节

小说: the monk(僧侣) 字数: 每页4000字

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ask you; Have you then any aversion to Matrimony?'

'That is an home question。  I cannot but confess; that if an
amiable Cavalier was to present himself。 。 。 。'

Here She intended to throw a tender and significant look upon Don
Christoval; But; as She unluckily happened to squint most
abominably; the glance fell directly upon his Companion:  Lorenzo
took the compliment to himself; and answered it by a profound

'May I enquire;' said He; 'the name of the Marquis?'

'The Marquis de las Cisternas。'

'I know him intimately well。  He is not at present in Madrid; but
is expected here daily。  He is one of the best of Men; and if the
lovely Antonia will permit me to be her Advocate with him; I
doubt not my being able to make a favourable report of her

Antonia raised her blue eyes; and silently thanked him for the
offer by a smile of inexpressible sweetness。  Leonella's
satisfaction was much more loud and audible: Indeed; as her Niece
was generally silent in her company; She thought it incumbent
upon her to talk enough for both:  This She managed without
difficulty; for She very seldom found herself deficient in words。

'Oh! Segnor!' She cried; 'You will lay our whole family under the
most signal obligations!  I accept your offer with all possible
gratitude; and return you a thousand thanks for the generosity of
your proposal。 Antonia; why do not you speak; Child?  While the
Cavalier says all sorts of civil things to you; you sit like a
Statue; and never utter a syllable of thanks; either bad; good;
or indifferent!'

'My dear Aunt; I am very sensible that。 。 。 。'

'Fye; Niece!  How often have I told you; that you never should
interrupt a Person who is speaking!?  When did you ever know me
do such a thing?  Are these your Murcian manners?  Mercy on me! 
I shall never be able to make this Girl any thing like a Person
of good breeding。  But pray; Segnor;' She continued; addressing
herself to Don Christoval; 'inform me; why such a Crowd is
assembled today in this Cathedral?'

'Can you possibly be ignorant; that Ambrosio; Abbot of this
Monastery; pronounces a Sermon in this Church every Thursday? 
All Madrid rings with his praises。  As yet He has preached but
thrice; But all who have heard him are so delighted with his
eloquence; that it is as difficult to obtain a place at Church;
as at the first representation of a new Comedy。  His fame
certainly must have reached your ears'

'Alas! Segnor; till yesterday I never had the good fortune to see
Madrid; and at Cordova we are so little informed of what is
passing in the rest of the world; that the name of Ambrosio has
never been mentioned in its precincts。'

'You will find it in every one's mouth at Madrid。  He seems to
have fascinated the Inhabitants; and not having attended his
Sermons myself; I am astonished at the Enthusiasm which He has
excited。  The adoration paid him both by Young and Old; by Man
and Woman is unexampled。  The Grandees load him with presents;
Their Wives refuse to have any other Confessor; and he is known
through all the city by the name of the ''Man of Holiness''。'

'Undoubtedly; Segnor; He is of noble origin'

'That point still remains undecided。  The late Superior of the
Capuchins found him while yet an Infant at the Abbey door。  All
attempts to discover who had left him there were vain; and the
Child himself could give no account of his Parents。  He was
educated in the Monastery; where He has remained ever since。  He
early showed a strong inclination for study and retirement; and
as soon as He was of a proper age; He pronounced his vows。  No
one has ever appeared to claim him; or clear up the mystery which
conceals his birth; and the Monks; who find their account in the
favour which is shewn to their establishment from respect to him;
have not hesitated to publish that He is a present to them from
the Virgin。  In truth the singular austerity of his life gives
some countenance to the report。  He is now thirty years old;
every hour of which period has been passed in study; total
seclusion from the world; and mortification of the flesh。  Till
these last three weeks; when He was chosen superior of the
Society to which He belongs; He had never been on the outside of
the Abbey walls:  Even now He never quits them except on
Thursdays; when He delivers a discourse in this Cathedral which
all Madrid assembles to hear。  His knowledge is said to be the
most profound; his eloquence the most persuasive。  In the whole
course of his life He has never been known to transgress a single
rule of his order; The smallest stain is not to be discovered
upon his character; and He is reported to be so strict an
observer of Chastity; that He knows not in what consists the
difference of Man and Woman。  The common People therefore esteem
him to be a Saint。'

'Does that make a Saint?' enquired Antonia; 'Bless me!  Then am I

'Holy St。 Barbara!' exclaimed Leonella; 'What a question!  Fye;
Child; Fye!  These are not fit subjects for young Women to
handle。  You should not seem to remember that there is such a
thing as a Man in the world; and you ought to imagine every body
to be of the same sex with yourself。  I should like to see you
give people to understand; that you know that a Man has no
breasts; and no hips; and no 。 。 。'。

Luckily for Antonia's ignorance which her Aunt's lecture would
soon have dispelled; an universal murmur through the Church
announced the Preacher's arrival。 Donna Leonella rose from her
seat to take a better view of him; and Antonia followed her

He was a Man of noble port and commanding presence。  His stature
was lofty; and his features uncommonly handsome。  His Nose was
aquiline; his eyes large black and sparkling; and his dark brows
almost joined together。  His complexion was of a deep but clear
Brown; Study and watching had entirely deprived his cheek of
colour。  Tranquillity reigned upon his smooth unwrinkled
forehead; and Content; expressed upon every feature; seemed to
announce the Man equally unacquainted with cares and crimes。  He
bowed himself with humility to the audience:  Still there was a
certain severity in his look and manner that inspired universal
awe; and few could sustain the glance of his eye at once fiery
and penetrating。  Such was Ambrosio; Abbot of the Capuchins; and
surnamed; 'The Man of Holiness'。

Antonia; while She gazed upon him eagerly; felt a pleasure
fluttering in her bosom which till then had been unknown to her;
and for which She in vain endeavoured to account。  She waited
with impatience till the Sermon should begin; and when at length
the Friar spoke; the sound of his voice seemed to penetrate into
her very soul。 Though no other of the Spectators felt such
violent sensations as did the young Antonia; yet every one
listened with interest and emotion。  They who were insensible to
Religion's merits; were still enchanted with Ambrosio's oratory。 
All found their attention irresistibly attracted while He spoke;
and the most profound silence reigned through the crowded Aisles。

Even Lorenzo could not resist the charm:  He forgot that Antonia
was seated near him; and listened to the Preacher with undivided

In language nervous; clear; and simple; the Monk expatiated on
the beauties of Religion。  He explained some abstruse parts of
the sacred writings in a style that carried with it universal
conviction。  His voice at once distinct and deep was fraught with
all the terrors of the Tempest; while He inveighed against the
vices of humanity; and described the punishments reserved for
them in a future state。  Every Hearer looked back upon his past
offences; and trembled:  The Thunder seemed to roll; whose bolt
was destined to crush him; and the abyss of eternal destruction
to open before his feet。  But when Ambrosio; changing his theme;
spoke of the excellence of an unsullied conscience; of the
glorious prospect which Eternity presented to the Soul untainted
with reproach; and of the recompense which awaited it in the
regions of everlasting glory; His Auditors felt their scattered
spirits insensibly return。  They threw themselves with confidence
upon the mercy of their Judge; They hung with delight upon the
consoling words of the Preacher; and while his full voice swelled
into melody; They were transported to those happy regions which
He painted to their imaginations in colours so brilliant and

The discourse was of considerable length; Yet when it concluded;
the Audience grieved that it had not lasted longer。  Though the
Monk had ceased to speak; enthusiastic silence still prevailed
through the Church:  At length the charm gradually dissolving;
the general admiration was expressed in audible terms。  As
Ambrosio descended from the Pulpit; His Auditors crowded round
him; loaded him with blessings; threw themselves at his feet; and
kissed the hem of his Garment。  He passed on slowly with his
hands crossed devoutly upon his bosom; to the door opening into
the Abbey Chapel; at which his Monks waited to receive him。  He
ascended the Steps; and then turning towards his Followers;
addressed to them a few words of gratitude; and exhortation。 

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