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the monk(僧侣)-第21节

小说: the monk(僧侣) 字数: 每页4000字

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imagination。  The Robbers who infested the Wood; Marguerite's
exclamation respecting her Children; the arms and appearance of
the two young Men; and the various Anecdotes which I had heard
related; respecting the secret correspondence which frequently
exists between Banditti and Postillions; all these circumstances
flashed upon my mind; and inspired me with doubt and
apprehension。  I ruminated on the most probable means of
ascertaining the truth of my conjectures。  Suddenly I was aware
of Someone below pacing hastily backwards and forwards。  Every
thing now appeared to me an object of suspicion。  With precaution
I drew near the window; which; as the room had been long shut up;
was left open in spite of the cold。  I ventured to look out。  The
beams of the Moon permitted me to distinguish a Man; whom I had
no difficulty to recognize for my Host。  I watched his movements。

He walked swiftly; then stopped; and seemed to listen:  He
stamped upon the ground; and beat his stomach with his arms as if
to guard himself from the inclemency of the season。  At the least
noise; if a voice was heard in the lower part of the House; if a
Bat flitted past him; or the wind rattled amidst the leafless
boughs; He started; and looked round with anxiety。

'Plague take him!' said He at length with impatience; 'What can
He be about!'

He spoke in a low voice; but as He was just below my window; I
had no difficulty to distinguish his words。

I now heard the steps of one approaching。  Baptiste went towards
the sound; He joined a man; whom his low stature and the Horn
suspended from his neck; declared to be no other than my faithful
Claude; whom I had supposed to be already on his way to
Strasbourg。  Expecting their discourse to throw some light upon
my situation; I hastened to put myself in a condition to hear it
with safety。  For this purpose I extinguished the candle; which
stood upon a table near the Bed:  The flame of the fire was not
strong enough to betray me; and I immediately resumed my place at
the window。

The objects of my curiosity had stationed themselves directly
under it。  I suppose that during my momentary absence the
Wood…man had been blaming Claude for tardiness; since when I
returned to the window; the latter was endeavouring to excuse his

'However;' added He; 'my diligence at present shall make up for
my past delay。'

'On that condition;' answered Baptiste; 'I shall readily forgive
you。  But in truth as you share equally with us in our prizes;
your own interest will make you use all possible diligence。 
'Twould be a shame to let such a noble booty escape us!  You say;
that this Spaniard is rich?'

'His Servant boasted at the Inn; that the effects in his Chaise
were worth above two thousand Pistoles。'

Oh! how I cursed Stephano's imprudent vanity!

'And I have been told;' continued the Postillion; 'that this
Baroness carries about her a casket of jewels of immense value。'

'May be so; but I had rather She had stayed away。  The Spaniard
was a secure prey。  The Boys and myself could easily have
mastered him and his Servant; and then the two thousand Pistoles
would have been shared between us four。  Now we must let in the
Band for a share; and perhaps the whole Covey may escape us。
Should our Friends have betaken themselves to their different
posts before you reach the Cavern; all will be lost。  The Lady's
Attendants are too numerous for us to overpower them:  Unless
our Associates arrive in time; we must needs let these Travellers
set out tomorrow without damage or hurt。'

' 'Tis plaguy unlucky that my Comrades who drove the Coach
should be those unacquainted with our Confederacy!  But never
fear; Friend Baptiste。  An hour will bring me to the Cavern; It
is now but ten o'clock; and by twelve you may expect the arrival
of the Band。  By the bye; take care of your Wife:  You know how
strong is her repugnance to our mode of life; and She may find
means to give information to the Lady's Servants of our design。'

'Oh! I am secure of her silence; She is too much afraid of me;
and fond of her children; to dare to betray my secret。  Besides;
Jacques and Robert keep a strict eye over her; and She is not
permitted to set a foot out of the Cottage。  The Servants are
safely lodged in the Barn; I shall endeavour to keep all quiet
till the arrival of our Friends。  Were I assured of your finding
them; the Strangers should be dispatched this instant; But as it
is possible for you to miss the Banditti; I am fearful of being
summoned to produce them by their Domestics in the Morning。'

'And suppose either of the Travellers should discover your

'Then we must poignard those in our power; and take our chance
about mastering the rest。  However; to avoid running such a
risque; hasten to the Cavern:  The Banditti never leave it before
eleven; and if you use diligence; you may reach it in time to
stop them。'

'Tell Robert that I have taken his Horse:  My own has broken his
bridle; and escaped into the Wood。  What is the watch…word?'

'The reward of Courage。'

' 'Tis sufficient。  I hasten to the Cavern。'

'And I to rejoin my Guests; lest my absence should create
suspicion。  Farewell; and be diligent。'

These worthy Associates now separated:  The One bent his course
towards the Stable; while the Other returned to the House。

You may judge; what must have been my feelings during this
conversation; of which I lost not a single syllable。  I dared not
trust myself to my reflections; nor did any means present itself
to escape the dangers which threatened me。  Resistance; I knew to
be vain; I was unarmed; and a single Man against Three:  However;
I resolved at least to sell my life as dearly as I could。
Dreading lest Baptiste should perceive my absence; and suspect me
to have overheard the message with which Claude was dispatched; I
hastily relighted my candle and quitted the chamber。  On
descending; I found the Table spread for six Persons。  The
Baroness sat by the fireside: Marguerite was employed in
dressing a sallad; and her Step…sons were whispering together at
the further end of the room。  Baptiste having the round of the
Garden to make; ere He could reach the Cottage door; was not yet
arrived。  I seated myself quietly opposite to the Baroness。

A glance upon Marguerite told her that her hint had not been
thrown away upon me。  How different did She now appear to me! 
What before seemed gloom and sullenness; I now found to be
disgust at her Associates; and compassion for my danger。  I
looked up to her as to my only resource; Yet knowing her to be
watched by her Husband with a suspicious eye; I could place but
little reliance on the exertions of her good…will。

In spite of all my endeavours to conceal it; my agitation was but
too visibly expressed upon my countenance。 I was pale; and both
my words and actions were disordered and embarrassed。  The young
Men observed this; and enquired the cause。  I attributed it to
excess of fatigue; and the violent effect produced on me by the
severity of the season。  Whether they believed me or not; I will
not pretend to say:  They at least ceased to embarrass me with
their questions。  I strove to divert my attention from the perils
which surrounded me; by conversing on different subjects with the
Baroness。  I talked of Germany; declaring my intention of
visiting it immediately:  God knows; that I little thought at
that moment of ever seeing it!  She replied to me with great ease
and politeness; professed that the pleasure of making my
acquaintance amply compensated for the delay in her journey; and
gave me a pressing invitation to make some stay at the Castle of
Lindenberg。  As She spoke thus; the Youths exchanged a malicious
smile; which declared that She would be fortunate if She ever
reached that Castle herself。  This action did not escape me; But
I concealed the emotion which it excited in my breast。  I
continued to converse with the Lady; But my discourse was so
frequently incoherent; that as She has since informed me; She
began to doubt whether I was in my right senses。  The fact was;
that while my conversation turned upon one subject; my thoughts
were entirely occupied by another。  I meditated upon the means of
quitting the Cottage; finding my way to the Barn; and giving the
Domestics information of our Host's designs。  I was soon
convinced; how impracticable was the attempt。  Jacques and Robert
watched my every movement with an attentive eye; and I was
obliged to abandon the idea。  All my hopes now rested upon
Claude's not finding the Banditti:  In that case; according to
what I had overheard; we should be permitted to depart unhurt。

I shuddered involuntarily as Baptiste entered the room。  He made
many apologies for his long absence; but 'He had been detained by
affairs impossible to be delayed。'  He then entreated permission
for his family to sup at the same table with us; without which;
respect would not authorize his taking such a liberty。  Oh! how
in my heart I cursed the Hypocrite!  How I loathed his presence;
who was on the point of depriving me of an existence; at that
time infinitely dear!  I had every reason to be satisfied with

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